The Dangers of Dirty Air In The Workplace

Cleaning company in Austin

Cleaning company in Austin

Any good business owner should want things to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in the workplace, while ensuring good conditions for the workers and earning maximum profit. Let’s talk about how dirty air in the workplace can be disastrous for all of these goals. And then we’ll discuss what you can do to fix the problem if your air systems are putting out dirty air in your business or the business you work in.

Examining The Dangers

If you own a business or work in one and you suspect that the air ducts may not have been cleaned in a long while, it’s important to understand exactly what that means. Air ducts that pump out dirty air can have very negative effects on employees, customers/clients or anyone else in the building. Dust and debris that re-enter the air may cause allergies or respiratory issues, or greatly worsen symptoms for people who already have respiratory issues. Mold growth in the air ducts can be even worse, causing even more severe symptoms of allergy and respiratory issues, creating a work environment that won’t be healthy for anyone. If you own a building or work in a building where you suspect that this is happening, hire professionals to clean the air ducts as soon as possible

Aside from the clear negative effects that it can have on people in the building, dirty air ducts can also have negative effects on the finances of the business owner, since the build up in dirt and debris can actually cause the HVAC system to work harder, raising energy costs. So if you want to keep the people in your business safe, and help save yourself on energy costs, it’s time to hire professionals.

Who Can Help?

Call in The Steam Team professional cleaning company to help clean your air duct systems! We’ll use only the best equipment and methods to get the job done right, and we’ll even use bactericides and fungicides at the end of the cleaning process to make sure your air is safe from any harmful bacteria or fungus growth. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

3 Ways to Care for Your Textiles

Do you have leather upholstered furniture that could use a thorough cleaning and conditioning? Leather is a lot like our skin; it’s delicate, and requires a certain level of care. It has to stay moisturized and clean at the same time. That’s why below, The Steam Team has laid out three ways to care for your leather upholstery. We’re always here to help! And don’t forget; we’re only a phone call away!


Cleaning Leather Furniture


When it comes to cleaning leather furniture, always start by wiping it down with a clean, dry cloth. Use a damp cloth if you come across any dirt spots, but remember not to make the leather wet. Use a vacuum attachment to reach corners and crevices, and to clean out from underneath cushions. When it comes to cleaning up spills and stains, act quickly, and only use cleaning formulas that are specifically made for leather.


Increasing Leather’s Longevity


There are some things you can do to help your leather last its longest. For instance, placing your leather upholstered furniture away from direct sunlight will help it not to fade and crack. If it does come into contact with sunlight, rotating it every once in a while will also help. Make sure you’re also applying a leather conditioner on the regular!


Storing Leather Upholstery Properly


When it comes time to store your leather furniture, have it professionally cleaned, and make sure it thoroughly dries before storing it. You can place it on top of wooden pallets to keep it off of the ground, and remember never to wrap leather as it can cause moisture to lock in and ruin the furniture!


If your leather upholstery could use a good deep cleaning, we strongly recommend steam cleaning it! Preferably, we’d have you call us: the professionals. The Steam Team is a group of trained experts who specialize in several cleaning and restoration projects. We’re available 24/7 to help you out!

How to Best Care for Leather Furniture

Leather furniture can be a wonderful addition to any room, and it can really last a long time if we care for it and treat it properly. So if you’ve recently gone out and purchased a new piece of furniture for your home and you’re a tad lost on how to care for it, fret no more! The Steam Team has the best information on caring for your leather furniture! Follow these guidelines and your upholstery will be looking fantastic for a long, long time!




Let’s start off by reviewing what not to do when it comes to caring for our leather furniture! To start, we shouldn’t use detergents, ammonia, or harsh cleaning solutions to clean up spills. Next, keep sharp objects away from leather, as it scratches easily (so, those arts and crafts? Keep ‘em at the dining table). It’s also wise not to place printed objects on the furniture, as the dyes could soak through its upholstery!


Dusting Your Furniture


Since it’s important to keep your leather upholstery clean, use a clean, white cloth to dust your furniture every couple of weeks. You can clean off accumulated dirt with a dampened cloth, but do a test run first, to make sure your leather isn’t absorbing the moisture. And as we always say, blot spills, don’t rub them! We don’t want the stain to spread!


Conditioning Your Leather


Condition your leather upholstery every six months to one year. Leather is a lot like our skin, in the sense that it can dry out easily! You can find specially-formulated conditioners for your furniture, but first check its care label for critical instructions!


The Steam Team Can Help


The Steam Team has over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for leather upholstery! Don’t be shy; give us a call today!

Taking Care of Upholstery And Cleaning it the Right Way

Furniture is a true asset to your home -- it lasts for decades and seems to only get better with age (especially when it’s properly cared for). Here at The Steam Team, we trust that you’ve done your research and have a general idea of how to care for this stunning piece of furniture, but just in case, we’d like to review the basics of how to properly clean and condition leather material. Cleaning furniture regularly is important to make it look new. Voted best cleaning service company in Austin. 


First and Foremost: Know What to Avoid


Do not, under any circumstances, ever put bleach or any ammonia-based cleaners on your leather furniture (or anything that has true, real leather on it). These cleaners will dry out the leather and leave it completely discolored -- not what you want to find after you’re trying to simply clean your furniture! We have to be careful with the materials that we’re using- both the solution, and the cloth.These cleaners, along with anything that isn’t specified to treat leather should all be avoided.


