Natural Stone Floor Repair From The Steam Team in Austin Texas

Natural Stone cleaning austin texas

For the most part, hardsurface floors are an easy flooring option to maintain. But over time, scratches, water and other forms of damage will erode your once appealing hardsurface floors. When this happens, you’ll want to have a solid plan in place of how to renew and refinish your hardwood. We want The Steam Team in Austin, Texas to be part of your plan!

When To Refinish Your Natural Stone Floor

There are some very easy signs to look out for that will tell you that your floor is in need of refinishing. An old, damaged floor will look far different than a newly finished floor. The most obvious sign will be a lack of the shine on the surface that usually characterizes a healthy, finished natural stone floor. If your floor has little to no shine, it might need a refinishing. If you dust and/or mop the floor and it still appears dull, that definitely means that the finish has been worn off. Also be sure to look out for deep scratches or dullness in the floor, as these could go through the finish and allow the floor to be more easily damaged. If you find any scratches that go deeper than the finish, it’s time to have your floor refinished and honed.

Refinishing Process

When our Austin, Texas technicians arrive for the natural stone floor refinishing process, they’ll start with a visual inspection to find the most troubling areas in the floor and work out the best solution. Then they’ll move on the damage repair; fixing all the trouble areas and mark any major problems and scratches. Then the cleaning process will begin; eliminating any traces of dirt or grime on the floor that may get in the way of the refinishing process. Finally, the floor will be refinished by applying two coats of finish, making your natural stone floor look better than ever and adding years to its lifespan.

For more information on natural stone floor refinishing in Austin, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

The Easiest Way to Clean Granite

Granite is the perfect material for many surfaces in our homes- from the kitchen, to bathrooms, and even the floors, it’s versatile and beautiful all-in-one. While undoubtedly durable, natural stone can sometimes be tricky to clean (and keep that way). That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the easiest ways to care for and clean your granite, no matter where it is!


Install a Sealant

Before you even get to cleaning, make sure your granite is sealed with a proper sealant before placing anything on top of it. A sealant will keep any spills from harming your stone or causing stains over time. Now, a sealant won’t last forever so you may need to re-apply a sealant if your granite has been around for several years.


Create A Cleaning Routine

We all know by now how important it is to clean your floors, furniture, and everything else regularly in order to keep it maintained and lasting as long as possible. When it comes to granite or any other natural stone, the process is no different. However, you want to find a cleaning solution that is specific to the stone you’re cleaning so as to not damage any part of your surfaces or flooring.


Use the Right Equipment

Scrubbing your counters with a hard scrub brush is probably not the best idea for natural stone. Instead, try grabbing a microfiber cloth or another type of fabric cloth to work your way through those spots and stains.


Whether you’re replacing your countertops or looking to freshen up your old ones, we’re here for you. Our team of experienced technicians has the equipment and the knowledge to finish the job- and finish it right! So, if you’re looking for installation or a good ‘ol deep cleaning, count on The Steam Team to get it done.