Navigating the Aftermath: Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Up After a Kitchen Fire with Heavy Smoke

Restoration contractor austin


Experiencing a kitchen fire can be a harrowing event, and the aftermath, particularly the cleanup process, can be equally challenging. Fires involving heavy smoke not only leave visible soot and damage but also introduce lingering odors that necessitate thorough and systematic cleaning. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke, addressing both visible damage and the less obvious but equally impactful effects of smoke.

  1. Ensure Safety First:

Before embarking on the cleanup journey, prioritize safety. Ensure that the fire has been fully extinguished, and the kitchen is safe to enter. If necessary, consult with the fire department or a professional inspector to assess structural integrity and potential hazards. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and safety goggles, to safeguard against residual smoke particles and cleaning chemicals.

  1. Assess the Extent of Damage:

Begin the cleanup process by conducting a thorough assessment of the damage caused by the kitchen fire. Examine the affected areas, taking note of visible soot, damage to appliances, cabinets, walls, and ceilings. Pay attention to the degree of smoke penetration, as smoke particles can infiltrate porous surfaces, leading to lingering odors. This assessment will guide the subsequent steps in the cleanup process.

  1. Ventilate the Space:

Before diving into the cleaning process, facilitate proper ventilation to remove any remaining smoke or lingering odors. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the kitchen. Consider using fans to enhance air circulation and expedite the dissipation of odorous particles. Adequate ventilation is crucial in creating a safer and more comfortable environment for the cleanup efforts.

  1. Remove Soot and Residue:

Soot, a byproduct of combustion, often settles on surfaces as a fine, black powder. Begin by dry cleaning surfaces to remove loose soot using a dry chemical sponge or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Exercise caution to avoid spreading the soot further. Once loose soot is removed, proceed to clean surfaces with a specialized smoke and soot cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  1. Clean and Sanitize Surfaces:

Soot and smoke residue can adhere to various surfaces, including countertops, appliances, and walls. Clean these surfaces with a combination of mild detergent and warm water. For more stubborn stains, consider using a specialized cleaner designed to cut through smoke residue. Sanitize surfaces thoroughly to eliminate any lingering bacteria or contaminants.

  1. Evaluate Appliances and Electronics:

Kitchen appliances and electronic devices are susceptible to smoke damage, which can affect their functionality. Consult with professionals to assess the condition of these items. In some cases, appliances may need repairs or replacement due to the impact of smoke and heat. Electronics should undergo a thorough inspection to ensure their safety and functionality.

  1. Address Smoke Odors:

One of the most challenging aspects of post-fire cleanup is addressing lingering smoke odors. Begin by removing and cleaning curtains, blinds, and other soft furnishings. Launder or dry-clean items as needed to eliminate odors. For walls and ceilings, use a specialized smoke odor neutralizer or a mixture of white vinegar and water. Consider placing bowls of activated charcoal or baking soda in strategic locations to help absorb lingering odors.

  1. Clean and Disinfect HVAC Systems:

The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can circulate smoke particles throughout the home. Clean and disinfect the HVAC system, including ducts and filters, to prevent the spread of odors. Consider replacing air filters, as they may have trapped smoke particles. Consult with HVAC professionals to ensure that the system is thoroughly cleaned and functioning optimally.

  1. Inspect and Clean Cabinets and Cupboards:

Kitchen cabinets and cupboards may retain smoke residue, especially if they are made of porous materials. Inspect both the exterior and interior surfaces, removing items and cleaning them individually. Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of mild detergent and water, and consider using a specialized cleaner for stubborn stains. Ventilate the cabinets thoroughly to eliminate trapped odors.

  1. Flooring: Addressing Soot and Odors:

Flooring, whether tile, hardwood, or carpet, requires meticulous attention during the cleanup process. Vacuum or sweep loose soot from hard surfaces and carpets. For carpets, consider professional cleaning or replacement if the damage is severe. Clean and sanitize hard flooring surfaces, and use specialized odor-neutralizing products to address any lingering smells.

  1. Consult with Restoration Professionals:

In cases of extensive damage, or if the cleanup process becomes overwhelming, consider consulting with restoration professionals. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to address fire and smoke damage comprehensively. Restoration professionals can conduct a thorough assessment, provide detailed cleanup plans, and ensure that the property is restored to a safe and habitable condition.

  1. Work with Your Insurance Provider:

Contact your insurance provider promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide detailed documentation, including photographs and a comprehensive list of damaged items. Work closely with the insurance adjuster to ensure that all necessary repairs and replacements are covered. Prompt communication with your insurance provider facilitates a smoother and more efficient recovery process.