Here’s How It’s Done


The best way to begin cleaning leather is to first ensure there isn’t any dust or dirt laying around or stuck between any cushions. Dirt particles are typically abrasive and could end up scratching the leather if they’re rubbed in with cleaning solution or a cloth. The easiest way to get this done is to use a vacuum attachment and run it over your leather furniture and between any cushions.


If you haven’t found a commercial cleaning product that you like, lean on the professionals. Beginning from the top, they’ll work their way down, carefully cleaning the leather material. Afterwards, they’ll use a specially formulated leather conditioner to ensure that your material won’t dry out over the months to come and that it retains the oils it needs. The Steam Team of Austin is the leading company for cleaning furniture. 


For help cleaning leather furniture or for any other cleaning and restoration service, contact The Steam Team! Our team of skilled professionals are always standing by, eager to help you out! 

Fall Cleaning with The Steam Team

The Steam Team 

The Steam Team


The Fall decorations are starting to come out and the beautiful colors that we associate with the season are starting to show. With the change in season and decorations, comes the perfect time to give your home a thorough deep-clean! Contact The Steam Team today! 


Inevitably, your carpet takes a beating and collects debris such as dirt, dust mites, allergens, and even germs and bacteria! And sometimes, vacuuming just doesn’t cut it. So this fall, let’s try something new: steam cleaning. There are many benefits to steam cleaning that far surpass those of vacuuming and other ways of cleaning.


The Perfect Time for Steam Cleaning


In Austin we deal with year-round allergens, but this time of the year especially is when allergens begin to peak and the changes in the weather cause us to fall under the weather! But, did you know that steam cleaning kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria and squashes those allergens?


If you’re suffering from a stuffy nose or itchy throat, now might just be the perfect time to call in a steam cleaning company.


Benefits of Steam Cleaning


There’s nothing involved in steam cleaning except for extreme heat and pressurized water -- yes, you read that correctly. Steam cleaning gets the job done without harmful chemicals. It also doesn’t leave behind any residue that may be otherwise harmful to your children or pets. Just think of the savings you’ll be able to take advantage of when you don’t have to purchase tons and tons of cleaning agents for your home.


Choose The Steam Team


The Steam Team, for over a decade, has been fulfilling the Austin area’s every need when it comes to steam cleaning and restoration! We want to help you clean and refresh your home this season. Contact us today to get started on planning your next thorough deep-clean!




It’s time to ditch the duster! And the dry mop. And the scrub brush. Today we’re going to go over 7 different (and valid) reasons to begin steam cleaning around your home, instead of using other methods. You’ll be amazed at the results you can accomplish by making this switch! So don’t be afraid of the change… just watch the dirt and grime melt away, and your home begin to sparkle! Best Cleaning by The Steam Team in Austin, Texas. 


Keep Your Home Chemical Free


If you’re looking to help your environment become less chemical-involved, steam cleaning is a great place to start. All that the process involves is steaming hot, high pressurized water. No chemicals at all! The Steam Team of Austin, TX!


Rid Your Home of Pet Odors and Stains


Pets never fail to cause a headache (or migraine) over their messes, but a steam cleaner can take care of both stains and odors without any hassle.


Rest Assured Your Kids’ Toys are Spotless


You can easily sanitize your children’s toys by steam cleaning. Yes, steam cleaning!


Tackle that Tacky Tile and Grout


We don’t want to see that scrub brush ever again. Steam clean your tile and grout, and it’ll reach deep into its pores and remove dirt, grime, and other stains.


Destroy Dust Mites, Allergens, and Other Creepy Crawlies


If you or any of the members of your household have allergies, you’ll be relieved to know that steam cleaning can help! A steam cleaner can remove dust, dirt, allergens, pollen, and so many more substances from your home that may be aggravating your allergies. We love cleaning area rugs all over Central , Texas.


Clean Without… Cleaning Supplies


Who doesn’t love to save money? Since a steam cleaner only uses hot water and pressurized steam, you won’t need to purchase any cleaning supplies!


Easily Remove the Worst of Carpet Stains


Red wine, chocolate, pen ink, a steam cleaner can get it all. Just give The Steam Team a call! Visit us on Burnet Rd. 78758

3 Tips for Keeping Your Office Clean



We all have that one coworker who never seems to clean up after themselves. Their desk is covered in misplaced papers and half-finished projects, and after lunch hour, “their spot,” at the break room table is the grossest out of everyone’s. The cleaning crew comes each night, but during your shift, it can really become unsightly! Here are a few tips for keeping your office cleaner this quarter.


  1. Routinely Clean Desks, Workstations, and Counter Tops


You’ve gotta start somewhere, so let that be the place you spend the most of your time at: your desk, your workstation, your spot at the breakroom table. Keep these areas spotless. Use Lysol or another disinfectant (hopefully they’re on hand) to clean these areas before you work/eat. Also try not to eat your lunch at your desk. This will prevent unnecessary crumbs and goop from collecting in your workspace.


  1. Establish a Filing and Storage System


Do yourself a favor and establish a system for filing and storage! It can be far more difficult to stay productive within a messy, chaotic work environment. Use file cabinets, baskets, folders, bins; there are dozens of ways to organize your projects and paperwork. Choose a day out of the week (or multiple days if needed) to routinely catch up on organization.


  1. Frequently Throw Away Trash


Lastly, never let your trash build up. Keep your trash bins tidy and empty them in the middle of the shift if needed. Also keep food wrappers and throwaways in the break room trash can. The last thing you want is for ants to find your office trash bin…

If your office is in need of a thorough, deep cleaning, contact your professional cleaning and restoration company! Professionals like us, The Steam Team, are well-equipped with the tools and expertise to help your office shine!