Navigating the Aftermath: Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Up After a Kitchen Fire with Heavy Smoke

Restoration contractor austin


Experiencing a kitchen fire can be a harrowing event, and the aftermath, particularly the cleanup process, can be equally challenging. Fires involving heavy smoke not only leave visible soot and damage but also introduce lingering odors that necessitate thorough and systematic cleaning. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke, addressing both visible damage and the less obvious but equally impactful effects of smoke.

  1. Ensure Safety First:

Before embarking on the cleanup journey, prioritize safety. Ensure that the fire has been fully extinguished, and the kitchen is safe to enter. If necessary, consult with the fire department or a professional inspector to assess structural integrity and potential hazards. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and safety goggles, to safeguard against residual smoke particles and cleaning chemicals.

  1. Assess the Extent of Damage:

Begin the cleanup process by conducting a thorough assessment of the damage caused by the kitchen fire. Examine the affected areas, taking note of visible soot, damage to appliances, cabinets, walls, and ceilings. Pay attention to the degree of smoke penetration, as smoke particles can infiltrate porous surfaces, leading to lingering odors. This assessment will guide the subsequent steps in the cleanup process.

  1. Ventilate the Space:

Before diving into the cleaning process, facilitate proper ventilation to remove any remaining smoke or lingering odors. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the kitchen. Consider using fans to enhance air circulation and expedite the dissipation of odorous particles. Adequate ventilation is crucial in creating a safer and more comfortable environment for the cleanup efforts.

  1. Remove Soot and Residue:

Soot, a byproduct of combustion, often settles on surfaces as a fine, black powder. Begin by dry cleaning surfaces to remove loose soot using a dry chemical sponge or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Exercise caution to avoid spreading the soot further. Once loose soot is removed, proceed to clean surfaces with a specialized smoke and soot cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  1. Clean and Sanitize Surfaces:

Soot and smoke residue can adhere to various surfaces, including countertops, appliances, and walls. Clean these surfaces with a combination of mild detergent and warm water. For more stubborn stains, consider using a specialized cleaner designed to cut through smoke residue. Sanitize surfaces thoroughly to eliminate any lingering bacteria or contaminants.

  1. Evaluate Appliances and Electronics:

Kitchen appliances and electronic devices are susceptible to smoke damage, which can affect their functionality. Consult with professionals to assess the condition of these items. In some cases, appliances may need repairs or replacement due to the impact of smoke and heat. Electronics should undergo a thorough inspection to ensure their safety and functionality.

  1. Address Smoke Odors:

One of the most challenging aspects of post-fire cleanup is addressing lingering smoke odors. Begin by removing and cleaning curtains, blinds, and other soft furnishings. Launder or dry-clean items as needed to eliminate odors. For walls and ceilings, use a specialized smoke odor neutralizer or a mixture of white vinegar and water. Consider placing bowls of activated charcoal or baking soda in strategic locations to help absorb lingering odors.

  1. Clean and Disinfect HVAC Systems:

The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can circulate smoke particles throughout the home. Clean and disinfect the HVAC system, including ducts and filters, to prevent the spread of odors. Consider replacing air filters, as they may have trapped smoke particles. Consult with HVAC professionals to ensure that the system is thoroughly cleaned and functioning optimally.

  1. Inspect and Clean Cabinets and Cupboards:

Kitchen cabinets and cupboards may retain smoke residue, especially if they are made of porous materials. Inspect both the exterior and interior surfaces, removing items and cleaning them individually. Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of mild detergent and water, and consider using a specialized cleaner for stubborn stains. Ventilate the cabinets thoroughly to eliminate trapped odors.

  1. Flooring: Addressing Soot and Odors:

Flooring, whether tile, hardwood, or carpet, requires meticulous attention during the cleanup process. Vacuum or sweep loose soot from hard surfaces and carpets. For carpets, consider professional cleaning or replacement if the damage is severe. Clean and sanitize hard flooring surfaces, and use specialized odor-neutralizing products to address any lingering smells.

  1. Consult with Restoration Professionals:

In cases of extensive damage, or if the cleanup process becomes overwhelming, consider consulting with restoration professionals. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to address fire and smoke damage comprehensively. Restoration professionals can conduct a thorough assessment, provide detailed cleanup plans, and ensure that the property is restored to a safe and habitable condition.

