The Do's and Don'ts of area rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug CLeaning Austin TExas

Owning a home is a lot of work, and when you’re cleaning, it can be difficult to clean every little area of your Austin, Texas home. One of the frequently overlooked places to clean are area rugs. So if you’ve neglected to clean your oriental area rugs for a while, you might be wondering, what is the right way to clean your area rugs in Austin?

Don’t Do This

A lot of people think they just shouldn’t have to area rugs their drapes at all, and they’ll just keep them for a couple years or so until they get old, and then throw them out. But there’s a significant fact that some people overlook; the cost of area rugs cleaning is far less than the cost of replacing the area rugs altogether. Every two to four years, depending on various conditions in the home, drapery will start to show signs of soil. Having the drapes properly cleaned instead can double, or even triple, the lifespan of your drapes, saving you money in the long run.

Do This Instead

Now how does proper cleaning work? You can’t just throw your area rugs in the laundry machine unfortunately, due to the fabric most area rugs are made with. But when you call in The Steam Team of Austin, our professional and highly trained technicians will inspect the oriental area rugs to determine the exact cleaning method appropriate for your specific material. They may use either a dry cleaning process or a low moisture hot water extraction method to completely clean your oriental area rugs. Even the most delicate of fabrics will receive the proper care from our technicians. At the end of the process, all dirt, stains and debris will be fully removed from the drapes, and they’ll be left to dry. We have an area rug cleaning facility located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas.

Steam Team Cleaning Professionals

Hopefully we’ve shown you that you can save that old fabric rather than having to throw it out. Our professional technicians are always ready for your call. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website. We are Austin’s cleaning service experts. since 1983! 40 years of cleaning in Austin, Texas makes us the leader in the cleaning and restoration industry.

Expert Rug Service From The Steam Team

Area Rug CLeaning Austin TX

We at The Steam Team are now one of a select few companies that have been certified as “Master Rug Cleaners”, a distinguished certification that requires extensive training and expertise. So what is it that makes The Steam Team so different when it comes to cleaning valuable Oriental and Persian rugs?

Steam Team: Rug Experts

The first thing that sets The Steam Team apart when it comes to rugs is that we understand the value of your Oriental rug. We understand that for many people it's more than just a gorgeous decoration, it’s an investment. Oriental rugs, if they’re kept up well enough, increase in value over time. Because of this, we only use technology, tools, and equipment designed specifically for a gentle and safe cleaning of your oriental rugs. This is one reason we’re the best carpet and rug cleaning service in the Austin area!

Our Rug Process

The Steam Team’s rug cleaning process will begin with a thorough inspection of your fine textile to determine the best cleaning method for your specific type of rug. After inspection, our professional technicians will use pressurized air to carefully remove all loose dirt particles from the rug. Then, a pile lifter and vacuum is used to carefully remove the remaining dirt.

When all dirt has been removed, it’s time for the real cleaning to begin. The rug will be sprayed with a preconditioning agent and shampooed with area rug cleaning agents. The next step will be to completely rinse away all contaminants along with the cleaning solution. The rug will then be hand groomed to insure perfect lay of the fibers and to promote even drying.

With the cleaning finished, it’s time for drying and finishing touches. Your rug will be hung up to dry in our controlled atmosphere drying room to ensure the best conditions possible. When drying is complete, your rug will be inspected again to ensure it has been fully cleaned and dried, then our technicians will hand-comb all fringes and use specialized tools to brighten them to their original color.

Now you know why you should choose The Steam Team for your fine rug cleaning needs. For more information, be sure to call or visit The Steam Team website.

The Best Tips for Keeping Carpet and Rug Clean

Keeping carpet clean and in good condition is no easy job! But with a few easy tips and tricks, The Steam Team can help you keep your carpet looking its best. So without further ado, here are five great tips for keeping your carpet clean! 

Use a Welcome Mat

Welcome mats serve three purposes: they greet you and your house guests, add a touch of decoration to your porch, and most importantly, they help to catch dirt, sand, mud, etc that’s on your shoes! How convenient is that? If we were you, we’d get ourselves a doormat! 

Remove Shoes at the Door

It can be helpful to remove your shoes altogether once you’ve entered your home. You can keep a decorative basket near the entrances to your home for the shoes to be tossed into. Then, the only thing to make contact with your clean and pristine carpet are your clean, fresh socks!

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is, of course, important when it comes to keeping carpet clean. It’s the easiest way to extract dirt and dust from your carpeting! But unfortunately, sometimes our vacuum cleaners just can’t get it all and we need to go to greater lengths to clean our carpet. That’s when the pro’s step in! 

