What Do Customers Say About Their Steam Team Cleaning Experience?

cleaning services

cleaning services

If you’re dealing with water damage, a stained carpet, clogged appliances or many other issues in your home or business and you’re thinking about hiring The Steam Team, you might be wondering what previous Steam Team customers have to say. As a general rule, when you’re thinking about paying for the services of any company, it's always a good idea to look at customer reviews. So what do Steam Team customers say about the service they’ve received?

Customer Reviews

The Steam Team has been around a long time now, and we’ve been fortunate enough to receive lots of customer feedback! Let’s check out some of our reviews to give you a good idea of what we can do for you. One customer said, “The Steam Team cleaned my carpet today and brought a 15+ year old carpet back to great condition. I highly recommend this company!”. Another recent review said “I had my first experience with the Steam Team yesterday and couldn't have been more pleased! I had several large, old stains that I was sure would never come up - but I was proven wrong. Overall, it was a great experience”. 

Now it's true that we’re not the only company that offers these sorts of cleaning and restoration services, you can certainly find others. But we’ve seen that our customers have noticed a difference. For example, one customer had this to say; “I used The Steam Team for dryer duct cleaning, and I’ll never again look elsewhere! The last time I had this work done, the company that came out used only a shop vacuum to clean the duct, and I had to call them back twice because they did a terrible job. This time, I called The Steam Team, and they came out with all the necessary equipment, and did a terrific job.”

Steam Team Technicians

So how does The Steam Team consistently get such positive customer feedback? Well, as that last review said, we ensure all of our technicians have the necessary equipment for the job, as well as the right training. But beyond that, our technicians want to get the job done right the first time, and to make sure you have a great experience all around. To see all the services our highly trained technicians offer, please visit The Steam Team website.

Maintaining Your Marble Floor The Professional Way

Cleaning & Restoration in Austin

Cleaning & Restoration in Austin

Marble flooring is a great choice to add sophistication and beauty to any home, as long as you know how to properly take care of the marble. Marble can be more sensitive to cleaning solutions than other flooring may be, so we’re here to tell you about the professional way to maintain that sleek shine of your marble floor.

The Importance Of Polishing

Polishing your marble is extremely important to keep its deep lustre. Most marble will need to be polished at least every one to three years, and some may even last five if they’re properly maintained. If you don’t have it polished in this time, it will have dull, damaged spots from day-to-day things like spills damaging the floor over time. This occurs because marble is sensitive to anything acidic, and as the seal is worn down over time, the marble starts to become damaged. Marble also happens to be very porous, so dirt will settle into it if the seal is damaged. If you notice any of this occurring, you need to have your marble floor professionally polished as soon as possible.

Professional Marble Polishing

As we mentioned before, marble is extremely sensitive to anything acidic, which is why most household cleaning products are not a good choice for polishing marble. Only certified marble polish, marble cleaner and marble sealer should be used. Without the proper equipment and methods, you can’t polish your marble floor on your own. That’s why we recommend our professional marble polishing service. We’ve got our very own line of marble polishing products to give the shine back to your marble. So if it’s time to have your marble polished and renewed, give us a call and let our team of professional restoration technicians help you today! For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Keeping Commercial Air Ducts Clean Austin Texas

Every so often throughout the year, it’s important to check your air ducts in Austin, Texas. After all, the air you breathe throughout the day is critical to your health -- imagine if you’re breathing in dust, dirt, grime, and other particles? According to the EPA, we spend as much as 90% of our time indoors and, for many people, much of that time is spent in the office. Sometimes, the air inside can be more polluted than the air outside, especially when you don’t take time to check those ducts!


What Contamination Looks Like


The biggest part of looking for any signs of contamination is going to be knowing what you’re looking for. If you see excessive debris; such as dirt, dust, or any other grime, it’s likely time to give your air ducts a good clean. However, in some cases you may notice mold growth or mold spores beginning to spread around the base of the duct-- this could be from gathered moisture or even high humidity and can be exceptionally dangerous if left to continue growing.


