Rebuilding Lives After a Fire: A Comprehensive Guide on What to Do After a House Fire

House Fire Austin texas

A house fire is a devastating event that can leave families feeling overwhelmed, vulnerable, and uncertain about the future. In the aftermath of such a tragedy, knowing what steps to take is crucial for starting the process of recovery and rebuilding. This comprehensive guide offers a roadmap for what to do after a house fire, providing practical advice, emotional support, and resources to help individuals and families navigate the challenging journey toward restoration.

**1. Ensure Safety First: The safety of you and your loved ones is paramount. After a house fire, make sure everyone is safe and accounted for. If you haven’t already, contact emergency services to report the fire and ensure that the site is safe to enter.

**2. Wait for Clearance: Before re-entering your home, wait for clearance from the fire department or relevant authorities. Fires can cause structural damage, making the building unstable. Professionals need to assess the safety of the structure before anyone can enter.

**3. Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurance company about the fire as soon as possible. Your insurance agent can guide you on the steps to take, including filing a claim and documenting the damage. Be thorough in providing information and photographs to support your claim.

**4. Document the Damage: Take photographs and videos of the damage for insurance purposes. Document every affected area and item, even if it seems minor. This documentation will be essential during the claims process.

**5. Secure Your Property: Secure your property to prevent further damage. Board up windows, doors, and any other openings. Cover damaged areas with tarps to protect against the elements. This temporary protection is crucial until permanent repairs can be made.

**6. Contact Restoration Professionals: Reach out to reputable restoration and cleaning professionals. They can assess the damage, provide estimates for repairs, and help salvage belongings. Restoration experts can also assist in cleaning and deodorizing your home, mitigating the effects of smoke and soot.

**7. Coordinate Temporary Housing: If your home is uninhabitable, arrange for temporary housing for you and your family. Contact local emergency services, community organizations, or your insurance company for assistance in finding suitable temporary accommodations.

**8. Address Immediate Needs: Contact your local Red Cross, religious organizations, or community groups for immediate assistance with necessities like food, clothing, and toiletries. These organizations often provide emergency relief to families affected by disasters.

**9. Replace Important Documents: Lost documents, such as identification cards, passports, and insurance policies, need to be replaced. Contact the relevant authorities to obtain new copies. Keep a record of all communication and transactions related to document replacements.

**10. Seek Emotional Support: Coping with the aftermath of a house fire can be emotionally challenging. Reach out to friends, family, or mental health professionals for emotional support. Many communities offer support groups for disaster survivors, providing a safe space to share experiences and feelings.

**11. Dispose of Damaged Items: Dispose of items that are beyond salvage or repair. Be cautious while handling damaged materials, especially those contaminated by chemicals or hazardous materials. Follow local guidelines and regulations for disposing of damaged items safely.

**12. Plan for Rebuilding: Work with contractors and architects to assess the structural integrity of your home. Plan the rebuilding process, considering necessary repairs, renovations, and safety upgrades. Obtain multiple quotes and select professionals who are experienced in fire damage restoration.

**13. Address Water and Utilities: Contact utility companies to disconnect services temporarily. Address any water damage promptly to prevent mold growth. Restoration professionals can assess and mitigate water damage in your home.

**14. Coordinate with Fire Investigators: If necessary, coordinate with fire investigators to determine the cause of the fire. This information may be required by your insurance company and can provide closure regarding the incident.

**15. Stay Organized: Keep all documentation related to the fire, including communication with insurance companies, contractors, and service providers, in one organized folder. Having a record of your interactions can help streamline the recovery process.

**16. Prepare for the Future: Consider fire safety measures for your new home. Install smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and consider a home sprinkler system. Educate your family about fire safety and create a fire escape plan to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.

Conclusion: Recovering from a house fire is a challenging journey that requires patience, resilience, and support from various sources. By taking these practical restoration steps, seeking emotional assistance, and staying organized, individuals and families can gradually rebuild their lives and homes after the flames have been extinguished. While the process may be arduous, the strength and determination displayed during these challenging times can lead to a new beginning, reminding everyone that even in the face of adversity, hope and recovery are possible.For quality restoration Austin give us a call.

Rebuilding from the Ashes and the Depths: A Comprehensive Guide to Recovery After Fire and Water Damage

Rebuilding your home after fire and water damage

In the aftermath of a disaster, the process of rebuilding a home can seem overwhelming. Whether it's the ravaging force of a fire or the insidious creeping of water damage, the challenges are immense, but so is the potential for recovery. With a clear plan and decisive action, you can transform devastation into an opportunity for renewal. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps to take after experiencing both fire and water damage to your home, providing a roadmap towards restoration and a fresh start.