Collect Pet Hair

Pet hair, it’s a plight, for sure! It often becomes entangled in the fibers of our carpeting, and sometimes the vacuum cleaner can’t pull it up. In these cases, it could be helpful to use a broom to essentially sweep the pet hair off of your carpet, and into a pile that you can easily pick up and remove. 

Call in the Professionals

Occasionally, call in the professionals to care for your carpet! The Steam Team is a team of trained professionals who are standing by 24/7 to help you out! So go ahead, give us a call today! Your carpeting will look like brand new when we’re finished.

The Benefits of Cleaning - Austin, Texas

If you’re new to steam cleaning, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. What’s so special? Why is this method superior to other, more traditional methods of cleaning? Well, we’re here to hopefully answer all of your questions. Below, The Steam Team has three basic benefits to steam cleaning your home or office today. 

It’s a Clean You Can Trust

Gone are the days of leftover residue and doubts: is this truly clean? A steam cleaner cleans your home like nothing else does. It provides a certain level of clean that you can truly trust! And best of all, there won’t be any residue left behind. Nothing but a clean, smooth surface, instead. 

It’s Safe For the Environment

Secondly, steam cleaning is completely safe for the environment, and that includes your children and pets! Because steam cleaning doesn’t involve the use of any chemicals or cleaning products, and doesn't leave behind a residue, there’s no harm done. Steam cleaning only uses hot water, and highly pressurized steam to thoroughly clean anything from tile and grout, to window blinds. 

It Saves You Effort and Legwork

I think we all can agree that most cleaning methods are pretty rigorous; there’s either a lot of scrubbing, or mopping, or waxing involved. However, our last benefit for you is that steam cleaning saves you from all of that effort and legwork. Especially if you call in the professionals! A professional-grade steam cleaner effortlessly lifts dirt and grime from the pores of grout, and the surfaces of tile- and so much more! 

If your home or office is in need of a steam cleaning, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We have all of the right tools, equipment, and expertise for any cleaning or restoration job! And we’re available 24/7 for emergency reconstruction, as well. So don’t wait. GIve us a call today. 

The Best Ways to Maintain Your Area Rugs

Do you have area rugs in your home? If so, you know the struggle it can be do keep them clean and presentable, and to help them last long! Friends, we’re here to tell you that it isn’t impossible. Below, we have the best tips for caring for and maintaining your area rugs. Just keep reading, and happy cleaning!

Vacuum Your Rugs on the Regular

Let’s start with the basics. It’s important to vacuum your rugs regularly! Think of how frequently you have to sweep and mop your hardwood or stone flooring; those carpets are just as messy. Vacuuming will help keep your rugs in pristine condition, and it will also keep the carpet fibers from becoming matted down and unsightly!

Blot Stains With a Clean Cloth

If you’ve ever spilled something onto your area rugs, you know how difficult stains can be to remove! But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Always blot the wet area with a clean, white cloth. Change out the cloth to make sure it’s always absorbing the liquid. Don’t rub the stain, as this can cause it to spread! Just keep blotting and using your handy dandy household cleaner (one that’s meant for area rugs) until the stain has been removed.

Call in The Steam Team

Finally, we recommend having your area rugs steam cleaned! A professional-grade steam cleaning machine can effectively rid your area rugs of stains (even the older, set in stains). The machine reaches deep within the carpet fibers in your rugs and extracts dirt, dander, dust, and other allergens- and of course, those pesky stains.

Give The Steam Team a call today for help caring for your area rugs! We’ll make sure we treat them with care, and that they look clean and pristine when we’re through with them. So don’t delay; put your trust in The Steam Team today!

Do You Live in A Highrise?

Do you live in a high rise? Does it need a thorough, professional, deep cleaning? Well fortunately, The Steam Team can help out with that! Here are just a few areas in your high rise that we can clean up and restore to original condition! Hopefully the next time you need a deep cleaning, you’ll call in The Steam Team! We’re happy to help out!




Carpet cleaning is no joke, friends! It has to be done regularly and carefully to thoroughly remove dirt, dust, allergens, and other grime from its fibers. We can steam clean your carpet back to its original condition… just say the word!


Tile and Grout


Only a steam cleaner can reach deep within the pores of grout to extract unwanted grime and clean up discoloration! If your high rise has tile and grout in the bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere, give us a call. We’ll have it cleaned up in no time.




