Eliminating Mold Growth Following Water Damage

According to studies around the United States, 7 out of 10 homes suffer from water damage and mold issues, alone. After water damage, inevitably comes mold growth. Water damage unfortunately creates the perfect environment for mold spores, leaving homeowners health at risk. On today’s blog, we’re going over the risks of this mold growth and how we can help eliminate this risk for you and your family. 

The Risks of Mold Growth

If mold begins to grow in your home, it can cause some serious health risks- particularly for those who already have frequent lung or sinus issues. Living or working in a building with mold growth in the vents or nearby at all can cause eye irritation, throat irritation, allergies, cough, nasal irritation and plenty of other symptoms. If you already experience these in your daily life, there may be mold hidden somewhere in your home or workplace. With all of this in mind, it's important to have your home or business inspected for mold, and to have that mold eliminated if it’s found.

Our Mold Experts

When you call in The Steam Team, our technicians will get to work right away, inspecting the property and identifying the damaged areas. To begin our professional mold remediation process, they’ll extract all the water and seal off the area to prevent the mold from spreading. All affected materials will be disposed of, eliminating the mold at its source. Then the HVAC and AC systems will be fully inspected and have mold removed from them as well. A powerful disinfectant will be applied before the final step of repair and restoration. By the time our experts are finished, there won’t be any signs that you had mold to begin with, and you’ll be able to breathe freely again.

For more information on our mold remediation process, as well as our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Mold Growth 101: What You Need to Know

Have you been smelling something like mildew coming from the garage, recently? Are you worried about some recent water damage causing a mold issue for your home? Mold is a serious and dangerous issue that is not to be taken lightly. It can destroy your home, your health, and your sanity. So act fast, and contact the professionals if you spot mold growing in or around your home!

Here are the basics when it comes to mold growth:

It Only Needs 24 Hours to Spread

You read that right, friends. It only takes twenty four hours for mold to begin to grow and spread throughout your home. This is why it’s so important to act quickly! Once its spread, you’re putting yourself at risk for increased allergies, health problems such as asthma episodes, or even irritations of the eye, nose, and throat.

It Needs to be Taken Care of Immediately

Once you spot (or smell) a mold issue in your home or office space, it’s imperative that you seek professional help with the issue immediately! This is mainly because it barely takes any time at all to grow and spread!

Call in the Professionals

A professional cleaning and restoration company, like The Steam Team, can come out and remedy any mold situation. Our team of licensed experts can remove water damage, eradicate mold, dry, and repair your home or office building! You’ll be both amazed and relieved when we’ve finished the job.

No matter how bad the problem may seem to you, we promise you, it’s no trouble for The Steam Team mold remediation! This is what we’re best at, in fact! So if you or someone you know ever spots mold growing in or around their home, make sure The Steam Team is contacted immediately! We’re your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, and we’d love to lend you a hand!

How To React When Water Damage Occurs

Water may be essential to our daily lives, but it can really cause damage to our homes during a storm, leak, or even a fire! But wherever you are, whatever you’re facing, if it’s water damage, The Steam Team has you covered. We’re experts at water damage recovery and even mold remediation- because, you know, that’s an issue too when it comes to water damage. If you encounter water damage in or around your home, here’s what you should do:


Act Quickly


It’s important to act as quickly as possible once you discover water damage! Remember, it only takes 24-48 hours for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout your home! If you don’t want a serious mold issue on your hands, then get moving, get moving, get moving!


Dry Out the Area


Next, do your best to dry out the area until the professionals arrive. We know that this is no simple task, especially when you’re battling mold and other contaminants! But remember that the longer you leave an area moist, the more likely it is that mold will form. So do your best to act as quickly as possible!


Call in The Steam Team


Do you live in the Austin, TX area and have a water damage problem on your hands? Then you’re in luck! The Steam Team is a group of trained professionals who have plenty of expertise in cleaning up after water damage, and restoring your home to its original, pristine condition.

The Steam Team really knows what they’re doing when it comes to water damage! You can put your trust in us. We’ve been at this for over a decade; that’s ample time to learn the ropes! So remember, as soon as you encounter water damage in or around your home, give The Steam Team a call!

Fighting Mold Contamination By The Steam Team of Austin

Mold Damage

Mold Damage

There are several dangers to mold growth: harm to those with allergies, asthma, other illnesses, and of course the spread of bacteria. And it doesn’t take long for mold to begin growing, either. So it’s very important that we catch it as soon as possible, and remove the issue from our homes. Here are three steps to take to fight mold contamination! Call The Steam Team for mold remediation. We are the leader in mold removal and licensed by The State of Texas #RCO1264


Dry Up Wet Spills Immediately


Don’t let spills sit! Act quickly, and you won’t regret the effort. The longer a wet spill sits on your carpet, hardwood, or upholstery, the more likely it is that mold will grow. Clean spills immediately; you can even use a dehumidifier if there’s a lot of liquid.


Inspect Your Home for Leaks


Always watch out for leaks in and around the home. It can be as simple as your shower head misfiring and soaking the ceiling or wall with water each time it’s used. Do what you can to keep these areas dry, as moist areas are a perfect breeding ground for mold spores.


Wear Protection While Cleaning


It’s important to protect your health and wellbeing while cleaning up a moldy situation. Wear a protective mask at all times to prevent inhaling mold spores. You can buy such masks at your local pharmacy or department stores. Remember: your health and safety comes first!

Don’t forget- in the case of an emergency (such as a flood) call the professionals immediately. Mold only needs twenty four hours to begin to grow and take over your home, and the professionals are the best ones for the job! They have the right equipment and expertise for any mold remediation situation. The Steam Team is your leading steam cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX- don’t hesitate to give us a call when you’re in need!

Your Austin Area Water Damage Restoration Company

Flood Cleanup

Flood Cleanup

Unfortunately many of us know people who have suffered water damage recently, whether it’s our friends, family, or maybe even you’ve suffered yourself. It’s devastating to the home, it’s devastating to the people, and it’s devastating financially. Whether it’s caused from a natural disaster (like a hurricane or heavy storm), a broken pipe or leaky appliance, or even a house fire -- the water damage is all the same. It can destroy our furniture, weaken the structure of our home, and risk mold growth around every affected area. As difficult as it is to deal with devastating water damage, we’re here to help you along the way.


Most Importantly: Get Rid of All Water

Water has a way of seeping into everything and if you’re not careful, you could have a mold infestation to deal with in the near future. Calling in the professionals from the very beginning will help to get rid of every drop of water around your home. Until they get there with fans and other equipment, you can help by opening windows and turning on ceiling fans to try and get the air circulating (and drying out the water).


Be Proactive Against Mold

Mold grows quickly and quietly. Once everything has dried out (including walls and carpet padding) it’s important to disinfect the affected area to protect against bacteria. Your walls, counters, floors, and other surfaces will likely need professional treatment to prevent mold growth, odors, and permanent staining.

A professional cleaning and restoration company will have the right equipment to tackle mold and stop it in its tracks. Your best choice when dealing with water damage is going to be to call in the professionals to ensure that you and your family are safe in the future and that your home is properly taken care of. Give us a call today at The Steam Team!