Natural Stone Floor Repair From The Steam Team in Austin Texas

Natural Stone cleaning austin texas

For the most part, hardsurface floors are an easy flooring option to maintain. But over time, scratches, water and other forms of damage will erode your once appealing hardsurface floors. When this happens, you’ll want to have a solid plan in place of how to renew and refinish your hardwood. We want The Steam Team in Austin, Texas to be part of your plan!

When To Refinish Your Natural Stone Floor

There are some very easy signs to look out for that will tell you that your floor is in need of refinishing. An old, damaged floor will look far different than a newly finished floor. The most obvious sign will be a lack of the shine on the surface that usually characterizes a healthy, finished natural stone floor. If your floor has little to no shine, it might need a refinishing. If you dust and/or mop the floor and it still appears dull, that definitely means that the finish has been worn off. Also be sure to look out for deep scratches or dullness in the floor, as these could go through the finish and allow the floor to be more easily damaged. If you find any scratches that go deeper than the finish, it’s time to have your floor refinished and honed.

Refinishing Process

When our Austin, Texas technicians arrive for the natural stone floor refinishing process, they’ll start with a visual inspection to find the most troubling areas in the floor and work out the best solution. Then they’ll move on the damage repair; fixing all the trouble areas and mark any major problems and scratches. Then the cleaning process will begin; eliminating any traces of dirt or grime on the floor that may get in the way of the refinishing process. Finally, the floor will be refinished by applying two coats of finish, making your natural stone floor look better than ever and adding years to its lifespan.

For more information on natural stone floor refinishing in Austin, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

The Steam Team: Cleaning Professionals

In any home or business with upholstery, keeping it in good condition to give it a sleek look will always be a top priority- and may prove to be a challenge for some. But, you want to make sure it looks great for any guests. Cleaning upholstery the right way requires that you know your specific type of upholstery and the methods required for it. To ease the process and give your upholstery the best clean possible, you should consider calling The Steam Team.

Steam Team Technicians

When you’ve called in our highly trained technicians, they’ll arrive and begin with an inspection of your upholstery to determine what type it is and choose the specific cleaning methods necessary. Then, to make sure that you’re satisfied with what the results of the clean will be, they’ll test the cleaning method out on a small area of the upholstery and let you decide for yourself. If you approve, they’ll begin thoroughly cleaning. Our fair prices will match your needs, if you only have low-end upholstery, the cleaning method won’t cost you as much as it would to clean higher-end upholstery.

Special Protectant

Even after the thorough and long-lasting clean that our technicians provide, in time the upholstery may be worn down by factors like spills, pets or children. Then you’ll have to have your upholstery cleaned again, or even replaced. But if you ask our technicians to apply a special fabric protectant, it can add years to the lifespan of your upholstery by making it much more resistant to spills and damage.

Leather Upholstery

Our technicians will even come prepared for leather upholstery with a full line of products designed for cleaning and conditioning leather. For more information on upholstery cleaning, leather conditioning, and the many other services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

How to Keep Hardwood Flooring Looking New

Hardwood floors are a great choice when it comes to your new home- they’re beautiful, durable, mostly easy to maintain and last a lifetime (literally). Homes that are centuries old have some of the most gorgeous hardwood floors throughout every room and they still look as gorgeous as they did from day one. But, that beauty doesn’t come without some tender love and care over the years- so, how do you keep hardwood flooring looking new?

Detecting Dirt and Dust

Who knows what’s truly lurking against the grain of those beautiful planks? Dirt and dust can hide quite inconspicuously. Just as grime and other dust particles gather around various surfaces, furniture, and fabrics; it settles on your hardwood floors in plain sight.

When you sweep your floors, the dirt and dust are pushed around and could nestle themselves into the cracks and crevices between hardwood planks. So, instead of sweeping...

Dust and Vacuum

FInd a duster or even just a microfiber cloth and run it over your floors to get all of the dust without being too harsh on your floors. Then, couple this with a vacuum and you won’t have to worry about too many particles lodging themselves between the planks of your floors and collecting over time.

Treating Spills and Stains

Rule #1 of cleaning: if it spills, it stays… until somebody comes to clean it up. To keep your hardwood flooring looking clean and pristine, tackle spills and stains right away!

Steam Clean

Whenever your floors are looking dull or seem to be extra dirty, give us a call at The Steam Team. We’re happy to bring our equipment over and give your floors a deep, thorough cleaning.

