Renewing Your Hardwood Floors For The New Year

The New Year is finally here and it’s time to make some changes! Do your new year resolutions have anything to do with the condition of your home? If not, you might want to consider taking a good look around. Especially if you have a hardwood floor! And if it shows signs of damage to the finish, you’ll want to start your year off right by renewing your hardwood floor with The Steam Team!

Signs Of A Damaged Finish

A hardwood floor that you’ve owned for several years will normally start to show signs that the finish is wearing down. Remember these signs well, and if you spot them, don’t hesitate to have the floor renewed, otherwise the hardwood itself could become damaged and will need to be removed and replaced. One clear sign of a damaged finish is discoloration, lack of shine, or gray spots appearing on hardwood floors. Hardwood floor finish can only handle so much, and this discoloration means it has reached it’s limit and needs replacing. Another sign are cracks or splits in the finish. These are a little more difficult to spot, because some cracks might not pierce all the way through the finish, meaning it could potentially be left alone without any issue. So pay close attention to how deep any scratches or cracks in your hardwood floor are.

Steam Team Hardwood Floor Renewal

When you’ve noticed the signs mentioned above and you call in The Steam Team, our technicians will begin the hardwood floor renewal process by visually inspecting the floor and finding the most damaged areas. Then they’ll begin the damage repair step, filling in any cracks or scratches before moving onto the cleaning process, eliminating all traces of dirt and grime from the floor. Finally, our professional technicians will apply two coats of finish to provide the most protection to your floor as possible, and add years to the lifespan of your hardwood.

For more information on hardwood floor renewal, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

Basic Rules for Cleaning Up Stains on Upholstery

Ah, upholstered furniture… doesn’t it look so great in our homes? We think so. But i looks especially great when it’s kept clean and taken care of! So let’s review a few basic rules for cleaning up stains on upholstered furniture, because no matter how hard we try, we simply can’t prevent accidents from happening!

And don’t forget; The Steam Team is always standing by, waiting to help you out!

Get to Cleaning Right Away!

We’re really hoping you know to do this already, but we’ll remind you: it’s important to tackle the stain as soon as you spot it! Doing so puts you miles ahead in the stain removal game; trust us. When cleaning, start by checking for any cleaning codes or instructions that could be on the label of your furniture. Some upholstery requires specific solvents, or can’t be cleaned with water, etc. If there aren’t any cleaning codes, simply perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the furniture.

Blot, Don’t Rub

This is another important rule when it comes to cleaning your upholstery, no matter what material it’s made out of! Blotting a stain instead of rubbing it keeps the stain from spreading! Blot the stain away with a clean white cloth (so that you can see the stain being removed from your upholstery).

Vacuum Regularly

It’s a chore that can’t be avoided or procrastinated: Vacuuming. Upholstery should be vacuumed frequently in order to keep its fabric in good condition, and of course to remove all of the dirt, dust, and crumbs that lurk in its crevices and underneath our cushions. Use your upholstery attachment to reach those tough-to-vacuum areas, and you’re good to go!

Finally, we recommend you call The Steam Team periodically for a thorough, deep cleaning. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience caring for furniture just like yours, so don’t be shy. Give us a call today!

3 Shower Tile Cleaning Tips For Austin Texas Residential Customers

Tile Cleaning

Tile Cleaning

A tiled shower is one of the areas in the house that is almost always in need of our attention! Wouldn’t you love it if every morning, your shower felt fresh and clean? Instead, soap scum and other grime build up, causing our shower’s state of cleanliness to be not-so-pleasant… But fortunately there are many ways in which we clean shower tiles. Below you’ll find three easy tips for doing so! The most amazing tile cleaning in Austin, Texas is cleaned by The Steam Team. 


Eradicate Soap Scum


Soap scum can be difficult to remove from your shower tiles, especially if they haven’t been cleaned in a while. You’ll have to find a cleaner suitable for the job, and scrub away what you can! Whatever you can’t get to, a steam cleaner can help with!


Clean the Gunk Off of Grout


Grout will also need a bit of elbow grease… and by elbow grease, we mean scrubbing! First, create a thick paste with water and two tablespoons of baking soda. Use a hard-bristled toothbrush to scrub the paste into the grout (in a circular motion, not back and forth!). The Steam Team cleans all types of tile and stone. For marble cleaning call The Steam Team today. 


