Expert Advice on Staining Concrete Floors

The Steam Team is staffed with experts that have years of hands-on experience with all kinds of cleaning, restoration and remodelling services, including concrete staining. If you’re looking for advice or just a basic understanding on concrete floor staining, you came to the right place. Is concrete staining really worth it? And how should you go about doing it? Here’s our advice.

Benefits of Staining

One of the most obvious benefits to having a stained concrete floor is the easy maintenance level. In fact, stained concrete floors are the longest-lasting flooring option you can choose. That’s because unlike other floors, stained concrete does not crack, chip or peel. Besides occasionally wiping it with a damp cloth, your floor won’t require much upkeep.

Do you prefer for your floor to have the sleek look of marble? Or what about the homely look of a wood floor? Or stone tile? Whatever your preference, concrete staining can create the appearance of any of these options, and many more! It also just happens to be much cheaper than these other flooring options. That means you get the ideal look for a fraction of the price! 

The Professional Method

Staining a concrete floor is no easy feat, and may take you hours to do on your own, not to mention the time it takes to purchase all the products and equipment needed for the job, and the hours spent researching to make sure you’re doing it right. For many people who want to stain their concrete floors, professional help is the way to go. 

Here at The Steam Team, we have expert, dedicated technicians ready for any concrete staining job. They’ll utilize the most effective and powerful equipment to get the job done in a small fraction of the time it would take the average homeowner to do alone. For more information on our concrete staining service and our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Possible Covid Infection In Your Home or Business? Call The Steam Team

water damage by Steam Team Inc.

water damage austin texas since 1983

We’ve all learned the importance of keeping our home and business clean through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have frequent guests you’ve probably been even more conscious of the cleanliness in your space. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home or business from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business.

Contact Steam Team

If you’re interested in our Covid cleanup service, feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation, where you’ll get to discuss exactly how you’d like your home or business cleaned. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Thorough Covid Cleanup

Safety always comes first with The Steam Team, and as soon as our technicians arrive, they’ll have all the OSHA-certified personal protective equipment they need to get the job done. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

How to Get Rid of Dirty Carpets

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

Ah, carpet flooring… it’s comfortable, cozy, and cushiony. It can be made in a multitude of different colors, textures, and designs. We can match it perfectly with our furniture. Carpet adds warmth to a bedroom or living room, and provides a cushioned landing for small children at play. But proper cleaning and maintenance keeps a homeowner quite busy! Carpet can potentially stain very easily, and requires regular attention.


Routine Cleaning & Stain Prevention


Dust, dirt, and pet hair build up at a surprisingly rapid rate. This makes frequent vacuuming imperative to maintaining carpet flooring, and even lengthening its lifespan. Hopefully your vacuum cleaner has extra attachments for reaching areas like corners, baseboards, or even between couch cushions!


When it comes to areas of your home with higher traffic, you may consider asking your house members and guests to remove their shoes near the front door. The soles of our shoes can track in anything from sand, to mud, grass, or small pebbles… All of which are things we could find in our carpet at a later date!


There is much debate surrounding the “best,” method of removing stains in carpet. When using a cleaning solution, be sure that the product you’ve chosen is designed to be used on carpet, and check to find out whether or not it should be diluted.


Is it Time to Deep Clean Your Carpet?


Over time, our carpet takes enough beating to warrant an occasional deep cleaning, and this is best done by a professional steam cleaning company! Steam cleaning uses intense water pressure and high temperatures to eradicate dirt, debris, and stains from just about any type of flooring.


Companies such as The Steam Team will definitely have the perfect tools for this project:  professional grade equipment, solid expertise, and dependable customer service. Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today for efficient stain removal and carpet cleaning!