How Effective is Steam Cleaning?

Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Maybe you’ve heard about the impressive qualities of a steam cleaner, and the even more outstanding results that it delivers. But you may be wondering… Just how effective is steam cleaning? What’s so special about it? It’s normal to feel skeptical about changing your routine! That’s why we’re going to review a few of steam cleaning’s most impressive qualities, and why it may be beneficial to have your home professionally cleaned.


  1. Deep Cleaning


If you or another member of your household has allergies or asthma, you’ll appreciate the power and intensity of a thorough steam cleaning. The process easily removes dust mites and allergens from your home, allowing you to breathe easier, and live healthier!


  1. Chemical-Free


Other household cleaning products may leave behind residue that lingers in our environment, potentially harming our health. However, steam cleaning will thoroughly remove dust and debris from your carpet and/or furniture without the use of chemicals! You won’t find any leftover residue or markings.


  1. Knocks Out Mold


Mold- it spawns, it spreads, it destroys everything in its path! When handling a mold issue, the most important thing you can do is to act quickly. Once you’ve contacted your local cleaning and restoration company, the rest is up to the professionals. With intense heat and high pressure, a steam cleaner is the perfect tool for removing mold from your home.


Steam cleaning can be effective in many different situations. It’s perfect for dealing with pesky, stubborn stains, removing unwanted odors, or regular, routine deep cleaning. Choose steam cleaning over dry mopping for a thorough cleaning that you can trust.

And remember, if you’re looking for a professional touch, be sure to give The Steam Team a call today! We have all of the right tools and equipment to help your home look brand new again!