**1. Ensure Safety First: Before anything else, prioritize safety. Inspect the property thoroughly to identify any structural damage, electrical hazards, or weakened foundations. If there is significant damage, it’s essential to consult with professionals before re-entering the premises. In the case of fire damage, be cautious about ash, which can be hazardous, and in water damage situations, be wary of potential electrical hazards from water exposure.

**2. Contact Your Insurance Provider: Reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible. Document the damage thoroughly, taking photographs and videos. Make a detailed list of damaged items and their approximate value. This documentation will be crucial when filing an insurance claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation needed for repairs and replacements.

**3. Secure Your Property: After gaining approval from local authorities, secure your property to prevent further damage. Board up windows, cover damaged roofs, and tarp exposed areas to keep out rainwater. Securing your property promptly can prevent additional issues like theft or further weather-related damage.

**4. Water Damage Mitigation: In cases of water damage, immediate mitigation is necessary to prevent mold growth and structural issues. Extraction of standing water should be the first priority. Professionals equipped with industrial-grade pumps and vacuums can efficiently remove water. Then, industrial fans and dehumidifiers are used to thoroughly dry the affected areas. Removal of damaged materials, like wet drywall or insulation, is crucial to prevent mold and ensure a thorough drying process.

**5. Fire Damage Cleanup: After a fire, cleanup involves removing debris and charred remnants. Specialized cleaning agents and equipment are used to eliminate the lingering odor of smoke. Fire damage restoration professionals assess structural damage, determining what can be salvaged and what needs to be replaced. Personal belongings, if salvageable, undergo cleaning and restoration processes.

**6. Assess Structural Damage: Engage a structural engineer or a professional contractor to assess the integrity of your home. They can identify compromised structures, ensuring that the rebuilding process adheres to safety standards. Addressing structural issues at the outset is crucial to the long-term stability of your home.

**7. Plan and Prioritize Repairs: Create a detailed plan for repairs and restorations. Prioritize essential tasks, focusing on structural integrity first. Address issues like damaged roofs, walls, or foundations. Once the structural elements are secure, move on to interior repairs, including electrical systems, plumbing, and HVAC. Consult with professionals to estimate costs and establish a realistic timeline for the repairs.

**8. Mold Prevention: In water-damaged properties, mold growth is a significant concern. Proper drying and dehumidification are crucial in preventing mold. Additionally, treating affected areas with antimicrobial solutions can inhibit mold growth. Proper ventilation and maintaining low humidity levels in the future are key to mold prevention in the long term.

**9. Coordinate with Restoration Professionals: Engage reputable restoration professionals who specialize in fire and water damage. Experienced professionals have the expertise and equipment to address the complexities of restoration. They can efficiently handle tasks such as odor removal, smoke damage cleanup, water extraction, structural repairs, and content restoration. Their knowledge ensures that the restoration process is thorough, efficient, and in compliance with safety standards.

**10. Document Everything: Throughout the restoration process, maintain detailed records of expenses, repairs, and communication with contractors and insurance providers. Proper documentation is essential for insurance claims and can also be helpful for tax purposes. Keep receipts, contracts, and any written communication related to the restoration process organized and accessible.

**11. Prepare for the Future: Consider implementing preventive measures to protect your home from future disasters. Install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, elevate electrical systems, and seal basement walls to prevent water intrusion. Investing in these precautions can mitigate potential damage in the event of future emergencies.

**12. Emotional Support and Coping: Recovering from fire and water damage is not just a physical process; it’s an emotional journey. Seek support from friends, family, or counselors to cope with the stress and emotions associated with the experience. Community support groups can provide valuable insights and emotional solidarity, reminding you that you are not alone in your recovery journey.

Conclusion: The road to recovery after fire and water damage is undoubtedly challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for resilience and renewal. With a combination of swift action, professional expertise, and emotional support, homes can be restored, and lives rebuilt. Each step, from ensuring safety to planning repairs and investing in preventive measures, contributes to the restoration of not just the physical structure but also the sense of security and belonging within the home. As communities come together and individuals demonstrate strength, the process of rebuilding transcends the physical act of construction; it becomes a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for renewal and recovery.

