4 Tips for Professional Cleaning in Austin

Fortunately our flooring throughout our homes lasts for years and years to come, but unfortunately this makes stains (over time) inevitable. You’re probably familiar with this scenario: shattering as a glass of wine tumbles to the floor. The spill splashes everywhere- the carpet, the couch, your clothes… Don’t panic! We’ve got just the tips for you.


Don’t Leave Anything Behind


The biggest problem homeowners face when they’re dealing with stains is the amount of residue left behind from the initial incident. The best way to avoid lasting stains or anything permanent, is to ensure that nothing is left behind after the spill. If you’re dealing with a solid mess, you can easily pick it up with any utensil, paper towel, bag, or even cloth and then blot away anything that may be remaining.


Do NOT Scrub


So often we see stains that have been scrubbed further into carpet fibers or grout because of how they were handled initially. It’s extremely important that you never scrub spills or messes because it will only push them further into the flooring -- always, always, always blot away any excess!


Use Homemade Cleaner


Be sure to use a cleaner that will work with the mess you’re dealing with. Homemade cleaners aren’t always going to do the trick, especially for stains like pet urine. However, a generally good solution to use for most spills or messes is made by combining 1 tsp. dish soap, ¼ tsp. white vinegar, and 4 cups warm water.


Call The Professionals


No stain is too tough for The Steam Team to tackle. As a professional cleaning and restoration company, The Steam Team is highly trained, knowledgeable, and equipped to take care of spills and stains just like these. When it comes to the toughest ones, we’ve been known to get them right out.


So, when it comes to your carpets or any other flooring, don’t hesitate to give us a call today- either for that stubborn stain, or a professional deep-cleaning. We guarantee that you’ll be floored by our results!