5 Tips to Help You Spring Clean this Season

Well friends, it’s that time of year again: It’s time for spring cleaning! Let’s get excited about it, instead of bogged down! Below you’ll find five places we often neglect but need to clean! We hope our tips are helpful, and that your experience goes smoothly. Don’t forget: The Steam Team is always standing by to help you out!


Don’t Forget the Dusting


Oftentimes we get too busy and neglect to dust our shelves and surfaces. It’s no big deal; just don’t forget to do it this spring! Grab your trusty microfiber cloth and get to dusting! Don’t forget to change the cloth out frequently in order to pick up as much dust as possible.


Clean Your Window Blinds and Draperies


Did you know that window blinds and draperies often contain tons of dust and debris? This is an area that we almost always neglect; don’t make the mistake this year!


Beat the Old Rug


Every now and then those area and oriental rugs need a thorough cleaning! You can either beat it outside, the old fashioned way, vacuum your rugs, or you can call in The Steam Team to have them steam cleaned!


Clean Ceiling Fans


Another dusty area: ceiling fans! Grab that microfiber cloth again! These towels are best for collecting dust around your home!


Call in the Professionals


This one’s a little different. Here’s where we urge you to call in the professionals for a bit of help! Professional cleaning and restoration companies, like The Steam Team, are trained to help you clean your home and restore it back to its original condition!


The Steam Team is a team of trained professionals that has been serving the Austin community for over a decade now! You can definitely rely on us to get the job done- and get it done correctly. So if spring cleaning is bogging you down and you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t wait! Call The Steam Team!

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Cleaning seems simple enough, right? You choose a disinfectant, you find an old rag, and scrub your counter tops until they look less dingy. Maybe you grab the vacuum, or sludge the mop around the kitchen a bit, and then call it a day.


While there are a lot of right ways to clean, there are also a lot of wrong ways to do it. Because yes, just because you brought out the duster, it doesn’t mean your house is actually clean. Area rug cleaning in Austin, Tx.

You’re Using Dangerous Chemicals


It might seem that in order to get a deep, long lasting clean, you need to use harsh chemicals and strong cleaning supplies. While it's understandable why someone might think that using bleach or dumping other toxins in their house will help get rid of stains, not only is it unsafe for your family, it’s also unsafe for your home.


Fortunately, The Steam Team doesn’t use any harsh chemicals throughout our cleaning services. It’s all in the high-pressure steam! Well, and a team of well-trained professionals, of course.

You Just Clean The Surface


There are two ways to clean your house: deep cleaning, or surface cleaning. Too often, we clean in a frenzy moments before company arrives, and we barely scratch the surface. When cleaning, we promote a healthier environment. We can do this by ridding our homes of dust and dander, and removing old stains and odors. If you only clean the surface, your home might look beautiful on the outside, but the inside will remain dirty and unhealthy. And after all that work, is it really worth it?

You Keep Putting It Off


Finally, the worst way to clean your house is to not do it at all!


Sure, it seems like it’s not that big of a deal. What does it matter if you have a few stains or dust bunnies? But other than just appearance, not having a clean home can greatly impact its resale value, your quality of life, and the longevity of your carpet and furniture.


So if you can’t stand cleaning, or know it’s long past time to get your floor deep cleaned, check out The Steam Team’s services, and let us help you have the clean home of your dreams!