Basic Rules for Cleaning Up Stains on Upholstery

Ah, upholstered furniture… doesn’t it look so great in our homes? We think so. But i looks especially great when it’s kept clean and taken care of! So let’s review a few basic rules for cleaning up stains on upholstered furniture, because no matter how hard we try, we simply can’t prevent accidents from happening!

And don’t forget; The Steam Team is always standing by, waiting to help you out!

Get to Cleaning Right Away!

We’re really hoping you know to do this already, but we’ll remind you: it’s important to tackle the stain as soon as you spot it! Doing so puts you miles ahead in the stain removal game; trust us. When cleaning, start by checking for any cleaning codes or instructions that could be on the label of your furniture. Some upholstery requires specific solvents, or can’t be cleaned with water, etc. If there aren’t any cleaning codes, simply perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the furniture.

Blot, Don’t Rub

This is another important rule when it comes to cleaning your upholstery, no matter what material it’s made out of! Blotting a stain instead of rubbing it keeps the stain from spreading! Blot the stain away with a clean white cloth (so that you can see the stain being removed from your upholstery).

Vacuum Regularly

It’s a chore that can’t be avoided or procrastinated: Vacuuming. Upholstery should be vacuumed frequently in order to keep its fabric in good condition, and of course to remove all of the dirt, dust, and crumbs that lurk in its crevices and underneath our cushions. Use your upholstery attachment to reach those tough-to-vacuum areas, and you’re good to go!

Finally, we recommend you call The Steam Team periodically for a thorough, deep cleaning. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience caring for furniture just like yours, so don’t be shy. Give us a call today!

How to Protect Your Carpet From Everyday Wear and Tear

Wear and tear on and damage to our carpet is inevitable. We simply can’t help but wear it down over time! But it’s okay, because we can definitely do things to prevent wear and tear and keep our carpet in great condition! Just follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to preventing messes, stains, and wear and tear.


Place Floor Mats at Entrances


It helps tremendously to place floor mats at the entrances to your home! You wouldn’t believe how much dirt becomes attached to our shoes while we’re out walking out and about- or, maybe you would believe it. If you have a doormat at the entrance to your home, the dirt that gets caught on the mat won’t even have the opportunity to reach your carpet! It’s simple, yet brilliant.


Remove Shoes at the Door


Much like the “doormat technique,” as we’re going to call it, designating an area by the door for shoes also prevents dirt and mud from touching your carpet! You can find a basket, or construct a shelf to hold your family’s shoes. Then maybe you should clean out the basket on occasion… you know, to remove all that dirt that’s not messing up your carpet!


Have Your Carpet Professionally Cleaned


And lastly, occasionally we have to bite the bullet and surrender control to the professional carpet cleaners, like The Steam Team! A professional cleaning and restoration company can come out and restore your carpet to its original condition- that’s how effective they are. Consider hiring the professionals on occasion to keep your carpet looking clean and pristine.

Did you know that The Steam Team has been serving the Austin community for well over a decade, now? It’s fact! And we’d be absolutely thrilled to come out and help you clean up your carpet! Give us a call today, or go online to view our services!

3 Ways to Blast Bacteria from Your Home

The winter is notorious for the spreading of germs and bacteria; you probably know this, because you’ve probably been sick this season! So quick- grab your pencil, and get ready to take some notes! Here are three ways to blast bacteria from your home, and provide a healthier, cleaner environment for yourself and your family!


Furniture Cleaning


It’s all about reaching into those nooks and crannies in your furniture. Underneath the cushions, too! You can use the attachment on your vacuum cleaner to vacuum upholstered furniture, and don’t forget to vacuum underneath the furniture, as well! Furniture requires a thorough job; we know you have it in you!


HVAC Cleaning


Have you tested your air ducts lately? Oftentimes they need to be cleaned before we know it! Give the professionals a call (like The Steam Team) and we’ll be out in a jiffy to inspect and clean your air ducts! Feel like having clean, healthy air to breathe in? Give The Steam Team a call to clean your air ducts.


Floor Cleaning


Lastly, the floor. Let’s tackle that flooring! Whether it’s tile and grout, or granite and/or natural stone, we can help you keep it clean! The Steam Team has plenty of experience cleaning and caring for all types of flooring. And believe us- this cuts way down on bacteria! So much gunk and grime hides in our flooring, and we walk all over it all day long- yuck!

No matter what area of the home needs cleaning, The Steam Team can tackle it all! We’re your leading steam cleaning company in Austin, TX, and we’ve been helping out this beautiful city for over a decade now! Why stop? Give us a call today! We’ll come out, inspect your home, and then clean it until it’s in tip top shape again- and bacteria free!