Window Draperies and Cleaning Tips

We know that your draperies are delicate and this can cause you to neglect them on cleaning day. But the cleaning process for draperies isn’t as complicated, or dangerous, as one might think! In fact, oftentimes your drapes can be steam cleaned without being removed from where they hang, making the process simple and quick! Let The Steam Team show you how to care for your window draperies!


Drapery Cleaning Without Removal


As we mentioned before, we can clean your drapes without even removing them. The process is just as effective- we promise. Basically, we’ll use a low moisture, hot water extraction method, or a dry cleaning method to safely remove dust, dander, dirt and other particles from your draperies. They’ll be clean as a whistle afterward! And there’s no need to worry about drying; so little moisture is used, they’ll dry quickly!


How to Care for Your Drapes


Here are a few tips for caring for your draperies:


Rotate Your Drapes


Sunlight causes fading and discoloration. Make sure you’re rotating your drapes every once in a while, so they wear evenly.


Protect Them From Moisture


Next, protect your drapes from moisture. This means watching out for leaky windows and condensation! Don’t forget to call in the pro’s for an occasional treatment.


Follow Washing Instructions


If you have to remove your drapes and wash them in the washing machine, it’s best to know the settings required, or if they can be machine-washed at all. Read the instructions on the washing label, and follow them carefully!


For professional help, you can always rely on The Steam Team! We’re a team of trained professionals who can easily and effectively clean your drapes and window treatments- as well as other areas, such as your living room (carpet), or your kitchen (tile and grout). Just give us a call today! You’ll be blown away by our results!

How Do You Clean Furniture Austin Texas?

How do you clean your leather furniture? Not sure how to? Well, that’s okay because below, we have five tips for cleaning for leather upholstery! We’ll start with the basics, and move onto the tasks that require professional treatment. And remember, The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in caring for leather furniture. And we’re just a phone call away!


Dry Dusting


Dust builds up quite quickly; we just tend to ignore it, procrastinating the chore. But procrastinate no more! Grab your clean, white, microfiber cloth and begin at one end of the furniture, working your way to the other. This will pick up most of the dirt and dust.


Utilizing the Vacuum


Your vacuum likely has a handy dandy attachment that’s perfect for your leather sofa! Use this attachment to reach areas like cushion corners and crevices, or even underneath your couch! If your vacuum lacks this attachment, skip to the next step:


Cleaning With a Moist Cloth


For light stains and stubborn areas of dirt, moisten a microfiber cloth and wipe gently. Be sure that you’re thorough, as you’d hate to have to redo your cleaning job!


Using Soaps and Detergents


If that bit of moisture doesn’t lift the dirt from your leather, try rubbing the microfiber cloth across a bar of mild soap. Do not rinse your furniture. Instead, buff it dry with a new, dry cloth. It’ll get the job done!


Steam Cleaning for the Best Results


For best results, we always recommend steam cleaning. Steam cleaning can achieve a clean that you’ll hardly be able to even believe. And what’s even better- it can all be done by the professionals. You don’t even have to lift a finger.

For help cleaning your leather furniture, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team! We have over a decade of experience and expertise, plus all of the right equipment for the job!

How To Blast Bacteria Around Your Home

This year, we’ve had one of the worst flu seasons yet! Families everywhere are combating the illness by fighting bacteria and germs around their home. How can you help your family? Well, let’s look at another method of cleaning: steam cleaning. Steam cleaning may just be the method that gets us all out of this mess! Contact The Steam Team ASAP today for a thorough deep cleaning, or visit our website for more details on our services.


Steam Cleaning VS Other Methods of Cleaning


To start, steam cleaning kills 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. So, flu season? Be gone! With a professional grade steam cleaner, you’ll eradicate those pesky germs from your home, and hopefully everyone will stay perfectly healthy. And you can rest peacefully, knowing that you home is clean, clean, clean.


But there are other advantages to steam cleaning, as well! For instance…


It’s a Versatile Method of Cleaning


Steam cleaning is very versatile! You can steam clean virtually any surface and flooring in your home (as long as it’s not hardwood!). From countertops, to baseboards, to carpeting and more; The Steam Team can take care of it all! That’s what makes it such a versatile method of cleaning: we can essentially clean your home from top to bottom.


