The Steam Team: Marble Polishing Experts

Marble cleaning austin texas

If you have marble surfaces in your Austin home, you should know that proper care and maintenance is important to keep these beautiful surfaces intact. One of the most important things when it comes to marble care is polishing. Since marble can be a delicate material, its best to leave the polishing up to professionals. That's what The Steam Team of Austin is here for!

Austin, Texas Professional Technicians

As stated above, marble can be delicate, and it’s especially sensitive to anything acidic. It’s best left in the hands of professionals with years of experience on similar jobs. The Steam Team technicians have just that, as well as a full line of products specifically designed for marble polishing, and they’ll use only the products needed for your specific type of marble. Using our effective marble polishing process, our technicians will make your worn down marble shine again in no time.

Our Austin Marble Polishing Process

When our Austin technicians first arrive at your home or business, they’ll begin the process by inspecting your marble surface to determine the best course of action and which products to use. Then they’ll separate the marble from any other surfaces using tape. When the marble is separated they’ll begin to gently clean it with product and a soft rag. Then a poultice may be used to eliminate stains from the marble. Then the polishing will begin as our technicians use low-speed polishers in circular motions and whichever specific polish product they’ve chosen, until the entire surface has been polished. Finally, a sealant will be applied to keep the marble protected. When the sealant dries, your marble surface will look better than ever.

Other Services in Austin, Texas

The Steam Team of Austin technicians are experts at a lot more than just marble. If you need help with carpet cleaning, rug cleaning, mold removal, pet odor removal or concrete staining just to name a few, give us a call! For more on our many services, visit The Steam Team website.

Marble Polishing 101: A Short Guide from the Experts

Have you ever heard of marble polishing? It’s a great way to change up the look of your marble! Marble may look sturdy and durable, but it’s actually quite delicate! Because marble is calcium-based, it’s prone to acid damage. This is why it’s important to take proper care of our marble surfaces and flooring. Below, we’ll delve into what marble polishing is, when you should have your marble polished, and finally, how The Steam Team can help!

What is Marble Polishing?

To put it simply, marble polishing helps to reverse the damage of wear and tear on your marble surfaces and flooring! The treatment that is used is pure and tested, and doesn’t involve any artificial coatings! It helps to bring back that shine you remember from your marble’s “younger days!”

As always, for best results, contact your local cleaning and restoration company (like The Steam Team) for a polishing you can trust, one that’s installed correctly and efficiently, and one that will last you a really long time!

When Should You Polish Your Marble?

So, when should marble be polished? Well, it’s pretty simple: just keep an eye out for dull spots or scratches. Or, when you’re cleaning your marble flooring or surface, is it difficult to keep it clean? If this is true, it may be time for a good old fashioned marble polishing, friends!

Until the professionals come out to polish your marble, keep it clean by dry dusting, mopping, and using only cleaning supplies that are safe for marble.

Call in the Professionals

Whenever you’re in doubt, or you know your marble is due for a thorough polishing, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team! We’re a team of trained professionals who have years of expertise on polishing marble and taking care of other types of natural stone! You can rely on us to get any job done efficiently and correctly.