Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean All Summer Long

It’s summertime! And as the doors are swinging open and closed, all kinds of dirt and debris are blowing into your home. The kids are home from school now, tracking mud through the kitchen, and alongside them… your family pet, tracking adorable paw prints onto your freshly clean tile! We know just how you feel; keeping the home clean during all of this is a tough one! That’s why we’d like to give you a hand this summer. 

The Steam Team has 5 tips for keeping your home as clean as can be all summer long!

Make a List

Start simple. Don’t overthink anything. Cleaning can be fun if you let it be! Start by making a list, prioritizing which areas of your home need to be cleaned first and foremost. Then work your way through the rest of your home, and once you start, follow that list religiously! This will help to simplify the process. 

Make Some Rules

Perhaps setting rules in place such as shut the door behind you, or leave your shoes at the door, or even always put things back in their original place can cut down on clutter, dust being blown into the house, and messes all around!

Make it Fun for the Kids

Get the kiddos involved if they’re old enough! This can be fun for them, and very helpful for you! Let them be in charge of keeping their bedrooms clean, or teach them how to use the vacuum cleaner appropriately. You can even create a chore chart to help them along the process!

These are great tips for routine or light cleaning, but every now and then our homes need the help of a professional! For a deep cleaning that you can really feel, contact The Steam Team! We’ll have your home sparkling like new in no time!