Is Carpet Cleaning Safe For the Environment?

Here at The Steam Team, we try to answer as many questions as we can about steam cleaning so that the public is well-informed about what a great process of cleaning this can be! This includes answering questions like how can steam cleaning help me after water damage, to is steam cleaning really safe for the environment? Today we’re going to answer the latter question, and yes, in short, it is completely safe for the environment! Stay tuned. 

Is Steam Cleaning Safe for the Environment? 

Of course, we’ve already answered this: yes, it is safe. But we haven’t specified why it’s safe. Steam cleaning is entirely safe for the environment because it doesn’t involve the use of any harmful chemicals or substances! All that is requires is hot water, and highly pressurized steam to get the job done correctly the first time. 

How Can Steam Cleaning Help You?

When we say that we can steam clean almost anything in your home, we truly mean it. It’s an incredibly helpful and effective process! Steam cleaning can help rid your flooring of stains- both old and new. It can help remove allergens from your home by cleaning window blinds, drapes, and even your HVAC system. The Steam Team can even come out and help during disastrous situations, like floods or fires! 

Calling in the Professionals

Sometimes it’s best to just leave everything up to the professional carpet cleaners. Not just because they know what they’re really doing, but also to avoid any mishaps or injuries! You’d hate to have to restart a project, or take an unnecessary trip to the ER. Just hand over the job to us here at The Steam Team, and we’ll get it done without any trouble at all! 

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in steam cleaning homes and high rise buildings in the Austin area! So if your home could use a thorough deep cleaning, or you have a restoration project for us to tackle, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

3 Dusty Places to Take Care of this Spring

Are you spring cleaning this year? We hope so! Not just because it’s a good practice in general, but because The Steam Team can help you out! Whether you’re looking to have your air ducts professionally cleaned, or your floors steam cleaned, we’re here for you. We can cover almost anything with our professional-grade steam cleaner!


Air Ducts


Air ducts are notorious for hoarding dust, dirt, dander, and other allergens. If you’re having trouble with your allergies this season (even indoors), then it may be time to check out your air ducts and have them professionally cleaned. You won’t regret it! And how often do you need to do this, anyway? Let’s just get it over with.


Underneath Furniture


When was the last time you moved your couch and checked underneath for dust, dirt, and pet hair? It’s probably safe to say that this doesn’t happen very often. It may be a pain to physically move your furniture around to make sure everything is cleaned thoroughly, but we promise: the results are well worth the effort.


Ceiling Fans


Try this: turn off your ceiling fan (because we know it runs almost constantly). Now, what do you see? Dust? More dust? So much dust you forgot what color the blades were? That’s okay. Ceiling fan blades can be steam cleaned! So after you’ve dusted, give The Steam Team a call; we’ll be able to reach those tight spots and give your fan the thorough clean that it deserves.

And there you have it, friends! Now, don’t forget: there are plenty of other dusty areas around your home or office, so don’t neglect those! And also don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team, no matter what you need done around your home. We’re not just here for spring cleaning! We can help with cleanup and restoration, too!

How to Protect Your Property From Fire & Smoke Damage

While we always hope the holidays are the happiest of times, the past has proven that the holidays are also often filled with fires, unfortunately. The dry air coupled with Christmas trees indoors and lights all around the house- there are numerous reasons that house fires increase around this time of year. Even further, when fire damages our property, it leaves behind a trail of smoke, soot, and ash that can permanently destroy our furniture and possessions. In most instances, it may be your first instinct to rush directly to the fire itself- but we always want to stress that you be extremely careful. Where there’s fire involved, it’s always best to call in the professionals (both to put out the fire and to clean up the damage).


After the calls have been made, you can begin the cleanup process; just be sure to follow these few safety guidelines!


Protect Yourself

First things first: DO NOT enter the scene without wearing a dust respirator mask! These masks will protect your lungs from the harmful contaminants which linger in the air after a fire.