  1. Work with Your Insurance Provider:

Contact your insurance provider promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide detailed documentation, including photographs and a comprehensive list of damaged items. Work closely with the insurance adjuster to ensure that all necessary repairs and replacements are covered. Prompt communication with your insurance provider facilitates a smoother and more efficient recovery process.

  1. Prevent Future Incidents:

After the cleanup process is complete, take proactive measures to prevent future kitchen fires. Install smoke detectors in strategic locations, check and replace batteries regularly, and consider investing in a fire extinguisher for the kitchen. Practice safe cooking habits, such as never leaving cooking unattended and keeping flammable materials away from heat sources. These preventive measures contribute to a safer and more secure home environment.


Cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke is a meticulous and comprehensive process that requires attention to detail, safety precautions, and perseverance. By systematically addressing visible damage, eliminating smoke odors, and consulting with professionals when needed, individuals can navigate the aftermath of a kitchen fire and restore their homes to a safe and habitable condition. Additionally, working closely with insurance providers and implementing preventive measures ensures a more secure and resilient living environment in the future.

Who Cleans Up After Construction and Water Damage In Your Home?

Commercial Water Damage in Austin, Texas

After any major construction or remodeling in your home, there’s probably a big mess that needs cleaning. Luckily, our Steam Team Professionals have the right experience and equipment to clean any post-construction water damage mess. Here’s our team’s process:

Detailed Surface Cleaning

Construction is a messy process after flooding, and your home or business may have been left covered with layers of dust and debris after a water damage. Dust knocked off of certain surfaces, pieces of wood, sawdust and chipped paint may be covering your counters or shelves. Our technicians will clean all windows, cabinets, shelves and countertops by hand until all debris is removed. Floors and walls will be sanitized with steam cleaners, vacuumed or mopped as needed to remove debris. Furniture will be cleaned according to its specific material. Our technicians won’t quit until the surfaces of your home or business are spotless!

Finishing Touches

After thoroughly cleaning all surfaces and furniture, our technicians will move on to the more detailed areas. If any debris of any kind remains in the ventilation system after construction, it could enter the air of the property and cause problems for anyone breathing inside the building. All vents will be cleaned and dusted to make sure this doesn't happen. Then our team will move on to things like electronics, small appliances, light fixtures, small decorative items and ceiling fans. At the end of the process, your home will be even cleaner than it was before the construction or remodeling took place!

More From The Steam Team

We do a whole lot more than just clean up after construction or remodeling! Here at The Steam Team, we provide a wide range of cleaning and restoration services including tile and grout cleaning, pet odor elimination, marble polishing and many, many more. For more information about our many services, visit The Steam Team website.

Possible Covid Infection In Your Home or Business? Call The Steam Team

water damage by Steam Team Inc.

water damage austin texas since 1983

We’ve all learned the importance of keeping our home and business clean through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have frequent guests you’ve probably been even more conscious of the cleanliness in your space. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home or business from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business.

Contact Steam Team

If you’re interested in our Covid cleanup service, feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation, where you’ll get to discuss exactly how you’d like your home or business cleaned. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Thorough Covid Cleanup

Safety always comes first with The Steam Team, and as soon as our technicians arrive, they’ll have all the OSHA-certified personal protective equipment they need to get the job done. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

Professional Flood Cleanup and Water Extraction

Austin Cleaning Services

Austin Cleaning Services

There are very few things in the world than can ruin an entire home as quickly as flooding. If a serious flood ever occurs in your home, whether from natural disaster or a leaky pipe or broken appliance, you should have a plan of action to remove the water and take care of the home to prevent further damage. We think your plan should involve The Steam Team, and here’s why.

Our Team

Here at The Steam Team, our cleaning technicians have had years of experience with water extraction and flood damage cleanup. We know exactly how to handle these complex situations, and we have the right equipment for the job. Our water damage services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since we know that these disasters are time sensitive and you may need someone to arrive quickly in the middle of the night. Now let’s talk about our detailed process for restoring your home after flooding.

