The Easiest Way to Clean Tile & Grout Bonita Springs

If you have tile and grout in your home, you’re going to want to clean it quite frequently. Odds are you’ve already tried more than one method to see what works the best and takes up the least amount of your time. Or you’ve chosen to stick with the first cleaning method you learned. In either case, we’re sure that if you follow this advice you’ll never want to go back to cleaning tile and grout the way that you did before.


Ditch The Toothbrush


The most common DIY methods for cleaning tile grout involve using a toothbrush or some other type of brush to vigorously scrub between the tiles, crawling around on your hands and knees, until the floor is spotless. Using certain cleaning solutions can certainly speed up the process, but it can still be very time consuming and very tiring. If you want a better way, go ahead and get rid of that brush.


Steam Cleaners


If you can afford the investment, the most simple and least time-consuming way to clean your tile and grout floors is by using a steam cleaner. Steam cleaners can effectively clean and sanitize any type of tile or grout as there are no chemicals involved in the process. When you buy or rent a steam cleaner from your local home improvement store, just make sure it has the steam hose and a small brush attachment. Once you have assembled the steam cleaner and filled it with water, turn it on and allow it to heat up. Then, move the cleaning brush back and forth over all of the grout. This will get rid of all the dirt and grime, as well as kill the mildew in the grout. After cleaning, use a towel or mop to wipe up excess moisture. You’ll notice right away that your floor gets much cleaner, much faster with the use of a steam cleaner.


Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

Even with the help of a steam cleaner, you might still not have the free time for the mundane task of tile and grout cleaning. If this is the case, call in TST Total Restoration  professionals- we’re always happy to help!