Throughout the years, hardwood floors can become scuffed and scratched from shoes, furniture, and just general wear and tear. If you’re noticing these things about your hardwoods, it may be time to talk refinishing. We’ve got your back!

Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile looks beautiful in our homes, and comes in a wide array of colors and textures! But the downside of tile (there’s always a downside, isn’t there?) is that it can be difficult to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, and thus absorbs stains quite easily, causing staining, discoloration, and a lot of frustration! So let’s discuss ways in which we can care for and clean our tile and grout!


Seal Your Grout


Sealing your grout is a great way to keep it protected. It fills the seams between tile, and helps it absorb less materials like dirt, dust, sand, and general grime.


Mop Frequently


Mopping is necessary for keeping tile clean. As much as we want to procrastinate it, or simply not do it- there’s no getting around it, friends! So grab your preferred mop and cleaner and get to cleaning! When deciding on which type of cleaner to use, always start with the most mild detergents first. Then work your way up if you find that your selected cleaner isn’t performing how you expected. The frequency at which you mop will depend on how much foot traffic your floor receives. Once a week might be a good medium! Voted best tile and grout cleaning company in Austin. 


Tips for Scrubbing Grout


You can scrub your grout to clean off the gunk and grime. But the #1 rule for scrubbing grout is to not use abrasive materials. This is obviously so that you won’t damage your tile or grout; scratching is easily caused by abrasive scrubbing materials.

Remember, if your grout is just too much to handle, The Steam Team is standing by, ready to help! We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for tile and grout, as well as other types of flooring and surfaces. So when it doubt about tile and grout, rely on The Steam Team!

Top 7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Cleaning Company Austin Texas

Are you thinking of hiring a professional cleaning company? That’s great! Now to further encourage you, here are seven reasons why we think you should trust your gut, and go with the pro’s!


We Know it All


Not all carpets are the same! Details like this one are one reason why cleaning should be left to the professionals. They have the expertise, experience, and equipment for any cleaning job.


Professional Stain Removal


Finally… no more hiding that hideous wine stain underneath your rug. Professionals know stains, and they know how to remove them effectively and permanently.


We Have The Right Equipment


Sometimes, even rented equipment just doesn’t cut it. But the professionals definitely have the right equipment needed for the job. Sometimes that makes all the difference.


Come Home to a Clean House


Have errands to run? No problem. A professional steam cleaning company can be in and out before you know it! No inconvenience there!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs


If you’re looking to sanitize your home this season, choose The Steam Team. Steam cleaning kills germs and bacteria, as well as dust mites and allergens!


Cleans Up After Pets and Children


If you have pets or children in your home, you know the kind of difference this extra foot traffic can make on your carpet. But steam cleaning effortlessly eradicates dirt, dander, dust, and stains from your flooring!


We Provide a ‘Clean’ You Can Trust


No grime left behind, and no residue. You can trust that your flooring, surfaces, furniture, etc is clean as a whistle!

If you’re still not convinced, head on over to our website to read more about the services that The Steam Team offers! We have the right equipment, plenty of experience, and all of the knowledge needed to restore your flooring to its original condition.

The In's and Out's of Cleaning in Austin

Upholstered furniture is a gorgeous addition to your home furniture, no matter where you plan on putting it. Between matching the color of the fabric, the surroundings of the room, and figuring out what pattern speaks to you -- it’s not an easy task to find furniture that works, so when you’ve found the perfect piece, we know how important it is to make that piece last and keep it looking pristine while it lasts. We were voted the best cleaning company in Austin. 


When Life Throws You Curve Balls


Between pets, kids, foods, drinks- our list could go on and on, it isn’t long before that precious piece of furniture is looking worn or even faded. If you need cleaning in Austin call us today. 


There are countless products in the market that might seem like an easy fix, and they might work temporarily, but nothing is going to clean your furniture quite like a professional who knows what they’re doing.


Calling in The Professionals: The Steam Team


While the Steam Team is known for creating floors that sparkle, carpets that feel soft and look pristine again, and fixing tragic fire and water damage, we also pride ourselves on our ability to make upholstery look like it was just purchased. From dirt and grime to those pesky pet accidents (and yes, they really are accidents…), steam cleaning has proven to be one of the most effective and efficient methods of removing stains.


The hardest part of cleaning upholstery is finding a product that works on every type of fabric, not just your fabric. What about other furniture around the house? Surely it’s not all the same color, same type, same pattern, etc. Versatility is key when it comes to cleaning, and that’s why steam cleaning is so ideal for the home and office.