Water Extraction and Cleanup

If flood water is allowed to remain in your home for too long, many complications can occur like mold growth or appliances breaking, so when our technicians arrive, we’ll use high-powered water extraction equipment to remove all the water as quickly as possible. However, if the flood was so severe that there’s several feet of water filling the home, the extraction may take more than a day or even a few days, since removing the water too quickly could cause the structure to collapse from the change in pressure. Once all water is removed, we can also help remove mud and contaminants, sanitize surfaces, clean and even remove carpet and much more.

Fighting Mold

One of the worst things that can occur after a flood is excessive mold growth, which can be harmful for anyone living in the home. Luckily, we also offer a professional mold remediation service. For more information on mold remediation as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

Eliminating Mold Growth Following Water Damage

According to studies around the United States, 7 out of 10 homes suffer from water damage and mold issues, alone. After water damage, inevitably comes mold growth. Water damage unfortunately creates the perfect environment for mold spores, leaving homeowners health at risk. On today’s blog, we’re going over the risks of this mold growth and how we can help eliminate this risk for you and your family. 

The Risks of Mold Growth

If mold begins to grow in your home, it can cause some serious health risks- particularly for those who already have frequent lung or sinus issues. Living or working in a building with mold growth in the vents or nearby at all can cause eye irritation, throat irritation, allergies, cough, nasal irritation and plenty of other symptoms. If you already experience these in your daily life, there may be mold hidden somewhere in your home or workplace. With all of this in mind, it's important to have your home or business inspected for mold, and to have that mold eliminated if it’s found.

Our Mold Experts

When you call in The Steam Team, our technicians will get to work right away, inspecting the property and identifying the damaged areas. To begin our professional mold remediation process, they’ll extract all the water and seal off the area to prevent the mold from spreading. All affected materials will be disposed of, eliminating the mold at its source. Then the HVAC and AC systems will be fully inspected and have mold removed from them as well. A powerful disinfectant will be applied before the final step of repair and restoration. By the time our experts are finished, there won’t be any signs that you had mold to begin with, and you’ll be able to breathe freely again.

For more information on our mold remediation process, as well as our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

The Steam Team Flood Damage Cleanup

One of the worst disasters that can happen to a home is flooding. And unfortunately, it’s a common occurence here in Texas. Cleaning up after flood damage can be extremely challenging, especially if the flooding was bad enough that the structure of the building itself is damaged. Luckily, The Steam Team can help clean and restore your home after flooding. Here’s some important information to keep in mind.

Water Extraction

The Steam Team’s process for water extraction uses high powered machines to get the damaging water out of your home before it becomes more of a problem. But it’s important to keep in mind that this process takes time. Only a few feet of water can be moved a day, or the rapid change in pressure could cause the walls of the building to collapse. After all water is finally removed, the floors will need a thorough cleaning. And depending on the kind of floor and the extent of the damage, the floors may need to be removed.

Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands

The Steam Team restoration professionals will do everything they can to remove water, clean and restore your home using high powered equipment. But by the time they leave, some aspects of the home may require you to step in. Mud and other contaminants may still be left behind on certain surfaces, and will need to be cleaned off and those surfaces sanitized. Dishes and countertops may also need to be thoroughly sanitized.

Mold Growth

One of the most harmful things that can occur as a result of water damage is mold growth. If tracking down and safely eliminating mold sounds like it may be too difficult of a job to handle alone, The Steam Team offers a professional mold remediation service. For more information on the services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

How To React When Water Damage Occurs

Water may be essential to our daily lives, but it can really cause damage to our homes during a storm, leak, or even a fire! But wherever you are, whatever you’re facing, if it’s water damage, The Steam Team has you covered. We’re experts at water damage recovery and even mold remediation- because, you know, that’s an issue too when it comes to water damage. If you encounter water damage in or around your home, here’s what you should do:


Act Quickly


It’s important to act as quickly as possible once you discover water damage! Remember, it only takes 24-48 hours for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout your home! If you don’t want a serious mold issue on your hands, then get moving, get moving, get moving!


Dry Out the Area


Next, do your best to dry out the area until the professionals arrive. We know that this is no simple task, especially when you’re battling mold and other contaminants! But remember that the longer you leave an area moist, the more likely it is that mold will form. So do your best to act as quickly as possible!