  1. Prevent Future Incidents:

After the cleanup process is complete, take proactive measures to prevent future kitchen fires. Install smoke detectors in strategic locations, check and replace batteries regularly, and consider investing in a fire extinguisher for the kitchen. Practice safe cooking habits, such as never leaving cooking unattended and keeping flammable materials away from heat sources. These preventive measures contribute to a safer and more secure home environment.


Cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke is a meticulous and comprehensive process that requires attention to detail, safety precautions, and perseverance. By systematically addressing visible damage, eliminating smoke odors, and consulting with professionals when needed, individuals can navigate the aftermath of a kitchen fire and restore their homes to a safe and habitable condition. Additionally, working closely with insurance providers and implementing preventive measures ensures a more secure and resilient living environment in the future.

Water Restoration: Essential Steps After Suffering Water Damage from a Toilet Overflow

Water mitigation austin tx


Experiencing water damage from a toilet overflow can be a distressing and urgent situation, demanding prompt action to mitigate the potential long-term effects. Swift and efficient response is crucial to prevent further damage, mold growth, and to safeguard the health and safety of your home and its occupants. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline the essential steps to take immediately after suffering water damage from a toilet overflow, providing a roadmap for effective cleanup and restoration.

  1. Prioritize Safety:

The first and foremost concern after a toilet overflow is safety. Before addressing the water damage, ensure that the affected area is safe to enter. Turn off the water supply to the toilet to prevent further overflow, and if the water damage is extensive, consider turning off the electricity to the affected areas to eliminate the risk of electrical hazards. Wearing protective gear such as rubber gloves, boots, and a mask is advisable to minimize contact with contaminated water.

  1. Identify and Address the Source:

Understanding the source of the toilet overflow is crucial for effective cleanup. If the overflow is due to a blockage, attempt to clear it using a plunger or plumbing snake. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to call a plumber for professional assistance. Identifying and addressing the source promptly will prevent a recurrence of the problem.

  1. Document the Damage:

Before initiating any cleanup or restoration efforts, document the extent of the water damage. Take photographs and videos of the affected areas, including damaged belongings and structural elements. This documentation serves as valuable evidence for insurance claims and can assist professionals in assessing the severity of the damage.

  1. Remove Excess Water:

Time is of the essence when dealing with water damage. Begin by removing excess water from the affected areas as quickly as possible. Use a wet/dry vacuum, mop, or towels to absorb and extract standing water. The goal is to minimize the time water remains in contact with surfaces to prevent further damage and the onset of mold growth.

  1. Address Contaminated Water:

If the toilet overflow involves contaminated water, categorize it appropriately. Water damage is often classified into three categories: clean water (Category 1), gray water (Category 2), and black water (Category 3). Contaminated water from a toilet overflow is typically classified as Category 2 or 3, containing varying degrees of contaminants. Category 3 water poses health risks and requires professional assistance for cleanup.

  1. Dry the Affected Areas:

Thorough drying is crucial to prevent mold growth and further structural damage. Use high-powered fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to facilitate the drying process. Pay special attention to hidden or hard-to-reach areas, such as wall cavities and subflooring, as these areas are prone to retaining moisture.

  1. Remove Damaged Materials:

After drying the affected areas, assess the extent of the damage to building materials, furniture, and belongings. Remove and discard irreparably damaged items to prevent mold growth and to create a clean slate for restoration efforts. Pay attention to materials that may harbor moisture, such as carpets, drywall, and insulation, as they may need to be replaced.

  1. Clean and Disinfect:

Disinfecting the affected areas is crucial, especially when dealing with contaminated water. Use a solution of water and a disinfectant to clean surfaces, including walls, floors, and any salvageable belongings. Pay extra attention to areas that came into direct contact with the contaminated water, ensuring that no harmful microorganisms persist.

  1. Inspect for Mold:

Mold can begin to develop within 24 to 48 hours after water damage, making it essential to inspect for mold growth promptly. Check hidden and hard-to-reach areas for signs of mold, such as discoloration, musty odors, or visible growth. If mold is detected, consult with mold remediation professionals for safe and thorough removal.

  1. Consult with Restoration Professionals:

While initial cleanup efforts can address visible water damage, the expertise of restoration professionals is often necessary for a comprehensive restoration process. Restoration specialists have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to assess the full extent of the damage, address structural concerns, and ensure that the affected areas are restored to a safe and habitable condition.

  1. Contact Your Insurance Provider:

Notify your insurance provider as soon as possible to initiate the claims process. Provide them with the documented evidence of the water damage, including photographs and videos. Be prepared to provide a detailed account of the incident and the steps you've taken to mitigate the damage. Insurance coverage can significantly aid in the financial aspects of the restoration process.

  1. Implement Preventive Measures:

Once the immediate water damage has been addressed, take proactive measures to prevent future occurrences. Regularly inspect and maintain plumbing fixtures, address leaks promptly, and consider installing water damage prevention devices, such as leak detectors or shut-off valves, to mitigate the risk of future water-related incidents.