Dry Everything Completely


Before this step, it’s important to rinse the walls of your shower with warm water to remove any excess soap scum! Then, dry everything completely. Drying off the shower walls and tiles will help reduce the growth of mold, mildew, and soap scum. So after you’re done cleaning, be sure to dry everything thoroughly- you’ll be thanking yourself in the long run! Call 512-451-8326 today!

Cleaning tile and grout can be tiring, especially in the shower where soap scum and grime tends to build up so quickly! So if you’re ever in need of some cleaning assistance, don’t hesitate to contact The Steam Team! We have all of the right tools and equipment to get the job done right- and get your shower to sparkle!

5 Secrets to Cleaning Around the Home

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

It’s cleaning day! Time to break out the supplies: a vacuum cleaner, your trusty cleaning solution, and these five tips on eliminating grim around the house:


For Dust, Dirt, & Dander


There’s simply no way to avoid it. When it comes to keeping our floors clean (or at least, presentable) we must establish a regular vacuuming routine! Of course, how frequently you need to vacuum will depend on the level of foot traffic in your home. On average, you should be vacuuming at least once a week- it’ll make the chore much easier in the long run!


We suggest vacuuming for its convenience: it’s easier on the body, will save time and energy, etc. If you do not own a vacuum cleaner suitable for tile and hardwood, a broom or floor duster will suffice.


For that Stubborn Soap Scum


Removing soap scum requires an intense amount of pressure- a pressure easily achieved by a steam cleaner. If the soap scum in your bathroom has hardened, we recommend saving yourself time and frustration by either renting a steam cleaning machine, or giving a professional a call!


For Spills & Stains


Keeping spills and stains off upholstered furniture is no easy task!


It’s all about quick reflexes! Not really- just be sure to tend to spills and accidents as quickly as you can. This will help prevent permanent staining.


For Gruesome, Grimy Grout


Grout: the sole reason you procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Grout is porous in nature, and absorbs grime very quickly. Cleaning grout is a tiring process, and oftentimes we struggle to achieve the results we desire. If your regular mopping and scrubbing isn’t cutting it consider hiring a professional.


For Anything & Everything Else

For everything else… Call in The Steam Team! If we haven’t said it already- steam cleaning is one of the most efficient, most effective methods of cleaning. Whether we’re deep-cleaning your kitchen after the holidays, or replacing that grimy grout, you’ll be amazed at The Steam Team’s results!

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Cleaning seems simple enough, right? You choose a disinfectant, you find an old rag, and scrub your counter tops until they look less dingy. Maybe you grab the vacuum, or sludge the mop around the kitchen a bit, and then call it a day.


While there are a lot of right ways to clean, there are also a lot of wrong ways to do it. Because yes, just because you brought out the duster, it doesn’t mean your house is actually clean. Area rug cleaning in Austin, Tx.

You’re Using Dangerous Chemicals


It might seem that in order to get a deep, long lasting clean, you need to use harsh chemicals and strong cleaning supplies. While it's understandable why someone might think that using bleach or dumping other toxins in their house will help get rid of stains, not only is it unsafe for your family, it’s also unsafe for your home.


Fortunately, The Steam Team doesn’t use any harsh chemicals throughout our cleaning services. It’s all in the high-pressure steam! Well, and a team of well-trained professionals, of course.

You Just Clean The Surface


There are two ways to clean your house: deep cleaning, or surface cleaning. Too often, we clean in a frenzy moments before company arrives, and we barely scratch the surface. When cleaning, we promote a healthier environment. We can do this by ridding our homes of dust and dander, and removing old stains and odors. If you only clean the surface, your home might look beautiful on the outside, but the inside will remain dirty and unhealthy. And after all that work, is it really worth it?

You Keep Putting It Off


Finally, the worst way to clean your house is to not do it at all!


Sure, it seems like it’s not that big of a deal. What does it matter if you have a few stains or dust bunnies? But other than just appearance, not having a clean home can greatly impact its resale value, your quality of life, and the longevity of your carpet and furniture.


So if you can’t stand cleaning, or know it’s long past time to get your floor deep cleaned, check out The Steam Team’s services, and let us help you have the clean home of your dreams!