Office Cleaning Over the Holidays

Well friends, it’s that time of year. It’s time for the holidays to come to an end and for the new year to begin! Time to clean up our offices in preparation. The holidays are a great time for office cleaning since we have so much time off, so let’s review what needs to be cleaned this time around!


When cleaning your office, here are a few areas to focus on, and more importantly, areas that we can clean for you! Contact The Steam Team of Austin, Texas anytime, any day, and we’ll be out to assist you with anything you need!


Desks, Tables, and Other Surfaces


We’re often guilty of eating lunch at our desks; it’s just so convenient, isn’t it? But unfortunately, it’s terrible for our desk, in the sense that it dirties it up a lot quicker! And it’s not just your desk that you’re worried about; end tables need regular cleaning, too! Luckily, The Steam Team can help with that.




Whether it’s carpet, tile, or wood flooring, The Steam Team can help you keep the floors of your office clean! Steam cleaning is a safe and effective method for keeping your floors clean; it doesn’t use any chemicals, and easily extracts dust, dirt, and other nasties from flooring.


Window Blinds


You wouldn’t believe the amount of dust and debris that accumulates on our window blinds! Fortunately, The Steam Team can clean your window blinds without even removing them from where they’re hung! It’s easy, simple, and convenient- much better than removing them and washing them in a tub!

The Steam Team is happy to help you keep your office clean this season! Just give us a call; we’re available 24/7 to help you out! Your clients, coworkers, and the like will be impressed with the job we do, you just wait and see!