Suffering water damage from a toilet overflow demands a swift and systematic response to minimize the impact on your home and well-being. By prioritizing safety, promptly addressing the source, and following a comprehensive cleanup and restoration plan, you can navigate the challenges of water damage effectively. Whether handling initial cleanup efforts or seeking professional assistance, the key is to act quickly, thoroughly, and with a focus on long-term restoration and prevention.

How To Keep The Air Clean and Fresh in Your Place of Business

Austin, Texas Water Damage

Owning a business means you have many factors to think about, and the quality of your air ducts might not be very high on that list. But neglecting to have the air system in your business cleaned can have disastrous impacts for your customers or clients, as well as your employees, and yourself. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your air clean and fresh.

Why It Matters

Forgetting or procrastinating on having your business's air ducts clean can have several negative effects. For one, when dirt and debris accumulates in the air ducts, it becomes harder for the HVAC system to do its job, leading to higher energy costs for the building as the HVAC compensates.

Not cleaning the air ducts can also be harmful to the health of employees, customers or anyone else in the building. The buildup of dust and debris will re-enter the air, causing people to have allergies and respiratory issues. If the air ducts have any humidity or leaks mold could begin to grow, which would then enter the air and be even more harmful to people in the building than dust. Because of this, any responsible business owner should know to always keep the air ducts clean by hiring professional commercial air duct cleaners.

Steam Team Commercial Duct Cleaning

When you call in The Steam Team professional technicians, we’ll arrive with powerful, st

ate-of-the-art equipment and begin cleaning the air ducts in your building. We will efficiently clean the interior of the air handler cabinet, the blower assemblies, the return and supply plenum, the cooling and heating coils and the condensate pan. We even treat the non-porous interior surfaces of the air ducts with bactericides and fungicides.

For more information on our air duct cleaning and our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Understanding The Dangers Of Plumbing Overflow, And What You Can Do About It

Austin Texas water restoration

You’d be surprised how unexpectedly and quickly plumbing overflow can flood your home or business. You need to understand plumbing overflow and what you can do about it, and that’s why we’re here to help. With years of hands-on experience with plumbing overflow and the resulting flooding, nobody is more qualified to help than The Steam Team.

Potential Dangers To Your Flooring

No matter what kind of flooring you have, flooding caused by plumbing overflow can do alot of damage to your floor. But water can also damage the subfloor underneath your flooring if it isn’t cleaned up soon enough. With spills this is easy to do, but in the case of plumbing overflow you won’t be able to prevent the water damage, and the floor and subfloor may need to be removed. In cases where the plumbing overflow occurred on a second or third story, the water may leak through the floor and drip from the ceiling of the lower floor, causing further damage to whatever surface it lands on.

Health Risks

As if it wasn’t bad enough worrying about your floor and other surfaces of your home, there are also potential risks to your own health. If the floors are wet, keep that in mind and take all precautions so that you can try not to slip if you must walk on the wet floor. Also, be sure to stay away from any electrical outlets that may have gotten wet, as they might electrocute you.

Mold Growth

Another potentially harmful effect of plumbing overflow is the mold that can grow in unseen places of your home, which can further cause health issues. It can happen anywhere dark with just a little bit of moisture, and it can quickly become a health hazard for anyone in the home.

Professional Cleanup and Plumbing Repair

When it comes to mold growth, but also floor damage and the other jobs required when you have plumbing overflow in your home, The Steam Team can help you! Our professional technicians are trained to use high-powered technology and expert methods to fix all of your plumbing overflow problems. For more information on how we can help, please visit The Steam Team website.

Signs Of Hardwood Floor Water Damage And How To Fix Them

Austin, Texas Water damage restoration

Here at The Steam Team of Austin, we pride ourselves on our technician’s excellent knowledge of water damage hardwood flooring, and how to fix them. If you think your hardwood floor may have been water damaged, you’ll want to keep reading to find out what you can do about it. If you’re not sure, but you’ve owned hardwood flooring for a few years, here are some signs to look out for. Austin water damage professionals.

Water Damage Floors Buckling Marks and Scratches

Most wooden floors have a sealant designed to help protect the hard wood itself from water damage. When something scratches deep enough or water to penetrate the seal, the boards are exposed and will warp. Pay attention to the water on your floor, and if any of it penetrate the seal, it’s time to call in The Steam Team of Austin to extract, dry out and refinish your floor.

Austin Water Damage

Austin water damage is extremely common in hardwood floors, and may be happening without you even realizing it. Water damage under the floorboards can occur for a number of different reasons, but will usually result in dark spots appearing on the floor and separation or cupping of the boards. When you see this, it’s time to have your floor refinished and possibly have some of the boards replaced.

