The Best Method For Dealing With Appliance Leak Repair in Austin, Texas

Austin appliance leak repair

Appliance leaks and the water damage they can cause are far more common than you may think, and you need a plan. One thing we’ve noticed about leaking appliances in Austin is that many homeowners don’t notice them until water damage has already occured, and oftentimes mold has already grown. Let’s talk about the best method for dealing with all the issues surrounding leaky appliances. Austin water damage services. We are Austin’s water damage restoration repair company.

Austin, Texas Inspection and Leak Repair

The first step to make sure you’re not caught off guard in your Austin home or business by water damage caused by leaky appliances is to make sure you’re regularly inspecting appliances. Keep a close eye on things like water heaters, dishwashers, AC units and underneath sinks as much as you can. We are Austin’s restoration leader. Any pipes that may burst or leak should also be checked on every once in a while. If you can catch the leak early, you could save yourself a whole lot of money and time. You can also hire an Austin water damage professional to inspect your appliances and pipes for you. Once you have noticed a leak in your appliance, whether it just happened or it has already caused damage, the best method is to call in The Steam Team of Austin! Our water damage restoration professionals will use high-powered equipment and the right methods to repair the leak, extract any water, and even provide complete water damage restoration and structural drying. If there’s any mold damage, our technicians can handle that with our professional mold remediation process.

Our Water Damage Professionals in Austin

While it’s true that The Steam Team of Austin isn’t the only service that can repair leaky appliances, there are some things that set our services apart. We use only the most modern and powerful equipment for the jobs, we offer direct insurance billing and free onsite estimates, and our technicians are available to help you fix your leak or water damage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! For more information, please visit The Steam Team website. Voted best water damage company in Austin. Serving Austin for 40 years.

Possible Covid Infection In Your Home or Business? Call The Steam Team

water damage by Steam Team Inc.

water damage austin texas since 1983

We’ve all learned the importance of keeping our home and business clean through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have frequent guests you’ve probably been even more conscious of the cleanliness in your space. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home or business from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business.

Contact Steam Team

If you’re interested in our Covid cleanup service, feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation, where you’ll get to discuss exactly how you’d like your home or business cleaned. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Thorough Covid Cleanup

Safety always comes first with The Steam Team, and as soon as our technicians arrive, they’ll have all the OSHA-certified personal protective equipment they need to get the job done. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

Complete Stain Removal and Carpet Cleaning: How It's Done Right

water damage emergency service

You might be vacuuming your carpet once a week, or maybe a little more or less often, and think you’re doing an excellent job keeping it clean. But really, vacuuming only takes care of a fraction of the dirt, debris and bacteria hiding in your carpet. And if you happen to have lots of stains in your carpet, vacuuming won’t do much about that. Having your carpet professionally steam cleaned every once in a while is a great way to ensure a full clean. Here’s some information on our very own professional carpet cleaning service and stain removal here at The Steam Team.

Removing Stains

With our highly trained technicians and their powerful, state-of-the-art equipment, we’ll be able to remove any stain on your carpet in no time. And it's not just stains either! We can also use modern cleaning methods to remove any unwanted odors from your carpet. Have your pets left odor-filled stains all over your carpet that have been there for years? No worries, just let us handle it and your carpet will look fresh and new in no time!

How We Clean Carpets

When you call in The Steam Team and our professional technicians arrive on the scene, they’ll give your carpet a complete inspection to find the most troubling areas first, and determine the required cleaning methods to get the job done right. One of the things that sets us apart is that our technicians will spot-test their preferred cleaning method so that you can see the results before they move on to the full cleaning. If you don’t like how it turns out, we’ll try something else. Our technicians won’t rest until they find a cleaning method that suits your needs. At the end of the cleaning process, we’ll apply a powerful carpet protector to keep your carpet from further stains and damage.

For more information on our carpet cleaning service, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

How To Keep Hardwood Floors Clean and Pristine

Serving Austin with cleaning service since 1983.

Serving Austin with cleaning service since 1983.

Hardwood floors are one of the top choices throughout homes around the country. They’re perfect for pets, kids, and really, just anything else. But, they also require regular maintenance (just as any other flooring does). Don’t worry- we, here at The Steam Team, have the perfect solutions for you. We’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves to keep those floors looking clean and pristine all year-round.

