3 Steps You Should Take After Water Damage - Austin Texas

No matter the source, water damage is a serious issue. To prevent mold from growing and spreading around your home, start off by taking the following three steps. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you’re in need of assistance!


Turn Off the Power and Gas


Shut off the electricity and gas from its main source. Of course, if you’re dealing with minor puddles and leaks, you’re likely safe. But in more extreme situations where there is standing water around, it’s necessary to turn off the power for obvious safety concerns. Next, consult an electrician!


Be Careful Around Standing Water


Unfortunately, sometimes enough water may enter our home to the extent that it’s standing. Wading through this flood water is dirty and dangerous, but unfortunately sometimes it’s something we have to do. If you have standing water in your home, make sure you’re wearing proper boots for protection, and safety masks, too. Watch out for dangerous debris and substances floating in the water.


Call the Professionals


In addition to calling your insurance company to come out and assess the situation, make sure to call a professional cleaning and restoration company. They’ll help you start to put everything back in its place, and they’ll have the necessary knowledge and equipment for the situation. The Steam Team is always here for you, through thick and thin! We truly care about our customers; if you have standing water in your home, or a leak you can’t control, don’t hesitate to lean on us!

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in serving the Austin area- especially in times of trouble. If you’ve had flooding in your home, rely on The Steam Team to remedy the situation; we know exactly what to do.

3 Commercial Cleaning Tips in Cedar Park Texas: Winter Edition

Water Damage In Round Rock Texas

Water Damage In Round Rock Texas

2016 was quite the year for your office! And as it comes to a close, perhaps you’d like to have your workspace thoroughly cleaned out, your carpets washed, your window treatments dusted- the list goes on and on! You’re not sure where to begin, but you know that you must start off the new year on the right foot. And that begins with starting the work week in a clean, healthy environment.

Disinfecting Workspaces & Other Surfaces

Winter time is the worst time of year for the common cold, flu, and other respiratory illnesses! Germs spread like wildfire; even now, you’re probably recalling several coworkers who’ve gone home early in recent weeks. What can you do?

Thankfully, The Steam Team can help to thoroughly disinfect your office. Germs, bacteria, allergens- you name it; they’re no match for a steam cleaner’s intense heat and pressurized water. This method of cleaning is completely safe for the environment, and will not leave behind any excess moisture or harmful residue- so there’s no need to worry about mold growth!


Regular vacuuming routines do wonders for keeping up with the dust, dirt, and allergens that plague our carpets on a daily basis. It’s likely that the cleaning crew does a fabulous job of this, but we should still expect the office flooring to need the occasional deep cleaning, just as a house might. But don’t worry- The Steam Team can do all of the heavy leg work.

Call The Steam Team

Don’t let the daunting task of deep cleaning your office overwhelm you! The Steam Team is always willing to help out. With our qualified team of experts and their professional-grade equipment, we’ll have your office looking, smelling, and feeling perfectly pristine! Those who step foot in your office will beg to know your secret! Water Damage in Round Rock Texas