Pay close attention to the color of your floor as well. If you notice that your boards have turned gray, it might be a result of the polyurethane wearing off, leaving your boards more susceptible from water damage due to spills or regular cleaning. When you see this, have your hardwood sanded and refinished soon, before the boards turn black. Once they’ve turned black, they’ll need to be replaced entirely. Call Austin water damage restoration emergency service at 512-451-8326 now.

Similarly, If you have a hardwood floor outdoors, keep an eye on the color. If it fades in color it may be damaged from the sun. Sanding and refinishing will take care of this as well.

How Austin Water Damage Help

We hope that the information provided will help you keep your hardwood floors in great condition for years to come. For more information on the many services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

The Best Method For Dealing With Appliance Leak Repair in Austin, Texas

Austin appliance leak repair

Appliance leaks and the water damage they can cause are far more common than you may think, and you need a plan. One thing we’ve noticed about leaking appliances in Austin is that many homeowners don’t notice them until water damage has already occured, and oftentimes mold has already grown. Let’s talk about the best method for dealing with all the issues surrounding leaky appliances. Austin water damage services. We are Austin’s water damage restoration repair company.

Austin, Texas Inspection and Leak Repair

The first step to make sure you’re not caught off guard in your Austin home or business by water damage caused by leaky appliances is to make sure you’re regularly inspecting appliances. Keep a close eye on things like water heaters, dishwashers, AC units and underneath sinks as much as you can. We are Austin’s restoration leader. Any pipes that may burst or leak should also be checked on every once in a while. If you can catch the leak early, you could save yourself a whole lot of money and time. You can also hire an Austin water damage professional to inspect your appliances and pipes for you. Once you have noticed a leak in your appliance, whether it just happened or it has already caused damage, the best method is to call in The Steam Team of Austin! Our water damage restoration professionals will use high-powered equipment and the right methods to repair the leak, extract any water, and even provide complete water damage restoration and structural drying. If there’s any mold damage, our technicians can handle that with our professional mold remediation process.

Our Water Damage Professionals in Austin

While it’s true that The Steam Team of Austin isn’t the only service that can repair leaky appliances, there are some things that set our services apart. We use only the most modern and powerful equipment for the jobs, we offer direct insurance billing and free onsite estimates, and our technicians are available to help you fix your leak or water damage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! For more information, please visit The Steam Team website. Voted best water damage company in Austin. Serving Austin for 40 years.

How Steam Team Technicians Repair Your Leaky Appliances

water Damage Repair

Through the years of experience cleaning and restoring countless homes, The Steam Team restoration technicians have learned a thing or two from lots of water damage experience. One important thing we’ve learned is that every home or business owner needs to keep a close eye on their appliances for potential water damage and leaks. Far too often, people don’t notice leaky appliances until the water has already done significant damage to the property. Let’s talk about how The Steam Team can help when you’ve found a leak in your appliance to prevent water damage. Things like water heaters or fire suppression systems.

Repairing Leaky Appliances

When you catch a leak in your home or business, whether it's just starting to drip or it has already caused flooding and water damage, call in The Steam Team and our restoration technicians will be there in no time. They’ll arrive with only the most effective restoration equipment for water extraction, leak cleanup, water damage restoration and even structural drying. We can handle any burst or overflowing appliances including AC units, water heaters, dishwashers and sinks. Any overflowing drain or pipe in the home will be easily handled by our technicians as well. 

Steam Team Water Damage Experience

When it comes to plumbing and leaky appliance issues, certainly there are other restoration companies or restoration contractors that you could hire for repairs, so you might be wondering what it is that sets The Steam Team professional technicians apart from other groups. Well first of all, our pricing policies on all water damage restoration services. We offer direct insurance billing for your convenience, as well as free inspections and free onsite estimates from all of our technicians. But if that isn’t enough to convince you, you should also know that we always have someone available to take your call and we always have technicians ready to be sent to fix your leaks, since we have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week availability when it comes to water damage in Austin. We know that your leaky appliances and plumbing issues are time sensitive, so we strive to have a team of skilled and readily available restoration technicians.

For more information on appliance leak repair to prevent water damage and our many other restoration services, please visit The Steam Team website. We have been serving Austin for 40 years. Since 1983 our water damage team has been helping Austin recover from water damage.

Worried About Plumbing Overflow In Your Home in Austin? Read This

Water Damage austin texas

One of the most damaging things in homes and businesses today is plumbing overflow and the flooding it can cause. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help you fully understand the dangers of plumbing overflow, what steps you should take, and how we can help.