Call in The Steam Team


Do you live in the Austin, TX area and have a water damage problem on your hands? Then you’re in luck! The Steam Team is a group of trained professionals who have plenty of expertise in cleaning up after water damage, and restoring your home to its original, pristine condition.

The Steam Team really knows what they’re doing when it comes to water damage! You can put your trust in us. We’ve been at this for over a decade; that’s ample time to learn the ropes! So remember, as soon as you encounter water damage in or around your home, give The Steam Team a call!

Back to the Basics: A Quick Guide to Cleaning

So you’ve given up your traditional methods of cleaning and have decided to go with steam cleaning! First of all, we’re proud of you! Second of all, let’s go back to the basics of steam cleaning. What’s it all about? Well, here are five facts about steam cleaning that are bound to get you even more excited about your new endeavor!


Steam Cleaning is Completely Safe


Steam cleaning is absolutely, entirely safe for your children, pets, other family members, and the environment in general. It doesn’t involve the use of any chemicals at all. That means that no potentially harmful substances are used while we clean, and we won’t leave behind any residue!


Steam Cleaning Saves You Money


That’s right! Steam cleaning saves you money. You won’t need to purchase any cleaning supplies if you’re steam cleaning- since a steam cleaning machine won’t use them! You’ll love

having that extra cash stowed away for a rainy day.


Steam Cleaning REALLY Cleans


Finally, a clean that you can trust! You’ve seen the before and after pictures, right? Then you know that steam cleaning really gets at that grime and dirt. Nothing gets past a professional grade steam cleaning machine!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs and Bacteria


Bring it on, springtime. Bring all of your germs and bacteria. Let us fight them away with our professional grade steam cleaning machine! With high pressurized water and intense heat, we can take care of germs and bacteria in bathrooms, kitchens, entry ways- wherever!


Steam Cleaning Eradicates Allergens


Having trouble this allergy season? We can’t blame you; Austin is the allergy capital of the nation! But before you throw in the towel and succumb to runny, stuffy noses forever- consider steam cleaning. It does wonders for eradicating allergens like dust, dander, and pollen!


Contact The Steam Team today if you’re in need of a serious cleaning! Or log online and view our list of services here!

Protecting Your Flooring From Water Damage: Before & After

Whether the damage stems from a flash flood or a faulty dishwasher, excess water can wreak havoc on our homes and valuables. Especially with all of the storms and rain the great state of Texas has encountered in the past couple of months, it’s always been important (and more so now, than ever) to be prepared for water damage.




If you know there’s a storm coming and you’re in danger of flooding, there are several things you can do to prepare and stay safe before you’re faced with the water.


Disconnect Electronics

Your first move should be to disconnect anything electronic- water and electricity should never mix!


Move Belongings

If there are any belongings or furniture that might be affected by the water, it’s always a good idea to move them to higher ground or a space where the water is less likely to get to them.




Turn Off Electricity

If you notice any standing water, turn off the main power source, and contact an electrician! It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Dry Out the Affected Area


Everything must be dried thoroughly in order to prevent the growth and spread of mold (all it takes is twenty four hours in a dim, damp environment).


Dry out everything (carpet, upholstery, laundry, bedding, etc) to the best of your ability (and remember- The Steam Team has all of the proper training and equipment to handle any situation, no matter how daunting!)


Calling in the Professionals


Lastly (and most important), call your local steam cleaning company! A professional knows exactly what to look for, and will effectively clean, disinfect, and dry without missing a single spot! Contact us immediately after detecting water damage inside your home. The Steam Team comes in and assess the damages, make repairs, and finally- returns your home to its beautiful condition.

5 Secrets to Cleaning Around the Home

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

It’s cleaning day! Time to break out the supplies: a vacuum cleaner, your trusty cleaning solution, and these five tips on eliminating grim around the house:


For Dust, Dirt, & Dander


There’s simply no way to avoid it. When it comes to keeping our floors clean (or at least, presentable) we must establish a regular vacuuming routine! Of course, how frequently you need to vacuum will depend on the level of foot traffic in your home. On average, you should be vacuuming at least once a week- it’ll make the chore much easier in the long run!