5 Tips from the Experts About Fire Damage Restoration in Austin, Texas

Fire Damage restoration services In austin texas

A fire is one of the most devastating disasters a home, office, or building can experience.  While you’re trying to get your life back in order, it’s only natural do want to be hands-on as soon as possible. The only problem is that sometimes that’s not the best idea. Here are five tips about fire damage restoration that’s sure to minimize damage and get your life back in order. 

1. Avoid Making The Damage Worse

It can be easy to go into a frenzy when you’re faced with an unimaginable tragedy. You’re scared, confused, and just want to make things right – we get it. When you’re faced with fire damage, however, sometimes less is more. Limit movement to avoid spreading soot, cover carpet and upholstery with clean towels, and try not to stress – everything will be okay.

2. Plan Your Next Steps

Before you start the cleaning or restoration process, call the professionals. The Steam Team is trained in all things fire restoration so that you can rest easy knowing that the best people in the business are here to help get your life back to normal. 

3. Fix What You Can But Only What You Should

While you might want to take a crack at fixing the damage yourself, it’s not only unrealistic, but it can also be unsafe and cause more destruction. Feel free to change your HVAC filter and clean out your refrigerator if the power is out, but leave the rest to the professionals.

4. Be Wary Of Cleaning

Sometimes cleaning can be a mistake instead of making things better. Don’t try to wash your walls or carpet before contacting The Steam Team to evaluate the situation. Avoid cleaning electrical appliances that have been close to fire, heat, or water, and don’t send clothes to the cleaner so that the smoke doesn’t set in the fabric. For now, think less is more. 

5. Be Careful

Last but not least, be extremely careful when moving around the dwelling and using appliances and furniture. Don’t turn on the ceiling fans if the ceiling is wet, and don’t eat any packaged food that could have been exposed to smoke. 

If you’re dealing with fire damage, call The Steam Team and have peace of mind knowing that we’ve got it from here.

Who Does Clean Up After Construction?

Austin texas local cleaning and restoration

Construction work is never easy. From making the plans, getting the permits, hiring help, and finally breaking ground on a project, it seems like an impossible feat. So when your walls are up, your remodeling is finished, and your project is complete -- you want to start experiencing your hard work right away. 

The only problem? Everywhere you look there’s a mess. Whether it’s scraps of old wood, sawdust covering everything, or pieces of materials you don’t even remember using, the cleanup process can be just as grueling as the work. So, whose job is it to clean up after construction?

Who’s Responsible?

You most likely know the answer, but that doesn’t mean you’ll like it. Most construction companies are hired for the work, but after that last nail is in place, they’re out of there. And the cost to hire a one-stop-shop type of company? It’s enough to make your head spin! 

Which means that you’re left with the backbreaking task of tediously cleaning all of the debris. 

What Can You Do?

In this case, you have two choices: You can either clean the site yourself, or you can call in the professionals. 

The Steam Team is skilled in all things construction cleanup. We’re pros at getting all of the dangerous scraps cleared away, all of the particles swept up, and making your new space look (and feel) spic and span! We’re happy to sweep the floors, make sure the environment is safe, and turn your new site into the dazzling location of your dreams. 

So as you’re planning your new home addition or office space, don’t forget to plan what happens after the hammers stop. Let someone else deal with the messy cleanup, and enjoy the space the way it was meant to be: shiny, clean, and ready to be lived in. 

How To Safely Clean Up After Fire Damage in Austin, Texas

Austin Cleaing Professionals

​Nobody wants to think they’ll have a fire occur in their Austin, Texas home or business, but they’re more common than you may think. It's important to know how you’re going to clean up after such a disastrous event, and how to do it safely. You might be thinking of cleaning up the mess yourself and restoring your home or business to its former glory. But before you get in there and start scrubbing, here are some things you might want to know. Call your fire damage cleaning Austin, Texas headquarters.

Harmful Chemicals For Fire Damage Clean Up

The modern home in Austin is filled with all sorts of chemical compounds that can become dangerous when they combust or combine with other chemicals. In the event of a fire, the smoke can contain many of these dangerous chemicals and should under no circumstances be inhaled.

Carbon Monoxide

Inhaling carbon monoxide (which is in smoke) can decrease your body’s supply of oxygen. This can cause reduced alertness, headaches, aggravate existing heart conditions and cause a variety of other health concerns.

Irritation and Nausea

There are also more immediate effects that almost anyone will have when exposed to smoke, such as irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as an odor that can sometimes cause nausea. These are all signs from your body telling you to stay far away from the smoke.