Finally, rid your environment of dust and allergens by having your drapes cleaned by The Steam Team! Drapery cleaning is a cinch when you’re The Steam Team; we won’t even have to remove them from where they hang, most likely!


Leather Furniture


From dry dusting, to vacuuming, to conditioning, we can certainly take care of your leather furniture! It could be time to revamp the look of your entire living room!




Does your upholstery have a stain or three? Let us take over; you’ll be amazed at what we can extract from your upholstery. It’ll (hopefully) look like brand new when we’re finished! No more hiding that stain with a blanket, or chair cover!


So you see friends, The Steam Team can be enormously helpful when it comes time to deep clean your high rise! So don’t hesitate; give us a call today! We’ll be out in no time, and everything will look like new when we’re finished with the job!

Treating Pet Odors - For Good

We love our pets. That couldn’t be closer to the truth. But we definitely aren’t fond of the odors that come along with them. Perhaps we can all agree on that. Fortunately, The Steam Team has no problem removing pet odors from your home. You just have to give us a call first! Rely on The Steam Team for any and all of your cleaning and restoration needs; you won’t regret it!


Until we arrive, here’s how you can treat your home for pet odors:


Vacuum Often


We know our pets track in dirt, sand, and mud from outside that needs to be vacuumed frequently. But another thing that we may not think about as often is pet hair that is tangled in our carpet fibers. This causes odor for sure! Vacuum frequently to make sure you’re collecting all of your pet’s fur and reducing the odor in your home.


Use the Right Cleaners


It’s also important to make sure you’re using the right cleaning solutions when tackling pet odor. For example, when cleaning urine spots, you should only use enzyme cleaners; cleaners that are not enzyme will essentially do nothing for you!


Have Carpets Professionally Cleaned


Occasionally, it’s wise to have your carpets professionally cleaned! A professional steam cleaning company, for instance, will have all of the correct tools, cleaners, and equipment for the job! There’s just nothing like that expert clean. So don’t hesitate; contact The Steam Team today!


The Steam Team is available 24/7 to help out and is happy to come out and help remove pet odor from your home. We’ll tackle urine stains both old and new, and work to clean and restore your carpets to their original condition. You can rely on us to get this job done efficiently and effectively! And you won’t be able to believe our results.

3 Dusty Places to Take Care of this Spring

Are you spring cleaning this year? We hope so! Not just because it’s a good practice in general, but because The Steam Team can help you out! Whether you’re looking to have your air ducts professionally cleaned, or your floors steam cleaned, we’re here for you. We can cover almost anything with our professional-grade steam cleaner!


Air Ducts


Air ducts are notorious for hoarding dust, dirt, dander, and other allergens. If you’re having trouble with your allergies this season (even indoors), then it may be time to check out your air ducts and have them professionally cleaned. You won’t regret it! And how often do you need to do this, anyway? Let’s just get it over with.


Underneath Furniture


When was the last time you moved your couch and checked underneath for dust, dirt, and pet hair? It’s probably safe to say that this doesn’t happen very often. It may be a pain to physically move your furniture around to make sure everything is cleaned thoroughly, but we promise: the results are well worth the effort.


Ceiling Fans


Try this: turn off your ceiling fan (because we know it runs almost constantly). Now, what do you see? Dust? More dust? So much dust you forgot what color the blades were? That’s okay. Ceiling fan blades can be steam cleaned! So after you’ve dusted, give The Steam Team a call; we’ll be able to reach those tight spots and give your fan the thorough clean that it deserves.

And there you have it, friends! Now, don’t forget: there are plenty of other dusty areas around your home or office, so don’t neglect those! And also don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team, no matter what you need done around your home. We’re not just here for spring cleaning! We can help with cleanup and restoration, too!

Maintaining the Longevity of Leather

Leather furniture can really add an incredible appeal to a room- and that’s not its only benefit, either. Leather is one of the strongest and longest lasting materials used to upholster furniture, but it’s also the most involved. By that, we mean it requires a little more maintenance (although different maintenance than other fabrics). Here at The Steam Team, we’ve set out to help you maintain your leather furniture so that it lasts as long as possible, and looks as if you’ve just bought it. Just follow this quick guide to leather maintenance and you’ll be good to go!


Wipe Down and Dust

The easiest (and best) way to regularly clean your leather furniture is with a dry microfiber cloth. It’s cheap- you probably already have one laying around your house- and quick! All you need to do is wipe down any exposed area to make sure there isn’t any dust or other particles collecting on the material.


For larger messes, you can use the attachment from your vacuum cleaner for another quick and easy cleanup. This is also the easiest way to reach those difficult, small spaces like cracks and crevices in the corners.