We suggest vacuuming for its convenience: it’s easier on the body, will save time and energy, etc. If you do not own a vacuum cleaner suitable for tile and hardwood, a broom or floor duster will suffice.


For that Stubborn Soap Scum


Removing soap scum requires an intense amount of pressure- a pressure easily achieved by a steam cleaner. If the soap scum in your bathroom has hardened, we recommend saving yourself time and frustration by either renting a steam cleaning machine, or giving a professional a call!


For Spills & Stains


Keeping spills and stains off upholstered furniture is no easy task!


It’s all about quick reflexes! Not really- just be sure to tend to spills and accidents as quickly as you can. This will help prevent permanent staining.


For Gruesome, Grimy Grout


Grout: the sole reason you procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Grout is porous in nature, and absorbs grime very quickly. Cleaning grout is a tiring process, and oftentimes we struggle to achieve the results we desire. If your regular mopping and scrubbing isn’t cutting it consider hiring a professional.


For Anything & Everything Else

For everything else… Call in The Steam Team! If we haven’t said it already- steam cleaning is one of the most efficient, most effective methods of cleaning. Whether we’re deep-cleaning your kitchen after the holidays, or replacing that grimy grout, you’ll be amazed at The Steam Team’s results!

Commercial Cleaning: Keeping Your Restrooms Clean

Commercial Cleaning The Steam Team

Commercial Cleaning The Steam Team

Restrooms can sometimes be a harsh reality. In order to continuously keep commercial restrooms clean and sanitary, it’s likely that you’ll have to implement systems or bring in outside help.

Bringing in Outside Help


Deep Cleaning

One of the most common complaints with cleaning high-traffic restrooms is keeping the tile and grout clean. In some cases, this could on the floor, backsplash, or even countertops. Grout can be especially difficult to clean around moisture, but steam cleaning will undoubtedly do the trick.

Targeting Trouble Areas

Of course the tile and grout aren’t the only areas that need attention around the bathroom - especially with how damage-prone the environment already is (from the constant waterflow). Cleaning around the bathroom becomes much more efficient when you target the sinks, floors, counters, toilets, trash cans, etc.


Additionally, if you take preventive measures to keep these target areas from collecting grime, you’ll find that a deep clean can turn a sort-of clean restroom into a room that looks brand-spanking-new!

Cover Every Surface

Last, but certainly not least, don’t leave any surface behind! When you make sure to touch every surface before leaving the restroom, you’re guaranteed a spotless environment.


Now, remember when we talked about bringing in outside help? That’s really the secret to ensuring that your commercial restrooms are continuously spotless. It’s not as daunting as you may think - in fact, it’ll take a huge stress off of your shoulders!


Are you looking for a commercial cleaning company? We’d love to take a look at your office! Give us a call, here at The Steam Team, today.


What's Hiding in Your Office Carpet?



Keeping the carpet clean in your office is essential for the health your coworkers, clients, and of course yourself. Because we can’t see them, It’s easy to forget about the dust, allergens, and other creepy crawlies lurking in your carpet! But once your carpet begins to stain you’ll know something is wrong. Why wait for stains to appear, when it could already be time to call your local cleaning and restoration company! It’s important to have your carpet routinely cleaned by a professional at least occasionally, and here’s why:

The Importance of Keeping Carpet Clean


  1. Health Benefits


Carpet can harbor many indoor air pollutants and allergens that are harmful to our health. Dust, dander, lead, cockroach allergens, and many more materials could be found in our carpet at home and in the office. What’s worse, these particles are kicked up into the air as we walk or vacuum over our floor. You’re likely unsure about what exactly is lurking in your office carpet, so it’s best to have it steam cleaned on a regular basis. Doing so would be a favor to your health, as well as the health of your clients and coworkers.



  1. First Impressions


Undoubtedly, your clients take a thorough look around when they enter your office for the first time. They may notice your fancy leather chairs before they spot your carpet, but they will, at some point, find that stain you’ve been trying to hid beneath the trash can. Luckily, The Steam Team can help you win a few professionalism points by deep cleaning your carpet for you this quarter!


Steam cleaning brings results that you simply can’t beat! If your office is overdue for a deep, thorough carpet cleaning, or you need some help with a tricky stain, don’t hesitate to call The Steam today!