Call in the Professionals

Smoke damage is always best handled by the professionals. A professional steam cleaning company, like The Steam Team, will have the correct equipment to thoroughly clean your furniture, as well as your carpets, surfaces, and window treatments- the whole package!


It’s incredibly important that your home is handled properly after fire damage- with ventilation, equipment, and safety precautions. One thing you can do to help the ventilation around your home is to open any windows or doors to increase the airflow.

A professional company, like The Steam Team, will come in with the latest equipment to clean any upholstered furniture, carpeting, window treatments, countertops, and any other surfaces or possessions that were affected by the fire. Give us a call today! We’re available 24/7 for your immediate fire damage needs.

Is Dry Carpet Cleaning Effective?

Over time, our carpet collects tons of dust, dirt, dander, and more! It needs to be cleaned frequently and can’t be neglected. But which method do you use to clean your carpet? Today we’re comparing dry carpet cleaning to steam cleaning! Which method is more effective, and which method should we go with? Let’s find out!


What is Dry Carpet Cleaning?


Most people turn to dry carpet cleaning because they don’t know how great steam cleaning can be, or don’t even know what it is! Still though, dry carpet cleaning might be effective, but not as effective as… you guessed it- steam cleaning! Read more about steam cleaning below…


What is Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning is a method of cleaning that’s used on a variety of flooring, furniture, and surfaces- not just carpet. This makes it the most versatile cleaning method yet! Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, uses nothing but hot water and high water pressure to extract dirt and grime from deep within your carpet fibers. It uses little moisture and absolutely no chemicals.


Which Method is Better for Carpet?


We always recommend steam cleaning your carpets! Not only does it clean without the use of chemicals, but it’s also completely safe for your children, pets, other family members, and the environment in general. It can be done in a timely manner, especially if you hire the professionals. Imagine running out for errands and coming home to clean, dry carpet (that’s right- we’ll never leave you with wet or even damp carpets!). Your Austin Texas cleaning headquarters. 

Contact The Steam Team if you’re looking for prices, or more information on our cleaning processes! We’ve been serving the Austin community for over a decade now, and have accumulated plenty of experience and expertise; we can restore your carpet to its original condition in no time! We clean in Round Rock, Cedar Park, and all over Central Texas to include San Marcos.  

The Most Effective Way to Care for Furniture and Upholstery In Cedar Park Texas

Residential Cleaning Austin

Residential Cleaning Austin

So you just brought home that beautiful sofa and you want to keep it looking that way. We understand; who wouldn’t? That’s why we’ve compiled this list of five expert ways to take care of your furniture and upholstery- and what The Steam Team believes is the best way. Read on to discover our secrets!


Vacuum Regularly


That upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner has never come more in handy! Put it to good use on your upholstery and furniture. It can reach the tough nooks and crannies, underneath the cushions; there are no limits!


Dust Often


Dusting helps take the load off when it comes to cleaning day, and ultimately prevents debris and grime but building up. It also helps to create a healthier atmosphere! Use your upholstery attachment to suction the dust, or a microfiber cloth to do it the old fashioned way.


Condition Leather Furniture


Just like our skin, leather dries out, and needs to be conditioned periodically. Make sure you’re using the correct product for your furniture (you can check its care label just like you would your favorite tshirt).


Become a Stain-Removal Expert


Accidents are going to happen no matter what we do, but we can learn how to prepare for them! When it comes to leather furniture, different types of leather are used, and often require a certain cleaner.


Steam Cleaning


Steam cleaning is, of course, our preferred method. It can safely and effectively remove stains from just about anything- and it doesn’t leave behind any harmful residue (or anything you’ll need to clean up afterward!). The Steam Team has been taking care of leather and upholstery for over a decade, and can restore your furniture to its original condition in a sinch.


And there you have it, friends! Now your furniture can keep looking as gorgeous as the day you brought it home! Austin Texas rug cleaning company