It’s Safe For Your Home, Children, and Pets


Because steam cleaning uses nothing but high pressurized water and hot steam, it’s perfectly safe for the environment. You won’t have to worry about your pets licking off any residue from a cleaning product, or your children putting their fingers in their mouths after crawling around on the flooring. It’s perfectly safe!


Whether you’re looking for your home to be thoroughly steam cleaned in order to eradicate germs and bacteria, or you just need a good, old fashioned, deep cleaning, The Steam Team is here for you! Give us a call today!

Time to Go Green: Eliminating Chemicals from Your Household Cleaners

Are you looking to go a bit more green? Maybe it’s time to eliminate those pesky chemicals from your household (for good this time). As always, we encourage you to start steam cleaning your home right now so that you can protect your family from potentially harmful chemicals, but there are other great reasons to steam clean, too! Let’s delve into a few of them: steam cleaning cleans without chemicals, doesn’t leave behind any harmful residue, and also kills other pesky substances like germs, bacteria, and allergens!


Cleans Without Using Chemicals


As we mentioned before, steam cleaning cleans your home without using any chemicals. There won’t be any bleach, or specially formulated cleaning products. The only thing a steam cleaner uses is hot water, and high water pressure! That’s what makes it such an incredibly safe method of cleaning- and that’s why we’re always pushing you to start right now.


Doesn’t Leave Behind Any Residue


Since a steam cleaning machine doesn’t use any chemicals, there is no residue to be left behind. This makes steam cleaning an even safer option for cleaning in your home, especially if you have small children or pets in the household.


Kills Germs, Bacteria, Dust Mites, Etc


Even better news: Not only will you be eliminating chemicals from your household with steam cleaning, but you’ll also be killing germs, bacteria, dust mites, allergens, and more! This is really important if you have members of the household who have allergies. They’ll be so relieved!


The Steam Team has over a decade of experience under their belt, and the right tools and equipment for any cleaning and restoration job. If you home is looking a little dingy and you’re looking for some help restoring it to its original, cleaner, more pristine condition, call The Steam Team! We’ll be out in no time, and eager to help!

5 Ways to Make Your Tile In Your Kitchen Sparkle


Do you need a quick guide to cleaning your kitchen (and keeping it that way)? You’ve come to the right place! Below you’ll find five expert tips for cleaning your kitchen and making it look marvelous! Here at The Steam Team, we hope you find them useful! Your number one company in Austin Texas for  tile cleaning. 


Start With the Small Things


Start by doing simple tasks, like unloading the dishwasher, or taking out the garbage. This will make the task seem more manageable, and motivate you to move onto the next step!


Clean From the Top - Down


Start at the top of your kitchen and work your way downward. Yes, this means cleaning the tops of your refrigerator and cabinets! These are very common places for dust mites and dead critters! The floor should obviously be the last thing you tackle- we’ll cover that later.


Steam Clean Stove and Countertops


We always recommend steam cleaning when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing stove tops and countertops. Not only will it kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria, but it also alleviates a lot of scrubbing and hard work! Your surfaces will look amazing after a good steam cleaning.


Sweep Every Day


In order to keep your flooring in good condition, you’ll have to sweep on a daily basis, especially if there are pets or children in the house.


Mop or Steam Clean Flooring


Lastly, the flooring. After sweeping, it’s a good idea to either thoroughly mop the floor, or steam clean it! Steam cleaning is easier on your back by far; machines can be rented or you can call in the professionals. Voted best tile cleaning company in Austin.

Hopefully your kitchen now reflects all of the hard work you’ve put into it! If you need help restoring your kitchen to its prime condition, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team! We’re experts at making sure your kitchen sparkles.

Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile looks beautiful in our homes, and comes in a wide array of colors and textures! But the downside of tile (there’s always a downside, isn’t there?) is that it can be difficult to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, and thus absorbs stains quite easily, causing staining, discoloration, and a lot of frustration! So let’s discuss ways in which we can care for and clean our tile and grout!