At-Risk Individuals

Infants, children, and the elderly are particularly at risk of health issues as a result of smoke and soot. No children, seniors, or anyone with a weakened immune system should get near a room or building that has just had a fire.

Long-Term Health Risks

Long term exposure to smoke has been associated to an increase in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that firefighters, for example, are more likely to develop long-lasting respiratory issues and cardiovascular disease.

A Safer Way To Clean Up After Fires in Austin, Texas

Because of all of the reasons listed above, and many more, it is highly unsafe to try cleaning and restoring a fire damaged home yourself. To keep you and your loved ones safe, hand the job over to the professionals. The Steam Team of Austin who are experts will be able to safely restore your home, business or room, without your safety or the safety of your loved ones at risk.Call for a free fire damage restoration estimate in Austin.

How To Avoid These Dangerous Aftereffects of Fire Damage

Fire Damage Austin

Millions of people experience serious fire damage in their homes every year, and if it happens in your home, as much as you don’t think it will, you need to be prepared. After the fire is put out by firefighters and you’re assessing the damage, you might be thinking of cleaning up the mess yourself and restoring your home or room to its former glory. But before you get in there and start scrubbing, here are some things you might want to know.

Dangerous Chemicals

The modern home is filled with all sorts of chemical compounds that can become dangerous when they combust or combine with other chemicals. In the event of a fire, the smoke can contain many of these dangerous chemicals and should under no circumstances be inhaled.

Weakened Immune Systems

Infants, children, and the elderly are particularly at risk of health issues as a result of smoke and soot. No children, seniors, or anyone with a weakened immune system should get near a room or building that has just had a fire.

Immediate Dangers

There are also more immediate effects that almost anyone will have when exposed to smoke, such as irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as an odor that can sometimes cause nausea. These are all signs from your body telling you to stay far away from the smoke.

Decreased Oxygen

Inhaling carbon monoxide (which is in smoke) can decrease your body’s supply of oxygen. This can cause reduced alertness, headaches, aggravate existing heart conditions and cause a variety of other health concerns.

Long Term Health Effects

Long term exposure to smoke has been associated to an increase in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that firefighters, for example, are more likely to develop long-lasting respiratory issues and cardiovascular disease.

The Safe Way

Because of all of the reasons listed above, and many more, it is highly unsafe to try cleaning and restoring a fire damaged home yourself. To keep you and your loved ones safe, hand the job over to the professionals. The Steam Team experts will be able to safely restore your home to its former glory. Don’t hesitate to call.

How To Avoid Fire Damage In Your Home Austin, Texas

Fire Damage Clean Up Austin Texas

The Steam Team has a lot of experience dealing with the aftermath of fires, since we offer fire damage cleaning and restorations services. From our many years of serving the central Texas community, we’ve learned a thing or two about how these fire disasters start and how they might be avoided with the right practices. Here’s some important advice on avoiding fires in your home.

Check Your Dryer Vents

You might not think too much about it, but a dryer vent that’s left uncleaned and builds up lint can easily lead to a fire and cause irreversible damage to your home. Any buildup of lint or debris in the dryer vent can become flammable and extremely hazardous. Keeping your dryer vents cleaned is of utmost importance when it comes to preventing fire disasters. Even if a fire doesn’t occur, a buildup of lint or debris will cause the dryer to work harder, raising your energy bill in the long run.

Yearly Inspection

The common recommendation from most professionals is that you have your dryer vents and connected systems inspected and cleaned once every year. Here at The Steam Team we offer that very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems will be thoroughly cleaned to help keep your home safe from fire disaster.

Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Our professional technicians will be ready for your call if you need dryer vents cleaned and you haven’t done it yet this year. They’ll arrive with the most powerful and effective equipment for the job and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We handle not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well! If you want to help avoid fire damage in your home or business, call in The Steam Team. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

The Best Way To Deal With Leaky Appliances In Your Home Or Business

The Steam Team Austin Training

Steam Team technicians have years of experience working on leaky appliances and repairing water damage, and we’ve learned a lot. One important thing we’ve learned is that every home or business owner needs to keep a close eye on their appliances for potential damage and leaks. Far too often, people don’t notice leaky appliances until the water has already done significant damage to the property. Let’s talk about how The Steam Team can help when you’ve found a leak in your appliance.

Leak Repair Process

When you catch a leak in your home or business, whether it's just starting to drip or it has already caused flooding, call in The Steam Team and our technicians will be there in no time. They’ll arrive with only the most effective equipment for water extraction, leak cleanup, water damage restoration and even structural drying. We can handle any burst or overflowing appliances including AC units, water heaters, dishwashers and sinks. Any overflowing drain or p

ipe in the home will be easily handled by our technicians as well. 