If you’re looking at those pesky stains now, or even thinking about them, give The Steam Team of Austin a call today! 

Can You Clean Marble Flooring? The Steam Team of Austin Can!

Cleaning Austin for 40 years

Cleaning Austin for 40 years

There are many benefits to having marble floors in your home. To start, they help keep the flooring cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. They also look gorgeous, and are relatively easy to care for! But you may be wondering “how do I care for my marble floors?” Well, to start, we have three different ways that marble flooring can be cleaned- and yes, one of them is steam cleaning! Marble floor polishing experts. 


Traditional Mop


Many people still prefer the traditional method when it comes to mopping the floor, though it takes a little bit more work! But if you’re going to set out to mop your floor, let us first warn you; don’t use acidic cleaners on your marble flooring, and vinegar (for once) is not safe. Instead, use heavily diluted dishwashing detergent, or a special marble cleaner.


Dust Mop


Dust mops are great at picking up icky substances that lurk on the surface of our floor, but eventually you’ll need to use a more extreme method. Your marble flooring should be dust mopped on a weekly basis. Now, if you only dust mop, your marble will never be completely clean. But this small chore will help make your cleaning day much easier.


Steam Cleaning


Whether you’re using a rented machine, or you’ve hired the professionals to do it for you, steam cleaning is your best bet! It reaches deep into the pores of marble, extracting dirt and grime with ease (and without chemicals)!


Hiring the Professionals

Don’t DIY. Hire the professionals! They’re there for a reason. And no matter what type of floor you have installed in your home, The Steam Team has the expertise, equipment, and experience necessary for any cleaning job. Give us a call today and we’ll restore your marble flooring to its clean, gleaming condition!

5 Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid During the Summer In Austin, Texas

Grout Cleaning

Grout Cleaning

It’s summertime, and we sure can feel it! Temperatures are rising (along with humidity), and we’re trying our best to keep our homes clean. The door is constantly opening and children and pets are running through the house at random, causing dirt to pile up in the corners of our kitchens and living rooms. But don’t sweat it! We’re going to review a few tips for what not to do this summer while cleaning. And if worse comes to worst, The Steam Team is always standing by to help you out! The best cleaning company in Austin, Texas for grout cleaning.


Mistake # 1: Cleaning in the Incorrect Order


So, when you set out to clean, where do you start? Most people feel tempted to start with the floor- maybe because it bugs us so much. But this is actually a mistake. Start cleaning upward and work your way down; this way, the dust and debris will settle onto the floor, and you can clean it up last.


Mistake # 2: Relying on General Cleaning Products - For Everything


It’s important to read labels on cleaning products to ensure you’re not going to damage your leather sofa, or your carpet, or the countertops, etc! For example, steam cleaning is great for a variety of surfaces, but not hardwood flooring! Know the rules before you begin cleaning.


Mistake # 3: Setting the Wrong Expectations for Time Spent Cleaning


It could take time. A lot of time. And it’s important that you’re aware of this so that you you’re able to thoroughly clean, instead of having to rush toward the end of your allotted time.


Mistake # 4: Clogging Up the Vacuum Cleaner


Be sure to change the vacuum cleaner filter often, or else your vacuuming will be futile. There’s nothing worse than having to redo a cleaning job!


Mistake # 5: Not Taking Your Time


Lastly, take your time while cleaning. Catch every nook and cranny. You’ll be thankful in the long run- we promise!


For expert cleaning or advice, contact The Steam Team. We’ll thoroughly clean your home- without all of the hassle! The Steam Team 222 West Ave. Austin, Texas 78701

Stone Cleaning In Austin, TX

Stone Floor Cleaning In Austin, Texas

Stone Floor Cleaning In Austin, Texas

Marble has been used in art and architecture for millennia as a beautiful- yet strong and durable material. It is a type of metamorphic rock, which is a sedimentary rock—such as limestone—that has been transformed by heat and pressure in the earth. Marble is more rare than limestone, and therefore more expensive. It also has a finer grain, and can be highly polished, which contributes to its decorative appeal.   


Marble is also delicate, so if you are lucky enough to have it in your home, you are probably aware that it requires particular care to avoid damage. Here are a few reminders how to best care for marble.


Natural v.s. Cultured Marble


Before you determine a cleaning method, first check which type of marble you have. Natural marble is generally cooler to the touch, and will fizz in contact with a couple of drops of vinegar (wipe away the vinegar quickly!). In contrast, cultured marble is manufactured with a protective coating that makes it easier to care for and less likely to experience damage.  