Be Wary of Products

Other than regularly wiping down your leather furniture, you want to be extremely wary of what products you choose to clean it with. Leather is sensitive, so using anything harsh can damage the material. In fact, the best thing to do is keep away from cleaning products in general when it comes to your leather furniture. The only product you need is conditioner- to keep the material completely moisturized through the years.


Keeping your leather upholstery clean and conditioned will help to optimize its elasticity, help it last much longer, and of course, help it to look inviting to not only you, but any house guests you have over! And don’t forget- if you find yourself in over your head with your leather furniture, we here at The Steam Team are always available to help you out.

How to Care for Area and Area Rugs

Ah, our area and oriental rugs… sometimes we use them to cover those gross, unsightly stains, and sometimes they’re family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation. Either way, they look lovely in our homes, and they need to be deep cleaned occasionally. But how do you clean your rugs? Well, let’s take a stab at answering that question today!


Cleaning Area and Oriental Rugs


Here’s how the process works when you call The Steam Team to take care of your area or oriental rug! First, we use our expert knowledge to inspect your textiles. Just by looking at the fibers and dyes involved in your carpets, we can tell which cleaning type we need to use. Then, using a pile lifter and vacuum, we’ll remove soil and dirt from the fibers of the rugs. Finally, we’ll perform a final inspection to make sure we’ve thoroughly cleaned your rugs! We won’t leave until they look brand new.


You Can Trust The Steam Team


Through a process that we’ve been practicing for over a decade now, The Steam Team can remove dirt, dust, allergens, debris, and stains from your area and oriental rugs! Just think about it: these substances cling to the carpet fibers in our rugs. Our children play on them, our pets nap on them, and we walk on them all day long (which, grossly pushes clouds of dust into the air!). It’s important to keep your area and oriental rugs clean- for the sake of cleanliness, and for your health! But don’t worry- The Steam Team is always here to help!


You can rely on The Steam Team to properly clean your area and oriental rugs! For over a decade now, we’ve been cleaning rugs in the Austin area. And don’t worry; we know exactly what we’re doing, and have the perfect tools for the job (they’ll be gentle and safe for your precious rugs)!

Cleaning and Care for Wool Rugs by The Steam Team of Austin Texas

Rug Washing Plant Austin Texas

Rug Washing Plant Austin Texas

If you have any wool rugs lying around your home (get it? lying?), you know how tedious it can be to keep them clean! Fortunately, today we have a few great tips for cleaning, taking care of, and removing stains from wool carpeted rugs. It’s not a complicated process, so don’t worry, folks. And as always, the professionals can step in and give you a hand! Rug cleaning Austin, Texas located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas


Cleaning and Caring for Wool Rugs


Did you know that the dirt and dust that’s caught up in your rugs can rub against the carpet fibers and damage them over time? The first step to cleaning your rug is taking it outside for a  good shake! You could also hang it from a clothesline and beat the dust of out of it; it’s great therapy! Rug cleaning specialists since 1983.


You can also vacuum your rug. Make sure to do this twice a month at least, and vacuum the underside once every two months.


When it comes time to shampoo your rug, you’ll want to make sure the above steps have already been completed. Use a sponge, and a mild soap or rug shampoo. When finished, rinse it with cool, clean water, and viola, you’re done! To try the rug, hang it up outside; don’t place it in the dryer! Voted best rug cleaning company in Austin. 


Stain Removal Tips for Wool Carpeted Rugs


Of course, the first step to stain removal is to always catch the spill or accident as soon as it occurs. This puts you ahead of the game! For wet stains on wool rugs, absorb as much moisture as you can by placing a clean towel over the stain and pressing your weight against it. Try using this mixture for stains: ½ tsp of dishwashing liquid, two cups of water, and ½ C of white vinegar. Use a sponge to scrub away the stain, but be as gentle as possible!


Feel free to call in the professionals for rug or carpet cleaning! We have all the right equipment- compiled with experience and expertise to care for your carpets! For the best rug cleaning in Austin call The Steam Team. 

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Cleaning seems simple enough, right? You choose a disinfectant, you find an old rag, and scrub your counter tops until they look less dingy. Maybe you grab the vacuum, or sludge the mop around the kitchen a bit, and then call it a day.


While there are a lot of right ways to clean, there are also a lot of wrong ways to do it. Because yes, just because you brought out the duster, it doesn’t mean your house is actually clean. Area rug cleaning in Austin, Tx.

