The Unknown Dangers of Smoke and Ash

We often stress the importance of ridding mold after water damage, but you rarely hear about the “residuals” from fire damage. Smoke and ash can both pose dangerous risks to one's health so it’s extremely important that the area is restored properly. Here at The Steam Team, we have a team of expert professional technicians ready to help when disaster strikes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Leftover smoke and ash are dangerous because they… 

Damage Your Possessions

Sadly, after a house fire, your possessions will not feel, look, or smell the same. In some situations they might be completely ruined. Here at The Steam Team, we understand that this is definitely a trying time for you, so we’ll be right there to back you up throughout this entire process. 

Damage Your Health

Your health is the most important factor here. Obviously, lingering smoke and ash pose a danger to your health and wellbeing. So put on those masks, ventilate the area, and call in The Steam Team! We’ll get your home cleaned up and restored in no time. And yes, we’ll protect your health. We’ll get you out of there! 

Damage Your Home

Lastly, lingering smoke and ash cause damage to your entire home. Smoke causes discoloration, staining, and of course- that unfriendly stench. It clings to your drapes, furniture, and carpeting. It should be tended to immediately! So hurry up! Give The Steam Team a call. We’re experts when it comes to situations like this. 

We’ll say it over and over again: we’re here for you. We know how terrible house fires can be, the plight they put on the homeowner, but we also know how to remedy the situation. So put your trust in us; we can help you out of this mess!