Is The Air Quality In Your Business Safe For Customers and Workers?

Air Duct Cleaning Austin

No Austin, Texas business, big or small, can run properly if customers or workers aren’t safe, healthy and happy. That includes having safe in door air quality. Let’s take a look at some of the problems of not cleaning your air duct system, and then let’s talk about what you can do to ensure fresh, clean air in your business. Austin has the worst allergies so its important to keep your office clean.

Problems of Dirty Air Ducts

If you realize you haven’t had the air system in your place of business cleaned in a while, you might not think it's a big deal, maybe you can push it off until later, right? But air ducts that pump out dirty air can actually have very negative effects on employees, customers/clients or anyone else in the building, and you might not realize until it's too late. Dust and debris that re-enter the air may cause allergies or respiratory issues, headaches, flu symptoms, or greatly worsen symptoms for people who already have respiratory issues. Mold growth in the air ducts can be even worse, causing even more severe symptoms of allergy and respiratory issues, creating a work environment that won’t be healthy for anyone. It can flat out make you feel tired and sick. Austin, Texas has really bad allergies and its important to keep your home and office clean.

Efficient Systems and Dirty Air Ducts

Causing harm to your Austin, Texas customers/clients and employees is bad enough, but you also have to worry about financial issues with unclean air ducts and indoor air quality. After neglecting to have them cleaned for a while, your energy bills may rise as the HVAC system is forced to work harder. So if you want to keep the people in your business safe, and help save yourself on energy costs, it’s time to hire professionals. We are certified by NADCA and have been cleaning ducts in Austin for 40 years.

What Can You Do Today?

Call in The Steam Team of Austin. Our professional duct cleaning technicians will help clean your air duct systems! We’ll use only the best equipment and methods to get the job done right, and we’ll even use bactericides and fungicides at the end of the cleaning process to make sure your air is safe from any harmful bacteria or fungus growth. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Air Duct Cleaning: Effective and Efficient

Duct Cleaning 

Duct Cleaning 

With the change of seasons, comes the changing of allergens in the air. And, when allergens are stirred up and affecting you more than normal, it’s easy to want to coop up inside and “rest.” While indoor air shields us from exposure to the elements, we are still exposed to indoor air pollutants -- especially if you haven’t cleaned your air ducts in a while!


If you have a major problem with your ductwork, such as a leak, you'll need to contact a professional as soon as possible. Leaky ducts can suck in dust, dirt, allergens, and other nasty materials from areas like basements, crawlspaces, or attics. In these situations, we urge you to simply call in the professionals! This is a job that requires very specific equipment (high powered vacuums, video equipment, etc) and a precise, well-trained method of breaking up the dirt and dust inside your ductwork.


Regular Maintenance

Leaky ducts or other problems aside, air ducts function most efficiently and effectively when they’re regularly maintained. However, it can be an extremely difficult job because of many hard-to-reach places and lack of equipment. Dusting off the air vents is part of the job, but if you’re having to dust them frequently -- it’s probably time to get inside the ducts for a thorough clean.


No matter what shape your ducts are in, calling in the professionals will ensure that your ducts aren’t circulating air full of allergen particles and other dust or dirt. Regular maintenance will also prevent further damage from occurring -- saving you time, energy, and money!


Contact Us

Contact your local cleaning and restoration company for details on air duct cleaning services. Gone are the days of sniffling, coughing, and taking allergy medicine! A professional cleaning company (like The Steam Team!) will gladly inspect and clean your air ducts, leaving your home’s air quality more clean, more pure than ever before. Contact us today!

How Cleaning Affects Indoor Air Quality Austin Texas

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin TX

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin TX

It’s no secret that we spend most of our time indoors, rather than outdoors. We think we’re breathing in cleaner, healthier air since we’re in a more controlled environment, but are we? Is the air inside more clean and pure than the air outside? Studies show that sometimes, it isn’t! According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the air outside is two to five times more polluted than the air inside! So, knowing this, what can we do about it? The Steam Team of Austin can clean your Air Ducts and help with allergies. 


How Cleaning Affects Indoor Air Quality


Imagine your carpet, rugs, air ducts as if it’s a giant trap for dust, dirt, allergens, dander, and other nasty, harmful substances. That’s basically what it is! We kick these substances into the air by walking on the carpet. Since we can’t avoid walking on our own flooring, we can at least avoid it’s filth- by keeping carpet in tip top shape, and calling in the professionals when we need to. The Steam Team Austin Duct Cleaning Specialists


Keeping your carpet clean does far more than improve appearance in your home or office. It affects the health of your family, self, and/or customers! And since steam cleaning is entirely safe for the environment, it’s definitely the better way to clean and maintain your flooring. Steam cleaning requires the usage of nothing but hot water, and extreme pressure. There will be no residue left behind from cleaning solutions, and no damage from harsh chemicals! Austin Air Duct Cleaning for commercial and residential customers. 


If you’re concerned about mold growth (as you should be when we’re talking about moisture), let us reassure you. The moisture left in your carpet from steam cleaning will dry so quickly that you won’t even need to worry about mold growth or infestations.


Professional cleaning companies like The Steam Team of Austin will never leave you with wet carpet! Call us today for a deep cleaning that you can rely on- and for an improvement in your health and wellbeing! Serving Austin for over 36 years

How to Get Rid of Dirty Carpets

Water Damage Georgetown, Texas

Water Damage Georgetown, Texas

Ah, carpet flooring… it’s comfortable, cozy, and cushiony. It can be made in a multitude of different colors, textures, and designs. We can match it perfectly with our furniture. Carpet adds warmth to a bedroom or living room, and provides a cushioned landing for small children at play. But proper cleaning and maintenance keeps a homeowner quite busy! Carpet can potentially stain very easily, and requires regular attention.


Routine Cleaning & Stain Prevention


Dust, dirt, and pet hair build up at a surprisingly rapid rate. This makes frequent vacuuming imperative to maintaining carpet flooring, and even lengthening its lifespan. Hopefully your vacuum cleaner has extra attachments for reaching areas like corners, baseboards, or even between couch cushions!


When it comes to areas of your home with higher traffic, you may consider asking your house members and guests to remove their shoes near the front door. The soles of our shoes can track in anything from sand, to mud, grass, or small pebbles… All of which are things we could find in our carpet at a later date!


There is much debate surrounding the “best,” method of removing stains in carpet. When using a cleaning solution, be sure that the product you’ve chosen is designed to be used on carpet, and check to find out whether or not it should be diluted.


Is it Time to Deep Clean Your Carpet Cleaning Round Rock, TX?


Over time, our carpet takes enough beating to warrant an occasional deep cleaning, and this is best done by a professional steam cleaning company! Steam cleaning uses intense water pressure and high temperatures to eradicate dirt, debris, and stains from just about any type of flooring. Water Damage Round Rock, TX


Companies such as The Steam Team will definitely have the perfect tools for this project:  professional grade equipment, solid expertise, and dependable customer service. Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today for efficient stain removal and carpet cleaning!