Is Carpet Cleaning Safe For the Environment?

Here at The Steam Team, we try to answer as many questions as we can about steam cleaning so that the public is well-informed about what a great process of cleaning this can be! This includes answering questions like how can steam cleaning help me after water damage, to is steam cleaning really safe for the environment? Today we’re going to answer the latter question, and yes, in short, it is completely safe for the environment! Stay tuned. 

Is Steam Cleaning Safe for the Environment? 

Of course, we’ve already answered this: yes, it is safe. But we haven’t specified why it’s safe. Steam cleaning is entirely safe for the environment because it doesn’t involve the use of any harmful chemicals or substances! All that is requires is hot water, and highly pressurized steam to get the job done correctly the first time. 

How Can Steam Cleaning Help You?

When we say that we can steam clean almost anything in your home, we truly mean it. It’s an incredibly helpful and effective process! Steam cleaning can help rid your flooring of stains- both old and new. It can help remove allergens from your home by cleaning window blinds, drapes, and even your HVAC system. The Steam Team can even come out and help during disastrous situations, like floods or fires! 

Calling in the Professionals

Sometimes it’s best to just leave everything up to the professional carpet cleaners. Not just because they know what they’re really doing, but also to avoid any mishaps or injuries! You’d hate to have to restart a project, or take an unnecessary trip to the ER. Just hand over the job to us here at The Steam Team, and we’ll get it done without any trouble at all! 

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in steam cleaning homes and high rise buildings in the Austin area! So if your home could use a thorough deep cleaning, or you have a restoration project for us to tackle, don’t hesitate to give us a call!