Damage From Plumbing Overflow

Whether you have tile, carpet, or wood floors, you probably already know that water will damage your floors. But water can also damage the subfloor underneath your flooring if it isn’t cleaned up soon enough. With spills this is easy to do, but in the case of plumbing overflow you won’t be able to prevent the water damage, and the floor and subfloor may need to be removed. In cases where the plumbing overflow occurred on a second or third story, the water may leak through the floor and drip from the ceiling of the lower floor, causing further damage to whatever surface it lands on.

Having your home damaged is awful enough, but unchecked plumbing overflow can also cause serious health risks. If the floors are wet, keep that in mind and take all precautions so that you can try not to slip if you must walk on the wet floor. Also, be sure to stay away from any electrical outlets that may have gotten wet, as they might electrocute you.

Dangers of Mold

Unchecked plumbing overflow can also cause mold to grow in certain places. It can happen anywhere dark with just a little bit of moisture, and it can quickly become a health hazard for anyone in the home.

When it comes to mold growth, but also floor damage and the other jobs required when you have plumbing overflow in your home, The Steam Team can help you! Our professional technicians are trained to use high-powered technology and expert methods to fix all of your plumbing overflow problems. For more information on how we can help, please visit The Steam Team website.

Antiviral Cleaning Austin, Texas

Cleaning Companies in Austin, Texas

If there’s anything we’ve learned throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of detailed cleaning, especially cleaning your home or business if you may have had a guest who was carrying Cobid-19. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business!

Steam Team Technicians

To get a detailed antiviral cleaning from our highly trained technicians, who use the most high tech cleaning equipment, just give us a call or an email any time to receive a free consultation and figure out exactly what kind of cleaning service you’d like. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Detailed Antiviral Cleaning

Prior to entering your home or office, our highly trained technicians will put on OSHA-approved personal protective equipment to guarantee your safety. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

Keep Your Home Safe By Avoiding These Harmful Cleaning Products

Cleaning professionals in Austin, Texas

It seems like there are harmful chemicals in almost all carpet cleaners bonita springs fl fact, according to a study by The Environmental Working Group, 53 percent of cleaning products contain lung-harming ingredients. So the question is, which products are safe to use?

What To Avoid

If any of your cleaning products contain the following chemicals, you might want to think twice about using them:

Phthalates -- These can be found in many fragranced household products like air fresheners, dish soap, and even in toilet paper! If the product says “fragrance”, it likely contains phthalates, which are known endocrine disruptors.

Perchloroethylene or “PERC” -- This is a neurotoxin, and possible carcinogen that can be found in most carpet and upholstery cleaners.

Triclosan -- Another possible carcinogen that can be found in most dishwashing detergents and hand soap labeled “antibacterial”.

Ammonia -- This is a very powerful irritant that has been known to cause chronic bronchitis and asthma after prolonged inhalation. Unfortunately, ammonia can be found in most polishing agents and glass cleaners.

DIY Alternatives

Luckily for you, there are safer ways to keep your home clean. We’ll list a few for you here:

For carpet cleaning; mix 3 cups water, ¾ cup vegetable-based liquid soap, and 10 drops peppermint essential oil. Then rub the foam into the carpet with a damp sponge, let the spot dry, and then vacuum!

Instead of regular laundry soap, you can try “soap nuts”. They’re made from the dried fruit of the Chinese soapberry tree. They’re available online and in some natural grocery stores. They come in a cotton sack that goes into the washing machine with the clothes.

The Steam Team

Some of these DIY Alternatives take time, and you might have a busy schedule that doesn’t allow for all that preparation and cleaning. If that’s the case, you still don’t have to resort to harmful chemical cleaners! Instead, give The Steam Team a call. Our professional technicians can clean any area of your home, and they’ll use powerful steam-cleaners, as well as other safe and environmentally friendly cleaning methods. You can keep your home clean in a way that’s safe for you, your family and your pets, all without lifting a finger.

Steam Team Solutions For Leaky Appliances

Water Damage Marketing Team

In homes and businesses the world over, nothing causes more damage than water. Water damage can be extremely costly to fix, but you can avoid it altogether with the right practices. One common cause of disastrous water damage is leaky appliances, so keep a close eye on any appliances that use water and look out for the signs of a leak. If you do happen to find a leak, call in The Steam Team. Here’s how we can help:

Quickly Addressing The Leak

When you’ve called in our Steam Team professional technicians, they’ll quickly address the problems of your leaky appliance. They’ll come with all the equipment necessary for water extraction, leak cleanup, water damage restoration and structural drying. Even overflowing or burst appliances like sinks, dishwashers, AC units, or water heaters will be no problem for our skilled technicians. They’ll also provide plumbing overflow cleanup services. Any overflowing drain, burst pipe, toilet, shower or tub will be fixed up in no time! There’s nothing our technicians can't handle!

Why Choose The Steam Team?

