Notice Discoloration Or Cracks In Your Hardwood Floor? Here's What To Do

Cleaning Companies AUstin texas

Hardwood floors are a lovely addition to any home or business space, as long as you can keep them well maintained. Do you know the signs to look out for to tell if your hardwood floor needs refinishing? If your hardwood floor has tons of little scratches on the surface, or obvious cracks, or has become completely dull, and won’t be sleek and shiny again no matter how much you clean it, you may need refinishing. So how do you go about having your floor properly refinished?

Professional Hardwood Floor Services

A quick search on the internet will show you that there are alot of different cleaning companies you can go to for hardwood floor refinishing. Most companies will agree with you on a specific time, and then come in and start working on the floor without much prior consultation. But here at The Steam Team, we want to take our time to get the job done right, so that you won’t have to call us up to come fix a mistake later down the line. When you give The Steam Team a call about your hardwood floors, our professionals will give your floor a thorough inspection first, asking you questions along the way and walking you through the best solutions for your floor. Then they’ll begin extensive damage repair, fixing all cracks and splits in the hardwood before they move on to a full cleaning. Once the floor has had a full cleaning and abrasion, it’ll be ready for refinishing.

For the actual refinishing, two separate coats of sealer will be applied. Once they’ve both had time to dry, your hardwood floor will be cleaner and brighter than ever before, and it’ll be strengthened for years to come.

Steam Team Professionals

When you go with The Steam Team for hardwood floor refinishing, you’ll be choosing the most highly trained technicians with years of experience, using only high-powered professional equipment for a completely dust-free refinishing process. For more information on how we can help you with hardwood floor refinishing, or our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

Ridding Your Home or Business of Viruses in Austin

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Throughout the pandemic, we’ve all learned the importance of keeping things clean, especially your home if you may have had visitors who were carrying Covid-19, or any other virus. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a virus cleaning service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business!

Give Steam Team a Call

To receive a Covid-19 cleaning service from our professional technicians, just give us a call or an email any time to have a free consultation and figure out exactly what kind of cleaning service you’d like. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Antiviral Cleanup Process

The first step our technicians will take is putting on OSHA-approved personal protective equipment. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

The Dangers of Dirty Air In The Workplace

Cleaning company in Austin

Cleaning company in Austin

Any good business owner should want things to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in the workplace, while ensuring good conditions for the workers and earning maximum profit. Let’s talk about how dirty air in the workplace can be disastrous for all of these goals. And then we’ll discuss what you can do to fix the problem if your air systems are putting out dirty air in your business or the business you work in.

Examining The Dangers

If you own a business or work in one and you suspect that the air ducts may not have been cleaned in a long while, it’s important to understand exactly what that means. Air ducts that pump out dirty air can have very negative effects on employees, customers/clients or anyone else in the building. Dust and debris that re-enter the air may cause allergies or respiratory issues, or greatly worsen symptoms for people who already have respiratory issues. Mold growth in the air ducts can be even worse, causing even more severe symptoms of allergy and respiratory issues, creating a work environment that won’t be healthy for anyone. If you own a building or work in a building where you suspect that this is happening, hire professionals to clean the air ducts as soon as possible

Aside from the clear negative effects that it can have on people in the building, dirty air ducts can also have negative effects on the finances of the business owner, since the build up in dirt and debris can actually cause the HVAC system to work harder, raising energy costs. So if you want to keep the people in your business safe, and help save yourself on energy costs, it’s time to hire professionals.

Who Can Help?

Call in The Steam Team professional cleaning company to help clean your air duct systems! We’ll use only the best equipment and methods to get the job done right, and we’ll even use bactericides and fungicides at the end of the cleaning process to make sure your air is safe from any harmful bacteria or fungus growth. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile looks beautiful in our homes, and comes in a wide array of colors and textures! But the downside of tile (there’s always a downside, isn’t there?) is that it can be difficult to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, and thus absorbs stains quite easily, causing staining, discoloration, and a lot of frustration! So let’s discuss ways in which we can care for and clean our tile and grout!


Seal Your Grout


Sealing your grout is a great way to keep it protected. It fills the seams between tile, and helps it absorb less materials like dirt, dust, sand, and general grime.


Mop Frequently


Mopping is necessary for keeping tile clean. As much as we want to procrastinate it, or simply not do it- there’s no getting around it, friends! So grab your preferred mop and cleaner and get to cleaning! When deciding on which type of cleaner to use, always start with the most mild detergents first. Then work your way up if you find that your selected cleaner isn’t performing how you expected. The frequency at which you mop will depend on how much foot traffic your floor receives. Once a week might be a good medium! Voted best tile and grout cleaning company in Austin. 


Tips for Scrubbing Grout


You can scrub your grout to clean off the gunk and grime. But the #1 rule for scrubbing grout is to not use abrasive materials. This is obviously so that you won’t damage your tile or grout; scratching is easily caused by abrasive scrubbing materials.

Remember, if your grout is just too much to handle, The Steam Team is standing by, ready to help! We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for tile and grout, as well as other types of flooring and surfaces. So when it doubt about tile and grout, rely on The Steam Team!

Cleaning And Preparing Your Flooring

Adopting a pet is a monumental decision -- they take a lot of our time and attention, cause messes around the house, and unfortunately damage things unintentionally. No matter what type of flooring you have in your home, chances are you’re going to get really familiar with cleaning and caring for it really quick as this new member of your family grows. We’re here to help! Voted best carpet cleaning in Austin, Texas. 


Start Simple: Sweeping


To start, you’ll be doing more sweeping than you’re used to. Tile and hardwood floors will need to be swept weekly, or multiple times a week depending on how much your pet sheds. Even if they don’t shed, just having their four furry paws running around the home moves the dust and other dirt around the floors. A broom with a dusting attachment may work better to grab hold of pet fur and dander.


Don’t forget to vacuum your carpets, either. Anything that you can see on your hardwoods or tile flooring is going into your carpet fibers and staying there until you come around to vacuum!


Now, Let’s Talk Stains


Dirt and mud are going to be the two most common outside factors you’ll be dealing with inside. As soon as any moisture touches dirt outside, it turns to mud and our furry friends step in it, get it stuck to them, and then proceed to track it all around the house. The best way to handle mud initially is to let it try before trying to vacuuming up any dirt that you can see. However, over time, the smaller dirt particles left behind are going to build up in your carpet and will eventually need a stronger suction to remove them (like steam cleaning) before causing stains.


For urine and feces stains and/or odors, the best way to take care of these is to blot up any additional feces or urine so as to not let it soak into the carpet. In dire cases, it’s best to call in the professionals.


A good steam cleaning will do your carpet wonders, and a professional steam cleaning company will use nothing but hot water, and high water pressure. It’s an easy, environmentally friendly way to rid your home of these nasty stains and odors. The Steam Team of Austin was voted best carpet cleaning company