Steam Team Difference

When it comes to plumbing and leaky appliance issues, certainly there are other companies or contractors that you could hire for repairs, so you might be wondering what it is that sets The Steam Team professional technicians apart from other groups. Well first of all, our pricing policies. We offer direct insurance billing for your convenience, as well as free inspections and free onsite estimates from all of our technicians. But if that isn’t enough to convince you, you should also know that we always have someone available to take your call and we always have technicians ready to be sent to fix your leaks, since we have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week availability when it comes to water damage. We know that your leaky appliances and plumbing issues are time sensitive, so we strive to have a team of skilled and readily available technicians.

For more information on appliance leak repair and our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

Important Advice On Avoiding Fire Damage In Your Home

Here at The Steam Team, we help people all around the Austin area with our fire damage restoration service. If a fire emergency ever occurs in your home or business, our professional technicians can help you get your home cleaned and restored as quickly as possible. However, if you take the right precautions you won’t ever need to make that call. We want to talk about some important advice when it comes to keeping your home safe; dryer vent cleaning.

Periodic Cleaning

Dryer vents must be periodically cleaned or your vents can cause highly flammable fire damage. Not only is a dirty dryer vent dangerous, but also impacts the efficiency of your dryer. Excessive build-up of lint and debris will force the machine to use more energy, which will cost you more money in the long run. 

Steam Team Inspection and Cleaning

To avoid these problems, it’s recommended that you have your dryer vents inspected and cleaned once every year. The Steam Team can handle that for you. Our professional will give your machine a full inspection and clean all vent ducting and all connected systems, keeping your home safe from fire damage and keeping your dryer running properly.

Why The Steam Team?

We are an Austin, Texas based company with the most experienced technicians available in Central Texas. Our technicians will be ready for your call, to utilize the most powerful and effective dryer vent cleaning equipment available. And we can handle not only residential, but also commercial dryer vent cleaning, and we can offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee! So if you want to avoid fire damage and you haven’t had your dryer vents cleaned yet this year, call in The Steam Team! For more information on dryer vent cleaning and the other services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

What Should You Do To Clean Up After Fire Damage?

Fire Damage Austin, Texas

Most people don’t expect that their home or business will ever suffer fire damage, but in case it does happen, you need to be prepared. After the fire is extinguished, there will be a long, expensive clean-up process before you can rest easy. You might be thinking of cleaning up on your own to save money. Here’s why you shouldn’t, and some advice on what to do instead.

Lingering Smoke

Even after the fire is gone, smoke will likely still remain inside the structure, and much of it will cause irritation to the eyes, nose and throat if you’re not properly equipped. Right after a fire, the smoke may still be thick enough to cause you to pass out from carbon monoxide poisoning if you’re trying to clean the property on your own.

Health Risks

Depending on how much smoke you’re exposed to and for how long, it could even increase your risk of developing long-term health problems later like lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. For example, firefighters are known to develop these health issues at a higher rate.

Children and the Elderly

Even if some amount of cleaning has already been done on the burned home or business, children, elderly people, or anyone with a weakened immune system should still not risk going into an environment that may have smoke, soot or harsh chemicals in the air.

Harmful Chemicals

In the wake of a fire, especially one that has reached the kitchen of a home, there may have been harsh chemicals that burned, creating toxic smoke and sometimes even combustion. To stay safe from these dangerous chemical reactions, you should keep your distance from the burned property and let professionals handle it.

The Safe Way To Clean Up

Because of the potential dangers listed above that can occur after fire damage, you should leave the cleaning and restoration up to professionals only. We just happen to have an expert team that can safely clean and restore your home and hopefully many of your personal belongings. For more information on our fire damage restoration service, visit The Steam Team website.

Dealing With Insurance During Damage Restoration

Fire Damage & Water Damage

Fire Damage & Water Damage

A huge part of our business is water and fire damage restoration; jumping to handle emergencies and to help homeowners in the Austin, TX and surrounding areas restore their properties. A major step throughout this process is handling the insurance claim; something no one ever wants to do. Regardless of what the claim is, the entire insurance process can be such a hassle. We know exactly how it is, but it is also one of the most important steps in this process. That’s why, we’re putting together any tips we have on today’s blog for you. 