If you have leaky appliances, burst pipes, or any of the problems listed above, there are many services and companies to choose from to have your problems fixed, so what set The Steam Team apart?

Well first of all, our services will likely be more convenient for your spending, since we offer free inspections and free onsite estimates for all jobs that our technicians do. We also offer direct insurance billing for your convenience. But more importantly, we always have someone ready to take your call, and technicians ready to meet your needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our technicians will quickly reach your worksite after you’ve called, since most of our services are time sensitive.

For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

A Few Great Tips For Keeping Natural Stone Clean

Marble Cleaning

Marble Cleaning

The authentic, beautiful look of natural stone makes a great addition to any home or business. Whether you use it as flooring, a countertop or even as your walls, there’s nothing quite like the look of natural stone. As with any flooring, countertop, wall or any other surface, natural stone has its own unique maintenance needs. Here at The Steam Team, we have professionals with all the expertise on how to clean your home or business, so today, we’re going to talk about how to best clean natural stone.

First Steps

If you’re cleaning the stone yourself, here are a few simple tasks you can start with. Sweeping and some light mopping are a great way to clean the surface. If you must use a vacuum rather than a broom, make sure there are no cracked or broken parts on the bottom of the vacuum that could damage your stone. When you mop the stone, just be sure you’re using a cleaning solution that is approved for natural stone. These simple first steps will make a big difference.

Intermediate Cleaning

Now for the more detailed stuff. This involves stain removal and grout cleaning, which is far too often neglected, leaving the grout to build up with dirt and damage the floor, or leaving stains that never go away. When it comes to this step, remember again to only use products approved for natural stone.

Thorough Professional Cleaning

When you need to deeply clean your natural stone (maybe the grout and stains are just too difficult for the methods you’re using), call in a professional. Here at The Steam Team we have all the right equipment and expertise for the job. And you can rest assured that when The Steam Team cleans your floors (or other surfaces), you won’t have to worry about your natural stone being damaged. So what are you waiting for? Visit The Steam Team website and give us a call today.

Everything You Need to Know About Carpet Padding

Professional carpet and rug cleaning services in Austin, Texas.

Professional carpet and rug cleaning services in Austin, Texas.

Many homeowners may not realize it but, carpet padding (the cushion underneath your carpet flooring) is an extremely important part of carpet installation. Often, when people purchase new carpeting, they try to cut corners to save a dollar here and there - typically leading to choosing a less effective padding. 

In fact, the best scenario possible is to find carpet and padding that compliment one another. That’s going to be the best way to get your desired result.

So, let’s talk carpet padding for a minute to help you understand the best decision to make when installing your new carpet flooring.

Types of Carpet Padding

The following types of carpet padding are found in different densities and thicknesses:

  • Urethane Foam

  • Waffle Rubber

  • Bonded Urethane

  • Fiber Cushion

  • Flat Rubber

Now, depending on the area you’re laying flooring in your home and the amount of traffic you’re expecting, you’ll want to consider different types of padding. But, that’s not the only way this choice will affect your carpeting...

Beneficial in Several Ways

As you can see; the padding underneath carpet flooring serves many purposes - from providing a softer, more comfortable cushion to step on, to absorbing liquids and protecting the sub floor from damage. In fact, the carpet padding serves an even more important purpose than either of those. 

Carpet padding protects your carpet and its backing. As you step onto carpeting, the carpet absorbs the force. With a high quality carpet padding, the force has less effect on the carpeting itself - protecting the backing and fibers from any extensive damage and therefore elongating the lifetime of your carpet installation.

Ultimately, here’s the bottom line: in order to best protect the lifetime and condition of your carpeting, consult a professional. Not only will this ensure that you’re using high quality materials, but you’ll also guarantee a job well done!

Have You Forgotten About Cleaning This Area?

Rug Cleaners Austin, Texas Serving Austin Since 1983

Rug Cleaners Austin, Texas Serving Austin Since 1983

One of the most-forgotten-about areas around the home is our window treatments. From curtains and drapery to blinds, dust and other grime gathers everywhere (including areas we may forget about). If you live in the Austin area and know anything about The Steam Team, then you’re already aware that we provide a long list of cleaning and restoration services to our valued customers. But did you know that we also offer professional drapery cleaning?

The Importance of Cleaning Your Drapes

For many homeowners, drapes are something to be used until they show signs of deterioration and dirtiness, and then thrown out and replaced. The Steam Team wants you to know that your drapery can be salvaged. Depending on various conditions in your home, physical signs of soil will start to appear on your window treatments in two to four years. A good rule of thumb is to have them professionally cleaned every two years, which could triple the life-span of your drapes, and is significantly less expensive than the cost of replacement.