If You Have Natural Marble…


Natural marble is very porous, so you must take care to avoid using cleaners with acidic ingredients. Marble also scratches easily, so don’t use anything abrasive, either, such as hard brushes or Comet. Instead use a pH neutral cleaning solution, such as ammonia or dish soap highly diluted with water, with a gentle mop.


Steam cleaning should also be a safe alternative cleaning method for your natural marble flooring, since it only uses water (no harsh chemicals) and doesn’t involve any scrubbing.       


Also be sure to clean up spills immediately before they seep in. If you clean your marble floor with water, dry it afterward with towels to avoid the water soaking in and staining the floor.


If you Have Cultured Marble…


Cultured marble is not as delicate as natural marble. You may use standard household cleaners, even those that contain acidic ingredients. You also don’t have to be as careful about accidentally scratching it! Whew!

Check with The Steam Team about how we can help you clean your marble flooring. With the right know-how and professional equipment, we’ll take the pressure off of how to treat your prized flooring!

5 Secrets to Cleaning Around the Home

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

It’s cleaning day! Time to break out the supplies: a vacuum cleaner, your trusty cleaning solution, and these five tips on eliminating grim around the house:


For Dust, Dirt, & Dander


There’s simply no way to avoid it. When it comes to keeping our floors clean (or at least, presentable) we must establish a regular vacuuming routine! Of course, how frequently you need to vacuum will depend on the level of foot traffic in your home. On average, you should be vacuuming at least once a week- it’ll make the chore much easier in the long run!


We suggest vacuuming for its convenience: it’s easier on the body, will save time and energy, etc. If you do not own a vacuum cleaner suitable for tile and hardwood, a broom or floor duster will suffice.


For that Stubborn Soap Scum


Removing soap scum requires an intense amount of pressure- a pressure easily achieved by a steam cleaner. If the soap scum in your bathroom has hardened, we recommend saving yourself time and frustration by either renting a steam cleaning machine, or giving a professional a call!


For Spills & Stains


Keeping spills and stains off upholstered furniture is no easy task!


It’s all about quick reflexes! Not really- just be sure to tend to spills and accidents as quickly as you can. This will help prevent permanent staining.


For Gruesome, Grimy Grout


Grout: the sole reason you procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Grout is porous in nature, and absorbs grime very quickly. Cleaning grout is a tiring process, and oftentimes we struggle to achieve the results we desire. If your regular mopping and scrubbing isn’t cutting it consider hiring a professional.


For Anything & Everything Else

For everything else… Call in The Steam Team! If we haven’t said it already- steam cleaning is one of the most efficient, most effective methods of cleaning. Whether we’re deep-cleaning your kitchen after the holidays, or replacing that grimy grout, you’ll be amazed at The Steam Team’s results!

How Effective is Steam Cleaning?

Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Maybe you’ve heard about the impressive qualities of a steam cleaner, and the even more outstanding results that it delivers. But you may be wondering… Just how effective is steam cleaning? What’s so special about it? It’s normal to feel skeptical about changing your routine! That’s why we’re going to review a few of steam cleaning’s most impressive qualities, and why it may be beneficial to have your home professionally cleaned.


  1. Deep Cleaning


If you or another member of your household has allergies or asthma, you’ll appreciate the power and intensity of a thorough steam cleaning. The process easily removes dust mites and allergens from your home, allowing you to breathe easier, and live healthier!


  1. Chemical-Free


Other household cleaning products may leave behind residue that lingers in our environment, potentially harming our health. However, steam cleaning will thoroughly remove dust and debris from your carpet and/or furniture without the use of chemicals! You won’t find any leftover residue or markings.


  1. Knocks Out Mold


Mold- it spawns, it spreads, it destroys everything in its path! When handling a mold issue, the most important thing you can do is to act quickly. Once you’ve contacted your local cleaning and restoration company, the rest is up to the professionals. With intense heat and high pressure, a steam cleaner is the perfect tool for removing mold from your home.


Steam cleaning can be effective in many different situations. It’s perfect for dealing with pesky, stubborn stains, removing unwanted odors, or regular, routine deep cleaning. Choose steam cleaning over dry mopping for a thorough cleaning that you can trust.

And remember, if you’re looking for a professional touch, be sure to give The Steam Team a call today! We have all of the right tools and equipment to help your home look brand new again!