Step One

Right after a disaster has settled, the damage can be overwhelming. Before touching or moving anything around, it’s imperative to document the extent of the damage. For peace of mind, many people opt to hire a professional restoration company (but we’ll touch on that more below). Everything from your small, personal belongings to the walls and structure of the home- the more documentation for the insurance company, the better.

Step Two

After everything is documented properly, we’re able to step right in and get to work minimizing damage and securing the area so everything is safe for everyone around. Fire often weakens the structure of the home, so our first concern is you and your family’s safety.

Hiring a Professional Restoration Company

When you work with a professional restoration company, like The Steam Team, we’ll do a separate fire damage analysis that will also be sent to your insurance company (before beginning our restoration process). No matter the size, we document everything, detailing the extent of the damage throughout the entire property.

The Steam Team Guide To Preventing House Fires

If a fire ever occurs in your home, will you be prepared for it? The National Fire Protection Association says that there are about 365,000 house fires in the U.S. every year, and they can cause massive damages and financial loss. To help you prepare yourself for a fire, The Steam Team has written this short, simple guide to preventing house fires.

Kitchen and Electronics Safety

To help you prevent fires, you need to pay attention to how most house fires start. Many start from accidents in the kitchen or with electrical wiring. Be sure not to leave rags or anything flammable on or near burners in the kitchen, even if you think you’ve turned the burner off. Don’t cover electrical wiring with anything flammable like rugs or blankets, all it can take is one spark from a damaged wire to set the fabric on fire. And of course, don’t plug in or unplug any electrical wiring with wet hands!

Systems Check

Thorough inspections of all possible fire-starting systems in the home should happen often. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, you should regularly check up on your electrical system, including outlets, as well as the natural gas/LP system, and the heating and air conditioning systems.

Working Alarms

Properly functioning smoke alarms will likely be your first indicator if an actual fire breaks out in your home. Because of that, you need to have one installed in every bedroom if possible, and check to make sure they work once a month. If they don’t, have the batteries replaced.

The Steam Team Fire Damage Cleaning and Restoration

We hope these important fire prevention tips have been helpful. Don’t forget that in the case of a real fire occurring in your home, we offer full fire damage restoration and cleaning. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

How to Handle Fire Damage Restoration

If you’ve ever dealt with fire damage before, you know the massive burden is creates for homeowners. The best way to tackle damage restoration when it comes to fire is to have a detailed plan. If you use a professional restoration company, they’ll help you with this. From documenting each and every thing for insurance purposes to getting your home livable again, The Steam Team has you covered.

Restoration Experts

After fire damage occurs, you’ll want it cleaned up as quickly as possible to find out what can be salvaged- but you also want the cleaning to be efficient. Well, with The Steam Team fire damage restoration experts you can have both. Our technicians will start with an inspection to determine the best course of action for the property, then they’ll tarp up, board up and otherwise seal off the damaged property and begin thoroughly cleaning with professional equipment.

Why Not Clean It Yourself?

You may be thinking that you can clean and restore the property yourself and save money on the process. But in fact, you’d be spending more on the necessary equipment for the job than it would cost to have it done by professionals. You’d have to buy tarps, proper safety attire, water pumps, a press extractor and several cleaning agents. Cleaning and restoring any fire damaged property without this gear could be extremely dangerous, due to smoke from chemicals in the home that may still be in the air. Some of the structure of the building may still be unstable, making the process even more dangerous. The only way to ensure safety when restoring a fire damaged home is by hiring professionals.

The Steam Team

When our technicians have finished the job of cleaning and restoring your home or business, they’ll offer a full consultation on how to prevent future fire disasters in your home. For more information on fire damage restoration, as well as our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

What's Your Plan After A House Fire?

House fires can happen when you least expect them, and they can cause extensive amounts of damage to your home and destroy irreplaceable items. If this happens in your home, what’s your plan? If your emergency plan includes calling in The Steam Team, we can promise your home will be in good hands. Our professional technicians will arrive with the right equipment and knowledge to restore your home, no matter how serious the fire damage may be.

The Solo Approach

You may be thinking that you can handle the restoration and cleaning of your home all by yourself. But to take on such a massive job, you’d need all the proper safety equipment and high-tech cleaning equipment. And even then, you may be in danger. If there were any chemicals in the home from cleaning products or a variety of other things, the smoke from these burning materials could still be in the home, and inhaling it could be lethal. Ash and soot left behind after the fire could have entered the air vents and could make breathing difficult. Intensive cleaning will be required to get odors and stains out of certain parts of the home, and you likely won’t have the equipment for it. For all these reasons and more, its best to leave the job of fire damage restoration and cleaning up to the professionals with years of experience, the right equipment and great dedication to everyone we help.