The Pro Methods

There are many different materials used to make various window treatments, and most of them cannot be cleaned in your regular laundry machine or by being taken to the dry-cleaners. This is why a professional cleaning is the preferred method. The Steam Team professional technicians will begin by inspecting your drapes to determine whether to use a low moisture hot water extraction method or a dry cleaning process. They will ensure that even the most delicate fabrics are cleaned properly and safely. A quick call to The Steam Team will have all soil and stains gently lifted out of your furnishings and they will be dry within minutes. 

The Steam Team

Now that you understand the importance and methods of drapery cleaning, you might think twice before throwing out that old dirty fabric. If you live in the Austin area, give The Steam Team a call and have them freshened up in no time. For more information on drapery cleaning and our other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Is Your Hardwood Floor Showing These Signs of Deterioration?

Best Carpet Cleaners in Austin

Best Carpet Cleaners in Austin

If you own a hardwood floor in your home or business, do you pay close attention to its condition? Do you know the signs to look out for that show deterioration? Do you know what to do when your floor is deteriorating? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, The Steam Team is here to help.

Water Damage

Next time you see your hardwood floor, look closely. If some boards dark spots on them that weren’t there before, or some of the boards have seperated or changed in shape, the floor may be suffering from water damage. When this happens, your floor will certainly need to be refinished, and some boards may even need to be replaced, otherwise your floor could suffer even more damage.

Board Discoloration

Your hardwood floor has a polyurethane finish on it that protects it from damage and deterioration. But if you see the board turning dull, gray or black over time, it means this finish has been worn down and your floors will need to be refinished as soon as possible. If you have hardwood near a window and it becomes dull or gray, that means the sunlight has damaged it over time, and again, it will need to be refinished.

Scratches and Marks

When it comes to scratches and marks on your hardwood floor, pay close attention. If their only on the very surface, they might be fine. But if the scratches have penetrated the finish, the floor is now susceptible to more damage and will need to be refinished soon.

The Steam Team

Now that you know what to look for in your floor, you just need a plan for how you’re going to refinish it. That’s what The Steam Team is here for! Our professional cleaning technicians will come prepared with the right equipment for our dust-free process of sanding and refinishing your hardwood floor to make them look good as new, and able to withstand day-to-day activity once again! For more information on our hardwood floor refinishing process, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

How To Handle Plumbing Overflow

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Plumbing overflow is one of the more unfortunate experiences as a homeowner. Even more unfortunate than it occuring, acting quickly is extremely important. Here at The Steam Team, we have extensive experience with restoration from any disaster- whether it’s a busted pipe, a fire, or even a natural disaster. On today’s blog, we’re giving you a little more insight on how to handle plumbing overflow from our experience:

You Might Not Know...

First and foremost- we don’t mean any offense by this, but you might not know what you’re dealing with when it comes to plumbing overflow! This is no DIY project. You could potentially cause more damage just by trying to help. If ever the problem seems to be out of your hands, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team

Prevent Mold Growth

It only takes 24 hours for mold to begin to grow and spread. Mold is notorious for taking over homes and harming the health of those who inhabit them. If you spot mold growing in your home, contact the professionals immediately! It needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is probably one of the most important factors when dealing with plumbing overflow. 

Calling in the Professionals

As we mentioned before, you might need the help of the professionals, like The Steam Team.  A professional cleaning and restoration company will be able to take your hairy situation and turn it into one that works for you once again! 

Call The Steam Team today or log online to view our list of services and gather more information! We’re always standing by (literally, 24/7) and would love to help restore your home to its original condition. All it takes is one phone call! We’re not just here for plumbing overflow; we’re here for almost anything. 

Steam Team Tips For Battling Water Damage And Mold

The most common cause of damage to homes across the world is water damage. Odds are, you’ve already experienced some form of water damage in your home, but are you prepared if it happens again? And would you be prepared for the mold growth that water damage often brings with it? If not, remember theses useful tips we’ve compiled for dealing with water damage and mold.

Preventing Water Damage

Sometimes water damage can occur within walls or within the floor, and can cause structural damage that you may not notice for quite a while. To make sure you catch it early, keep an eye on your water bill. If you’re hit one month with an unusually high water bill, you may have a leak somewhere in the home. Be sure to have your pipes and appliances inspected for leaks if you can’t find one yourself.

Always keep your roof gutters clean. As long as you clean your roof gutters every few months, you should be okay. But if you allow your roof gutters to build up with leaves or other debris, they could become clogged and water may leak through your roof and cause damage to your home.

Use a drain snake rather than chemical pipe cleaners. While chemical products may be effective at cleaning out a pipe, they may also damage it over time. A drain snake is a safer way to keep your pipes clear.

