Natural Stone Floor Repair From The Steam Team in Austin Texas

Natural Stone cleaning austin texas

For the most part, hardsurface floors are an easy flooring option to maintain. But over time, scratches, water and other forms of damage will erode your once appealing hardsurface floors. When this happens, you’ll want to have a solid plan in place of how to renew and refinish your hardwood. We want The Steam Team in Austin, Texas to be part of your plan!

When To Refinish Your Natural Stone Floor

There are some very easy signs to look out for that will tell you that your floor is in need of refinishing. An old, damaged floor will look far different than a newly finished floor. The most obvious sign will be a lack of the shine on the surface that usually characterizes a healthy, finished natural stone floor. If your floor has little to no shine, it might need a refinishing. If you dust and/or mop the floor and it still appears dull, that definitely means that the finish has been worn off. Also be sure to look out for deep scratches or dullness in the floor, as these could go through the finish and allow the floor to be more easily damaged. If you find any scratches that go deeper than the finish, it’s time to have your floor refinished and honed.

Refinishing Process

When our Austin, Texas technicians arrive for the natural stone floor refinishing process, they’ll start with a visual inspection to find the most troubling areas in the floor and work out the best solution. Then they’ll move on the damage repair; fixing all the trouble areas and mark any major problems and scratches. Then the cleaning process will begin; eliminating any traces of dirt or grime on the floor that may get in the way of the refinishing process. Finally, the floor will be refinished by applying two coats of finish, making your natural stone floor look better than ever and adding years to its lifespan.

For more information on natural stone floor refinishing in Austin, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

The Best Way to Care for your Tile and Grout Austin Texas

High moisture areas, like our bathrooms for example, can be difficult to keep clean! Tile works great in these areas, but unfortunately, because of grout’s porous nature, it can stain easily, or become discolored. And to make matters worse, it’s typically a light color to begin with. So let’s discuss a few ways to keep high moisture areas clean, and that tile looking marvelous! We clean tile and grout all over Austin so if you need service give us a call. 


The Mopping Method


Sweeping and mopping are things that you’ll need to do frequently to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime. Incorporate these chores into your weekly routine and you’ll be much better off. When mopping, start with the mildest cleaning solution before moving onto stronger ones. Use your trusty mop, and work from the furthermost corner and outward. Some other services you might not be aware of that we offer are natural stone and marble cleaning


The Scrubbing Method


Now, it’s important to remember here to not use abrasive materials on your tile- or you’ll risk scratching it, which would be quite counterproductive. You’ll need a scrub brush, but not one that’s going to scratch your beautiful tile! Try to find something in between. And if this method doesn’t work out for you, move straight onto…


The Steam Cleaning Method


This is the best method for taking care of tile and grout! A professional grade steam cleaning machine can reach deep within the pores of grout and extract dirt and grime! And the best part is that it can do this without the use of chemicals. Nothing but hot water and high water pressure go into steam cleaning! It’s efficient and effective!


If your tile and grout is in need of a deep cleaning, or your whole bathroom, at that- don’t hesitate to call in your leading professional steam cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX: The Steam Team! We have over a decade of experience cleaning homes and offices alike, and can’t wait to make your bathroom sparkle! Voted best tile cleaning company in Austin, Texas by the Austin Monthly Magazine. 

Glistening Grout: 3 Ways to Keep it Clean

Tile And Marble Cleaning 

Tile And Marble Cleaning 

Tile looks great and glistening when first installed, and really adds a nice, light touch to our kitchens and bathrooms. But it can be quite difficult to keep it looking that way, especially with heavy foot traffic, pets, children, or all of the above! Luckily, with the help of The Steam Team, we can restore your tile to its original condition; never hesitate to give us a call! But until then, follow these three simple tips for keeping your grout in optimal condition:


Mopping on the Regular


Mopping your flooring on a regular basis will help keep it clean! For best results, use a mop with a microfiber cloth attached to it, and don’t forget to sweep beforehand! Sweeping will help tremendously- especially when it comes time for cleaning day.


Using the Scrub Brush


Sometimes it just takes a little bit of elbow grease, and a lot of determination! This method may be a bit more difficult, but scrubbing tile and grout is another way of keeping it clean. You can use a concoction of baking soda and vinegar, or you can use your favorite go-to commercial cleaner- as long as it's specified for grout, you’re good to go! Scrub away!


Tile Cleaning


Here at The Steam Team, we believe that steam cleaning is the best way to clean tile and grout! A professional grade steam cleaner reaches deep within the pores of grout to extract dirt, grime, and other nasty substances that have been absorbed over time. Not to mention, it restores the shine in your tile- effortlessly.


Is your tile and marble are in need of a thorough deep cleaning? If so, don’t wait- call The Steam Team! We can restore your tile and grout to its original, glistening condition- and we’ll be out in no time!

5 Secrets to Cleaning Around the Home

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

It’s cleaning day! Time to break out the supplies: a vacuum cleaner, your trusty cleaning solution, and these five tips on eliminating grim around the house:


For Dust, Dirt, & Dander


There’s simply no way to avoid it. When it comes to keeping our floors clean (or at least, presentable) we must establish a regular vacuuming routine! Of course, how frequently you need to vacuum will depend on the level of foot traffic in your home. On average, you should be vacuuming at least once a week- it’ll make the chore much easier in the long run!


We suggest vacuuming for its convenience: it’s easier on the body, will save time and energy, etc. If you do not own a vacuum cleaner suitable for tile and hardwood, a broom or floor duster will suffice.


For that Stubborn Soap Scum


Removing soap scum requires an intense amount of pressure- a pressure easily achieved by a steam cleaner. If the soap scum in your bathroom has hardened, we recommend saving yourself time and frustration by either renting a steam cleaning machine, or giving a professional a call!


For Spills & Stains


Keeping spills and stains off upholstered furniture is no easy task!


It’s all about quick reflexes! Not really- just be sure to tend to spills and accidents as quickly as you can. This will help prevent permanent staining.


For Gruesome, Grimy Grout


Grout: the sole reason you procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Grout is porous in nature, and absorbs grime very quickly. Cleaning grout is a tiring process, and oftentimes we struggle to achieve the results we desire. If your regular mopping and scrubbing isn’t cutting it consider hiring a professional.


For Anything & Everything Else

For everything else… Call in The Steam Team! If we haven’t said it already- steam cleaning is one of the most efficient, most effective methods of cleaning. Whether we’re deep-cleaning your kitchen after the holidays, or replacing that grimy grout, you’ll be amazed at The Steam Team’s results!