How To Handle Plumbing Overflow

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Plumbing overflow is one of the more unfortunate experiences as a homeowner. Even more unfortunate than it occuring, acting quickly is extremely important. Here at The Steam Team, we have extensive experience with restoration from any disaster- whether it’s a busted pipe, a fire, or even a natural disaster. On today’s blog, we’re giving you a little more insight on how to handle plumbing overflow from our experience:

You Might Not Know...

First and foremost- we don’t mean any offense by this, but you might not know what you’re dealing with when it comes to plumbing overflow! This is no DIY project. You could potentially cause more damage just by trying to help. If ever the problem seems to be out of your hands, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team

Prevent Mold Growth

It only takes 24 hours for mold to begin to grow and spread. Mold is notorious for taking over homes and harming the health of those who inhabit them. If you spot mold growing in your home, contact the professionals immediately! It needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is probably one of the most important factors when dealing with plumbing overflow. 

Calling in the Professionals

As we mentioned before, you might need the help of the professionals, like The Steam Team.  A professional cleaning and restoration company will be able to take your hairy situation and turn it into one that works for you once again! 

Call The Steam Team today or log online to view our list of services and gather more information! We’re always standing by (literally, 24/7) and would love to help restore your home to its original condition. All it takes is one phone call! We’re not just here for plumbing overflow; we’re here for almost anything. 

How Often Should Carpet be Cleaned in Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning Round Rock Texas

If you have carpet installed in your home, you may have a relatively good idea of how often it should be cleaned, based upon your own experiences! But if you’re installing carpet for the first time, you may have a few questions, like how often should I vacuum, dust, and/or steam clean? It’s based upon a few factors, and that’s what we’ll delve into today so you know exactly how often your rugs or carpeting should be cleaned! Round Rock, TX carpet cleaning experts. 


How Much Traffic Does Your Flooring Face Each Day? Area rug cleaning Round Rock Texas. 


How often carpeting should be cleaned depends highly on how much traffic it receives daily! If you have a lot of people roaming around all over it, it’s going to wear down quicker, and need more frequent cleanings. We suggest vacuuming twice weekly, and having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year! Round Rock Carpet Cleaning.


Are You a Pet Owner?


We love our pets- just not the trails of dirt and debris they leave behind, perhaps. If there are pets in your home, expect to vacuum more frequently and pick up some handy tips for removing certain stains. Also note that sometimes sweeping the carpeting and/or rug may pick up more pet hair than your vacuum! Carpet cleaning Round Rock Texas. 


What About Children?


Children make messes; there’s no doubt about it! We adore them anyway. But as with pets, they track in dirt, mud, sand, grass, and other debris that your carpet basically absorbs like a sponge. Vacuum often to keep everything clean, and steam clean those stains away in a sinch! It’s the best method for cleaning; it’s completely safe for your pets and children, and it cleans without chemicals!


The Steam is on your side! We’re your go-to for all of your carpeting needs! Whether it’s installation, stain removal, or deep cleaning, we’ll do whatever it takes to keep your flooring clean and pristine! Rug cleaning in Round Rock Texas. 

3 Shower Tile Cleaning Tips For Austin Texas Residential Customers

Tile Cleaning

Tile Cleaning

A tiled shower is one of the areas in the house that is almost always in need of our attention! Wouldn’t you love it if every morning, your shower felt fresh and clean? Instead, soap scum and other grime build up, causing our shower’s state of cleanliness to be not-so-pleasant… But fortunately there are many ways in which we clean shower tiles. Below you’ll find three easy tips for doing so! The most amazing tile cleaning in Austin, Texas is cleaned by The Steam Team. 


Eradicate Soap Scum


Soap scum can be difficult to remove from your shower tiles, especially if they haven’t been cleaned in a while. You’ll have to find a cleaner suitable for the job, and scrub away what you can! Whatever you can’t get to, a steam cleaner can help with!


Clean the Gunk Off of Grout


Grout will also need a bit of elbow grease… and by elbow grease, we mean scrubbing! First, create a thick paste with water and two tablespoons of baking soda. Use a hard-bristled toothbrush to scrub the paste into the grout (in a circular motion, not back and forth!). The Steam Team cleans all types of tile and stone. For marble cleaning call The Steam Team today. 


Dry Everything Completely


Before this step, it’s important to rinse the walls of your shower with warm water to remove any excess soap scum! Then, dry everything completely. Drying off the shower walls and tiles will help reduce the growth of mold, mildew, and soap scum. So after you’re done cleaning, be sure to dry everything thoroughly- you’ll be thanking yourself in the long run! Call 512-451-8326 today!

Cleaning tile and grout can be tiring, especially in the shower where soap scum and grime tends to build up so quickly! So if you’re ever in need of some cleaning assistance, don’t hesitate to contact The Steam Team! We have all of the right tools and equipment to get the job done right- and get your shower to sparkle!