Dust Floors Daily

This is the most important step you can take when it comes to keeping your floors clean! Dust settles all over our flooring and baseboards (especially if you have a ceiling fan that runs constantly!). So it’s highly important to prioritize dusting when it comes to keeping your floors as clean as possible! Use a microfiber dust mop, as the microfiber material attracts more dust and allergens.  

Mop Floors Weekly

It’s time to start mopping your floors weekly! There are some things to remember when it comes to hardwood floors. For example, too much liquid on hard floors is not good. Some cleaners can eat away at the finish, so it’s important to look out for only cleaners that are meant for hardwood. Just keep these things in mind when you’re developing your cleaning routine!

Polish Floors Quarterly

Are your floors looking dull as of late? Are they lacking the shine and luster that you remember? Your hardwood floors should be polished every two to three months, and don’t worry, the professionals can help you out with that! The Steam Team is a team of experts who specialize in caring for all types of flooring, including hardwood. 

When it comes to your hardwood flooring, you want to give it the best care possible. That’s why we’re here. So don’t wait. Put your trust in The Steam Team today! We’ll clean and restore your flooring the right way, using a simple, yet brilliant cleaning routine.

Following Water Damage: How to React

water damage restoration companies

water damage restoration companies

Water damage can occur in a split-second when we least expect it. Something so essential to our daily lives can also cause extensive damage to our homes during a storm, leak, or even a fire. That’s why we got involved, here at The Steam Team, in helping our neighbors around Austin and surrounding cities to restore their homes and businesses from any water damage that may have occurred. We’ve trained our technicians who have become experts in recovery and even mold remediation- an unfortunate result from moisture. Today, we wanted to help you know how to react to water damage, whether it’s from a natural disaster, a busted pipe, or broken appliance.

Act Quickly

First and foremost, it’s important to act as quickly as possible once you discover water damage! Remember, it only takes 24-48 hours for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout your home (the last thing anyone wants). The quicker you’re able to act following water damage, the quicker your home will be restored.

Dry Out the Area

Next, do your best to dry out the area until the professionals arrive. We know that this is no simple task, especially when you’re battling mold and other contaminants, but remember that the longer you leave an area moist, the more likely it is that mold will form. 

Call in The Steam Team

The Steam Team really knows what they’re doing when it comes to water damage! You can put your trust in us. As we mentioned before, our technicians are expertly trained to handle anything and everything surrounding water damage. Whether it’s the beginning of restoration or helping you through the insurance process, we’ve seen it all. 

So remember, as soon as you encounter water damage in or around your home, give The Steam Team a call! 

Eliminating Mold Growth Following Water Damage

According to studies around the United States, 7 out of 10 homes suffer from water damage and mold issues, alone. After water damage, inevitably comes mold growth. Water damage unfortunately creates the perfect environment for mold spores, leaving homeowners health at risk. On today’s blog, we’re going over the risks of this mold growth and how we can help eliminate this risk for you and your family. 

The Risks of Mold Growth

If mold begins to grow in your home, it can cause some serious health risks- particularly for those who already have frequent lung or sinus issues. Living or working in a building with mold growth in the vents or nearby at all can cause eye irritation, throat irritation, allergies, cough, nasal irritation and plenty of other symptoms. If you already experience these in your daily life, there may be mold hidden somewhere in your home or workplace. With all of this in mind, it's important to have your home or business inspected for mold, and to have that mold eliminated if it’s found.

Our Mold Experts

When you call in The Steam Team, our technicians will get to work right away, inspecting the property and identifying the damaged areas. To begin our professional mold remediation process, they’ll extract all the water and seal off the area to prevent the mold from spreading. All affected materials will be disposed of, eliminating the mold at its source. Then the HVAC and AC systems will be fully inspected and have mold removed from them as well. A powerful disinfectant will be applied before the final step of repair and restoration. By the time our experts are finished, there won’t be any signs that you had mold to begin with, and you’ll be able to breathe freely again.

For more information on our mold remediation process, as well as our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Preventing Mold After Water Damage: A DIY Approach

Have you ever experienced flooding or water damage in your home? If you have, you already know how devastating and stressful it can be. And to add onto that stress, mold can in fact start growing within only 24 to 48 hours after water damage has taken place. But if you follow the advice given in this blog, you may be able to prevent or at the very least limit the growth of mold in your home.