Help From The Steam Team

After firefighters have left the premises and you’ve called in The Steam Team, our professional team will get to work right away, inspecting, sealing off the home and beginning the cleaning process. All ash and soot will be removed, all surfaces will be sanitized and the home will be thoroughly cleaned and restored. For more information on how The Steam Team can help you after a serious house fire, please visit The Steam Team website.

The Unknown Dangers of Smoke and Ash

We often stress the importance of ridding mold after water damage, but you rarely hear about the “residuals” from fire damage. Smoke and ash can both pose dangerous risks to one's health so it’s extremely important that the area is restored properly. Here at The Steam Team, we have a team of expert professional technicians ready to help when disaster strikes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Leftover smoke and ash are dangerous because they… 

Damage Your Possessions

Sadly, after a house fire, your possessions will not feel, look, or smell the same. In some situations they might be completely ruined. Here at The Steam Team, we understand that this is definitely a trying time for you, so we’ll be right there to back you up throughout this entire process. 

Damage Your Health

Your health is the most important factor here. Obviously, lingering smoke and ash pose a danger to your health and wellbeing. So put on those masks, ventilate the area, and call in The Steam Team! We’ll get your home cleaned up and restored in no time. And yes, we’ll protect your health. We’ll get you out of there! 

Damage Your Home

Lastly, lingering smoke and ash cause damage to your entire home. Smoke causes discoloration, staining, and of course- that unfriendly stench. It clings to your drapes, furniture, and carpeting. It should be tended to immediately! So hurry up! Give The Steam Team a call. We’re experts when it comes to situations like this. 

We’ll say it over and over again: we’re here for you. We know how terrible house fires can be, the plight they put on the homeowner, but we also know how to remedy the situation. So put your trust in us; we can help you out of this mess! 

What's The Best Way To Keep Your Marble Floor In Good Condition?

If you have marble flooring in your home or business, you probably already know how easily marble can be scratched and stained. It's a very sensitive material that requires the right methods of care and cleaning, but when treated properly, marble can look amazing! Here’s some advice from The Steam Team on how to keep your marble looking that way.

Common Mistakes

First, if you want to take proper care of your marble, you should know what common mistakes to avoid when it comes to cleaning and maintaining your floor.

  • Do NOT use acidic chemical cleaners on marble surfaces, or common DIY methods like lemon, vinegar or ammonia, since anything acidic could cause irreversible damage to your floors.

  • Avoid using a soaked mop to clean up spills. While spills can certainly do damage to the marble’s surface, a soaked mop may do even more damage. Instead, try to only use a slightly damp mop when cleaning spills.

  • Try to avoid dragging heavy furniture or sharp objects across a marble floor, since they can easily cause scratches and other damage in the marble.

Professional Polishing

Now that you know what to avoid, it's time to talk about the right way to clean and polish your marble floor when it's time to re-seal the flooring. If you want to go through with the polishing process on your own, you’ll need to get a polishing compound specifically designed for type of marble, a low-speed polisher and a marble sealant. Then you’ll have to work through the cleaning process. But if you don’t have the equipment and don’t know the process, there’s an easier way. The Steam Team offers a professional marble polishing service that will make your marble shine brighter than when you first got it! For more information, visit The Steam Team website.

One Important Tip To Prevent Fire Damage

For years here at The Steam Team, we’ve been helping people all around the central Texas community in the aftermath of serious fires to clean and restore their home with high-powered equipment and highly-trained technicians. Over the years, we’ve learned a lot about how these fires have started all across homes and businesses everywhere. Here’s one very important tip to help prevent these fires from occuring in your home:

Keep A Close Eye On Your Dryer Vent

Thousands of fires start in a place you may not even think about very often day-to-day; your dryer vent. Lint and debris buildup in the vent of your dryer can easily become flammable and prone to fires if left unattended for too long. Even if it doesn’t always start a fire, the buildup of lint and debris can cause your dryer to work harder, increasing your monthly energy bill. So for both personal safety and financial reasons, it’s smart to keep your dryer vents as clean as you can.

Many professionals recommend that you have your dryer vents and all connected systems inspected and cleaned out every year. As it turns out, The Steam Team professional technicians offer this very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems can be cleaned by our team to help prevent fire damage from ever occurring in your home.