Preventing Mold Growth

Since water just needs darkness, moisture and time to grow, always make sure you dry up water in the home as soon as possible. If flooding has occurred in your home and your carpet and walls were soaked, you’ll need high-powered fans to dry it out and a steam cleaner to sanitize walls and other flooring as quickly as possible.

Help From The Steam Team

If you’ve recently experienced water damage in your home and don’t have the high-powered fans, steam cleaners and other equipment necessary for the job, or you otherwise can’t do the work yourself, give us a call and we’ll send our best technicians. For more information just visit The Steam Team website.

3 Reasons to Handle Plumbing Overflow Immediately

Plumbing overflow is no matter to be taken lightly. If you have plumbing overflow in your home, it’s important that you act fast. Here are three reasons as to why you should take care of plumbing overflow immediately! And as always, don’t be afraid to rely on The Steam Team for guidance.


Prevent Mold Growth


It only takes twenty four hours for mold to begin to grow and spread. Mold is notorious for taking over homes and harming the health of those who inhabit them. If you spot mold growing in your home, contact the professionals immediately! It needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is probably one of the most important factors when dealing with plumbing overflow.


You Might Not Know...


We don’t mean any offense by this, but you might not know what you’re dealing with! This is no DIY project. You could potentially cause more damage just by trying to help. If ever the problem seems to be out of your hands, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in dealing with plumbing overflow and cleanup; let us do the leg work for you!


You Might Need the Professionals


As we mentioned before, you might need the help of the professionals, like The Steam Team.  A professional cleaning and restoration company will be able to take your hairy situation and turn it into one that works for you once again!

Call The Steam Team today or log online to view our list of services and gather more information! We’re always standing by (literally, 24/7) and would love to help restore your home to its original condition. All it takes is one phone call! We’re not just here for plumbing overflow; we’re here for almost anything.

Restoring Water Damage from Overflow by the Professionals

Flooding occurs in all kinds of places from your home to your workplace. No matter its size, water damage is both dangerous and difficult to handle. The Steam Team has been voted best in Austin, TX for cleaning and restoration services. We’re available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, to help with anything from carpet and tile cleaning, to overflow cleanup.


Whether a pipe burst, an appliance broke, or a plumbing fixture is overflowing- we’re here to help you with your water damage restoration.


Plumbing Overflow

Plumbing overflow is never fun to deal with- who wants to think about all of that bacteria, anyway? That’s why we’re here. Our professional technicians ensure that any plumbing overflow is removed, sanitized, and your home is restored to its original condition.


Appliance Leaks & Overflow

As far as flooding goes, this one is pretty common. Appliances often pose a risk for flooding when not properly maintained. It’s not just our kitchen appliances that can cause water damage to our homes. Don’t forget about your washing machine, AC unit, and your water heater. That’s right- it’s best to routinely monitor any appliances that hold or filter water- but, of course, we know how quickly and easily life takes over. It can be easy to forget about those potential leaky appliances… until we’re calling The Steam Team, right?


Call in the Professionals

Our team of trained professionals will assess the damage, and offer assistance with whatever may be causing the overflow. Once the leak is repaired and the water is extracted, we’ll thoroughly clean, sanitize, and dry the area with our professional-grade equipment. Problem solved! The Steam Team is ready and willing to help you cleanup any type of overflow and water damage, regardless of the cause. Give us a call today for any of your restoration needs!

3 Steps After Water Damage Austin Texas

Flood Damge

Flood Damge

With the recent devastation in Texas, homeowners are having to deal firsthand with water damage. Homes are flooded with water so high it’s historical- and roads, too. Water damage is the cause of mold, loss of important possessions, structural damage, and the list goes on and on… sadly. We were voted best in water damage in Austin. If you’re experiencing water damage in your home, give the professionals a call immediately, and follow these three initial steps:


Turn Off the Power


Here’s what you should do first: Immediately cut off the gas and electricity from its main source. This is for rather obvious safety matters. Luckily, you’re safer around puddles and leaks (turning off the power isn’t as necessary here), but if you’re already in standing water, don’t touch it; it could be dangerous. Consult with an electrician first!


Check for Standing Water


As soon as the scene is safe, survey the damage and check for any standing water, and then begin to pump it out. Standing water is notorious for causing damage and growing mold. Wear safety masks and of course, high quality boots. Flood waters are filled with debris and dangerous substances that we shouldn’t be wading around in, but unfortunately, sometimes we have to. We are #1 in water damage in Austin, Texas! 


Call the Professionals

The Steam Team is your leading professional steam cleaner in the Austin area, and we’ve been serving the city for over a decade now. We have plenty of experience with flood damage and cleaning up after natural disasters. If your home has been affected by the recent flood waters, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re always available to help you out, and we truly care about our customers. Give us a call as soon as possible! If you have water damage in Austin call us now at 512-451-8326. We provide professional water damage service.