Removing Water

First, before attempting you take anything out of the home you must ensure that there are no immediate safety hazards.

Then rent or buy a pump or wet vacuum that you can use to extract the standing water from your home. Make sure to look in every corner of the property, leaving no standing water behind or mold will quickly begin to grow.

Next, remove all walls, flooring, and any other materials below the water line that could have been damaged by the flood water.

Cleanup and Drying

After all water is gone, you’ll want to carefully clean and sanitize your home. Begin by vacuuming any leftover debris or soil. Use a pressure washer on all framing and a mild detergent on all other surfaces. Carpet and flooring will need to be steam cleaned. If mold is visible after cleaning, additional scrubbing may be necessary. When all of this cleaning has been finished, carefully sanitize every surface.

Now you can begin drying. This step is essential, since the only thing mold spores need to grow is moisture. Rent or buy high-powered fans, and leave them on 24 hours a day for about a week. Use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture. When the entire home has been dried, do everything in your power to keep it dry, so that the mold spores have time to die off.

Professional Mold Remediation

These steps may not be possible for all people to do on their own. Or maybe you’ve already waited too long and the mold has grown out of control. If either is the case, make sure you call The Steam Team to get a free estimate for mold damage, and help from our mold removal professionals. Call us for water damage in your home or office. We service Austin, Texas.

The First Steps in Fire Damage Restoration

The Steam Team Austin

The Steam Team Austin

A house fire can start from a variety of sources and can spread quite rapidly. It’s completely devastating when you suffer from a house fire, no matter the cause. It’s both difficult and dangerous to handle the fire or the fire damage by yourself, but, many homeowners try to take the task upon themselves. In our blog today, we’re covering the best way to help as a homeowner who has suffered from fire damage recently because we want you to be as equipped as you can.


Act Immediately

As soon as the fire starts, there are a few phone calls you should make. First and foremost, 911 -- the firefighters should be the ones to deal with extinguishing the house fire. Next, your insurance company -- they’ll help you through the next steps to make sure you’re taken care of. Finally, a professional cleaning and restoration company -- like us, here at The Steam Team, who can help you along the way through the restoration process until your home looks as if it was never damaged.


After the Fire; Survey the Damage

After the firefighters have successfully extinguished the fire and you’ve made the necessary phone calls, you may be tempted to begin surveying the damage. The smoke that still remains in the air and the soot settling on the surfaces around your home pose a huge risk to your health -- especially without any protective gear. That’s why it’s so important to call in the professional restoration team. When our fire damage restoration technicians arrive at your home, they will first begin surveying the damage. Afterward, we’ll begin the restoration process by making sure your home is protected from further damage.

The Steam Team understands how devastating a house fire can be to you and your family. We strive to restore your home to its previous condition using our many years of experience, and expert restoration techniques. Let us handle this burden for you, and call The Steam Team today!

How Water Damage Can Affect All Aspects of Your Home In Austin TX

Sometimes it seems like the only time we think about water is when we don’t have enough, or we have too much. But we have to think of it. Because when it comes to our homes, whether it’s an inch of water, or a foot of water standing between those walls, you’re at risk for damage and sometimes, danger. We’re going to explain several ways in which water damage affects your home, and what you can do about it! We are the Austin, Texas cleaning company to call for emergencies. Call 512-451-8326 today


Personal Belongings


The aftermath of a flood, tropical storm, or any other disaster can lead to water damage that can soil your carpeting, rot your walls, and ruin your personal belongings. It can be a costly, nightmarish experience… but mostly costly. In addition to your personal items being damaged, water also damages walls, flooring- especially wood, and other areas of the house.


Mold Growth


Mold thrives in damp, moist areas. If you’ve recently had any trouble with water damage, your home could be the perfect place for mold to grow and spread! This poses health risks, since many people are highly allergic to mold. But don’t panic; The Steam Team is on your side, and we have plenty of experience removing mold from homes!

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Insurance Issues

Always call your insurance company immediately. Water damage that is left untreated for weeks causes mold to grow and fester, which causes health problems as we previously mentioned. If anyone develops a health issue as a result of the water damage, the insurance company is more likely to hold the property owner liable. We don’t want that!


Water damage can lead to a serious economic loss, but The Steam Team is there for you, rooting for the best outcome even in the midst of a natural disaster! But no matter the cause of water damage in your home, it’s serious- so give us a call immediately!