You’re Using Dangerous Chemicals


It might seem that in order to get a deep, long lasting clean, you need to use harsh chemicals and strong cleaning supplies. While it's understandable why someone might think that using bleach or dumping other toxins in their house will help get rid of stains, not only is it unsafe for your family, it’s also unsafe for your home.


Fortunately, The Steam Team doesn’t use any harsh chemicals throughout our cleaning services. It’s all in the high-pressure steam! Well, and a team of well-trained professionals, of course.

You Just Clean The Surface


There are two ways to clean your house: deep cleaning, or surface cleaning. Too often, we clean in a frenzy moments before company arrives, and we barely scratch the surface. When cleaning, we promote a healthier environment. We can do this by ridding our homes of dust and dander, and removing old stains and odors. If you only clean the surface, your home might look beautiful on the outside, but the inside will remain dirty and unhealthy. And after all that work, is it really worth it?

You Keep Putting It Off


Finally, the worst way to clean your house is to not do it at all!


Sure, it seems like it’s not that big of a deal. What does it matter if you have a few stains or dust bunnies? But other than just appearance, not having a clean home can greatly impact its resale value, your quality of life, and the longevity of your carpet and furniture.


So if you can’t stand cleaning, or know it’s long past time to get your floor deep cleaned, check out The Steam Team’s services, and let us help you have the clean home of your dreams!

Pet-Proofing Your Carpet and Area Rugs

Fire Damage Austin

Fire Damage Austin

Carpet looks beautiful in our homes- most of the time. When our beloved pets “mark their territory,” in the wrong place, spill liquids onto the floor, and generally run a muck in our living rooms… our carpet shows it. It’s not as easy to keep carpet looking clean and brand new when there are pets around, but it’s not impossible, either!

When you live with pets, certain stains will occur more frequently than others. So gear up, and get ready to battle stains like dirt, mud, and yes… even pet urine.

Carpet Cleaning & Stain Removal Tips

Mud stains can be removed from carpet fairly easily. Simply clean up all excess clumps of dirt, and layer the stained area with either baking soda, or salt. This will absorb any remaining moisture from the stain. After a few hours, vacuum the excess salt, and use a damp, soapy cloth to blot the remainder of the stain.

If you’re battling a urine stain, we recommend starting by absorbing all of the excess moisture from the area. You can use a shop vacuum if you own one, or alternatively, clean paper towels or washcloths.

Once the area is dry, begin with a solution of white vinegar and warm water (50/50). Mix enough of this solution to reach deep into your carpet. With a scrub brush, vigorously scrub the mixture into the stain.

Other remedies include a mixture of dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide. Apply this solution to your carpet just as you did with the vinegar, and scrub forcefully until the stain has been removed.

Finally, if the stain is persistent, it may be time to call in a professional steam cleaning company. For professional results that will leave you shocked, and your carpet spotless, call The Steam Team today! The Steam Team has several years of experience in cleaning and caring for many different types of flooring, including carpet, tile, grout, hardwood, natural stone, and more!

How Effective is Steam Cleaning?

Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Maybe you’ve heard about the impressive qualities of a steam cleaner, and the even more outstanding results that it delivers. But you may be wondering… Just how effective is steam cleaning? What’s so special about it? It’s normal to feel skeptical about changing your routine! That’s why we’re going to review a few of steam cleaning’s most impressive qualities, and why it may be beneficial to have your home professionally cleaned.


  1. Deep Cleaning


If you or another member of your household has allergies or asthma, you’ll appreciate the power and intensity of a thorough steam cleaning. The process easily removes dust mites and allergens from your home, allowing you to breathe easier, and live healthier!


  1. Chemical-Free


Other household cleaning products may leave behind residue that lingers in our environment, potentially harming our health. However, steam cleaning will thoroughly remove dust and debris from your carpet and/or furniture without the use of chemicals! You won’t find any leftover residue or markings.


  1. Knocks Out Mold


Mold- it spawns, it spreads, it destroys everything in its path! When handling a mold issue, the most important thing you can do is to act quickly. Once you’ve contacted your local cleaning and restoration company, the rest is up to the professionals. With intense heat and high pressure, a steam cleaner is the perfect tool for removing mold from your home.


Steam cleaning can be effective in many different situations. It’s perfect for dealing with pesky, stubborn stains, removing unwanted odors, or regular, routine deep cleaning. Choose steam cleaning over dry mopping for a thorough cleaning that you can trust.

And remember, if you’re looking for a professional touch, be sure to give The Steam Team a call today! We have all of the right tools and equipment to help your home look brand new again!