How to Best Care for Leather Furniture

Leather furniture can be a wonderful addition to any room, and it can really last a long time if we care for it and treat it properly. So if you’ve recently gone out and purchased a new piece of furniture for your home and you’re a tad lost on how to care for it, fret no more! The Steam Team has the best information on caring for your leather furniture! Follow these guidelines and your upholstery will be looking fantastic for a long, long time!




Let’s start off by reviewing what not to do when it comes to caring for our leather furniture! To start, we shouldn’t use detergents, ammonia, or harsh cleaning solutions to clean up spills. Next, keep sharp objects away from leather, as it scratches easily (so, those arts and crafts? Keep ‘em at the dining table). It’s also wise not to place printed objects on the furniture, as the dyes could soak through its upholstery!


Dusting Your Furniture


Since it’s important to keep your leather upholstery clean, use a clean, white cloth to dust your furniture every couple of weeks. You can clean off accumulated dirt with a dampened cloth, but do a test run first, to make sure your leather isn’t absorbing the moisture. And as we always say, blot spills, don’t rub them! We don’t want the stain to spread!


Conditioning Your Leather


Condition your leather upholstery every six months to one year. Leather is a lot like our skin, in the sense that it can dry out easily! You can find specially-formulated conditioners for your furniture, but first check its care label for critical instructions!


The Steam Team Can Help


The Steam Team has over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for leather upholstery! Don’t be shy; give us a call today!