Keeping Commercial Air Ducts Clean: Call A Professional in Austin, Texas


With commercial property, many parts of your heating and cooling system are likely not easily accessible to you. Get the help of a duct-cleaning professional service to check your system for you.


Aside from having the knowledge and knowing what to look for, professional technicians will be able to take care of the issue (or issues) that may arise from insect or vermin infestation or anything else you weren’t able to spot yourself. They also have access to products that will help maintain your clean air ducts after they’re done. A biocide kills bacteria and mold, and prevents future mold growth, while a sealant prevents dust in the air ducts from being released through the vents.     

When all is said and done, you’ll have a much cleaner and more efficiently-working HVAC system. If your air ducts are due for an inspection and/or cleaning, don’t hesitate to contact The Steam Team. Air duct cleaning is just one of the many services we provide! The leader in air duct cleaning in Austin, Texas. 

Air Duct Cleaning: Effective and Efficient

Duct Cleaning 

Duct Cleaning 

With the change of seasons, comes the changing of allergens in the air. And, when allergens are stirred up and affecting you more than normal, it’s easy to want to coop up inside and “rest.” While indoor air shields us from exposure to the elements, we are still exposed to indoor air pollutants -- especially if you haven’t cleaned your air ducts in a while!


If you have a major problem with your ductwork, such as a leak, you'll need to contact a professional as soon as possible. Leaky ducts can suck in dust, dirt, allergens, and other nasty materials from areas like basements, crawlspaces, or attics. In these situations, we urge you to simply call in the professionals! This is a job that requires very specific equipment (high powered vacuums, video equipment, etc) and a precise, well-trained method of breaking up the dirt and dust inside your ductwork.


Regular Maintenance

Leaky ducts or other problems aside, air ducts function most efficiently and effectively when they’re regularly maintained. However, it can be an extremely difficult job because of many hard-to-reach places and lack of equipment. Dusting off the air vents is part of the job, but if you’re having to dust them frequently -- it’s probably time to get inside the ducts for a thorough clean.


No matter what shape your ducts are in, calling in the professionals will ensure that your ducts aren’t circulating air full of allergen particles and other dust or dirt. Regular maintenance will also prevent further damage from occurring -- saving you time, energy, and money!


Contact Us

Contact your local cleaning and restoration company for details on air duct cleaning services. Gone are the days of sniffling, coughing, and taking allergy medicine! A professional cleaning company (like The Steam Team!) will gladly inspect and clean your air ducts, leaving your home’s air quality more clean, more pure than ever before. Contact us today!

It's Time to Clean the Air Ducts!

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin, Texas

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin, Texas

Have you ever considered cleaning the air ducts in your home? If not, consider this: according to the EPA, some studies indicate that we spend as much as 90% of our time indoors, and that the air in some homes and buildings is more polluted than the air outdoors. The young, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions, such as respiratory or cardiovascular disease, are most at risk.


The EPA advises that duct cleaning has not been shown to actually prevent health problems. However, if anyone in your household is suffering from allergies or any unexplained symptoms or illnesses, visually inspect your air ducts for mold growth. Many sections of your heating and cooling system may not be easily accessible, so you’ll need to ask a service provider to check into it and show you the mold growth, if there is any. You can easily view air-return grills and ceiling vents yourself. Other reasons to clean your air ducts include infestation by insects or vermin, or an excessive amount of dust and debris, causing particles to be released when the system is running. Whatever the cause, be sure to address the root problem, or the issue will recur even after a thorough cleaning.  


Duct cleaning may also involve the use of biocides and sealants. A biocide kills bacteria and mold and prevents future growth, while a sealant prevents dust within the duct system from being released into the air. Both are chemical products and may involve adverse reactions. Educate yourself on the pros and cons. A service provider can accommodate your preference for avoiding use of either product.


A duct-cleaning service provider will also be able to clean certain heating and cooling components that should help your system run more efficiently. Cleaning of heating and cooling coils and drain pans, regular filter changes, and inspections of heating equipment should be part of your annual home maintenance routine.


If your air ducts are due for an inspection and/or cleaning, don’t hesitate to contact The Steam Team. Air duct cleaning is just one of the many services we provide!