The Steam Team

Our highly-trained team of professional technicians will be ready for your call and thoroughly inspect and clean your dryer vents in no time. We’ll use only the most powerful and effective equipment possible, and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We offer not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well. So if you’ve been neglecting to have your dryer vents inspected or cleaned this year, what are you waiting for? Call in The Steam Team.

The Steam Team: Cleaning Professionals

In any home or business with upholstery, keeping it in good condition to give it a sleek look will always be a top priority- and may prove to be a challenge for some. But, you want to make sure it looks great for any guests. Cleaning upholstery the right way requires that you know your specific type of upholstery and the methods required for it. To ease the process and give your upholstery the best clean possible, you should consider calling The Steam Team.

Steam Team Technicians

When you’ve called in our highly trained technicians, they’ll arrive and begin with an inspection of your upholstery to determine what type it is and choose the specific cleaning methods necessary. Then, to make sure that you’re satisfied with what the results of the clean will be, they’ll test the cleaning method out on a small area of the upholstery and let you decide for yourself. If you approve, they’ll begin thoroughly cleaning. Our fair prices will match your needs, if you only have low-end upholstery, the cleaning method won’t cost you as much as it would to clean higher-end upholstery.

Special Protectant

Even after the thorough and long-lasting clean that our technicians provide, in time the upholstery may be worn down by factors like spills, pets or children. Then you’ll have to have your upholstery cleaned again, or even replaced. But if you ask our technicians to apply a special fabric protectant, it can add years to the lifespan of your upholstery by making it much more resistant to spills and damage.

Leather Upholstery

Our technicians will even come prepared for leather upholstery with a full line of products designed for cleaning and conditioning leather. For more information on upholstery cleaning, leather conditioning, and the many other services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

Professional Tips To Prevent Fire Damage

Here in Austin at The Steam Team, our technicians are very experienced with helping after fire damage to repair and restore homes and businesses in and all around the area. From our many years of serving the central Texas community, we’ve learned a thing or two about how these fire disasters start and how they might be avoided. 

Here’s one important tip to avoid fire damage in your home:

Pay Attention to Your Dryer Vent

Though you may not think it, thousands of fires start from dirty and lint-filled dryer vents that go unattended. Any buildup of lint or debris in the dryer vent can become flammable and extremely hazardous. Keeping your dryer vents cleaned is of utmost importance when it comes to preventing fire disasters. Even if a fire doesn’t occur, a buildup of lint or debris will cause the dryer to work harder, raising your energy bill in the long run.

The common recommendation from most professionals is that you have your dryer vents and connected systems inspected and cleaned once every year. Here at The Steam Team we offer that very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems will be thoroughly cleaned to help keep your home safe from fire disaster.

The Steam Team Dryer Vent Cleaning

Our professional technicians will be ready for your call if you need dryer vents cleaned and you haven’t done it yet this year. They’ll arrive with the most powerful and effective equipment for the job and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We handle not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well! If you want to help avoid fire damage in your home or business, call in The Steam Team. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Concrete Floor Cleaning & Staining: Advice From The Experts

Concrete is becoming an increasingly popular option for flooring in many people’s homes and patios, largely due to the fact that with proper staining a concrete floor can have it’s look drastically changed! But, is concrete staining really worth it? And how should you go about doing it? Here’s some expert advice from us here at The Steam Team:

Concrete Staining Benefits

One of the most obvious benefits to having a stained concrete floor is the easy maintenance level. In fact, stained concrete floors are the longest-lasting flooring option you can choose. That’s because unlike other floors, stained concrete does not crack, chip or peel. Besides occasionally wiping it with a damp cloth, your floor won’t require much upkeep.

Do you prefer for your floor to have the sleek look of marble? Or what about the homely look of a wood floor? Or stone tile? Whatever your preference, concrete staining can create the appearance of any of these options, and many more! It also just happens to be much cheaper than these other flooring options. That means you get the ideal look for a fraction of the price! 

Staining Your Floor With The Steam Team

Staining a concrete floor is no easy feat, and may take you hours to do on your own, not to mention the time it takes to purchase all the products and equipment needed for the job, and the hours spent researching to make sure you’re doing it right. For many people who want to stain their concrete floors, professional help is the way to go. 

Here at The Steam Team, we have expert, dedicated technicians ready for any concrete staining job. They’ll utilize the most effective and powerful equipment to get the job done in a small fraction of the time it would take the average homeowner to do alone. For more information on our concrete staining service and our many other cleaning services, visit The Steam Team website.