Seal Your Grout


Sealing your grout is a great way to keep it protected. It fills the seams between tile, and helps it absorb less materials like dirt, dust, sand, and general grime.


Mop Frequently


Mopping is necessary for keeping tile clean. As much as we want to procrastinate it, or simply not do it- there’s no getting around it, friends! So grab your preferred mop and cleaner and get to cleaning! When deciding on which type of cleaner to use, always start with the most mild detergents first. Then work your way up if you find that your selected cleaner isn’t performing how you expected. The frequency at which you mop will depend on how much foot traffic your floor receives. Once a week might be a good medium! Voted best tile and grout cleaning company in Austin. 


Tips for Scrubbing Grout


You can scrub your grout to clean off the gunk and grime. But the #1 rule for scrubbing grout is to not use abrasive materials. This is obviously so that you won’t damage your tile or grout; scratching is easily caused by abrasive scrubbing materials.

Remember, if your grout is just too much to handle, The Steam Team is standing by, ready to help! We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for tile and grout, as well as other types of flooring and surfaces. So when it doubt about tile and grout, rely on The Steam Team!

The Best Way to Remove Stains From Your Rugs

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If you’re a pet owner, you know firsthand the struggle it is to keep carpet clean! No matter how much we love our pets, they can really make a mess. They track in mud from outside, “go to the bathroom,” in all of the wrong places, and sometimes get sick in inconvenient places, too. So naturally, the carpet takes a beating! Luckily, today we have the best tips for removing these stains. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is always available to professionally clean your carpet, and restore it to its original condition!


Mud Stains


When Fido tracks in mud, you’ll first want to scrape away all of the dried pieces. A vacuum is the best equipment to use after you’re finished scraping. Next, create a cleaning solution! Squirt about ¼ tsp of dishwashing liquid into half a cup of warm water. Once the solution suds, dab it onto the stain, and rinse clean with fresh water.


Urine Stains


Catch these stains ASAP! Dog urine that is left to dry not only leaves behind a stain and odor, but also allows for bacteria to spread. Use paper towels to soak up wet urine, and place something heavy on top to make sure you get it all. Then, with an enzymatic cleaner, wet the area, and blot away the stain. You could also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, or club soda!


Vomit Stains


After you’ve picked up the bulk of the vomit, spray the area with cold water. Then, saturate a cleaning sponge in your trusty solution and dab the stain until it’s disappeared. Afterward, you’ll probably want to throw that sponge away!


The Steam Team is here for you through all of your carpet needs. Whether it’s removing a stain, or deep-cleaning your entire house, we’re the ones for the job! Just give us a call today.

Who Does Clean Up After Construction?

Cleaning up in Austin

Cleaning up in Austin

Construction work is never easy. From making the plans, getting the permits, hiring help, and finally breaking ground on a project, it seems like an impossible feat. So when your walls are up, your remodeling is finished, and your project is complete -- you want to start experiencing your hard work right away.


The only problem? Everywhere you look there’s a mess. Whether it’s scraps of old wood, sawdust covering everything, or pieces of materials you don’t even remember using, the cleanup process can be just as grueling as the work. So, whose job is it to clean up after construction?


Who’s Responsible?


You most likely know the answer, but that doesn’t mean you’ll like it. Most construction companies are hired for the work, but after that last nail is in place, they’re out of there. And the cost to hire a one-stop-shop type of company? It’s enough to make your head spin!


Which means that you’re left with the backbreaking task of tediously cleaning all of the debris.


What Can You Do?


In this case, you have two choices: You can either clean the site yourself, or you can call in the professionals.


The Steam Team is skilled in all things construction cleanup. We’re pros at getting all of the dangerous scraps cleared away, all of the particles swept up, and making your new space look (and feel) spic and span! We’re happy to sweep the floors, make sure the environment is safe, and turn your new site into the dazzling location of your dreams.

So as you’re planning your new home addition or office space, don’t forget to plan what happens after the hammers stop. Let someone else deal with the messy cleanup, and enjoy the space the way it was meant to be: shiny, clean, and ready to be lived in.