The 'Ins and Outs' of Cleaning

Leather is an intricate material; having a gorgeous shine and sleek feel that no other material can achieve. However, with such unique properties, comes its challenges- like cleaning and properly moisturizing over the years to ensure your leather furniture lasts as long as possible. The Steam Team cleaning company. We specialize in rug cleaning and tile cleaning too. 


What To Avoid:

When it comes to cleaning any leather, you should never use bleach or any ammonia-based cleaners. These chemicals can ruin the leather material, leaving it dry and discolored. In addition to chemicals, you should also avoid using abrasive towels or cloths to wipe down your sofa or other leather furniture. Anything too tough could leave the leather scratched or otherwise damaged.


What To Use, Instead:

Use a cleaning product specifically made for leather material. In some cases this can be just a wipe down with a damp, soft cloth- or in other cases, for a more thorough clean, you might want soap made for leather. In addition to cleaning soap, you’ll need a conditioner to work into the leather once every year or so to make sure the material doesn’t dry out.


Begin Cleaning...

Once you’ve found the proper cleaning solution and supplies, it’s time to begin! First, vacuum your sofa thoroughly and carefully. This is to avoid dust and dirt from rubbing into the leather as you clean and condition. Beginning from the top, work your way down, using a dampened microfiber cloth to gently clean the surface of your sofa. Make sure to rinse the cloth whenever it’s necessary. Dry your sofa with a fresh towel, and apply your favorite leather conditioner!


For help cleaning leather furniture or for any other cleaning and restoration service, contact The Steam Team! Our team of skilled professionals are always standing by, eager to help you out! For amazing cleaning experiences call The Steam Team of Austin today!


Spot Treating Stains: Our Latest Tricks- The Steam Team of Austin

Is your carpet plagued with stains after this holiday season? Well, you’re not alone! Many people are scrubbing their flooring, trying to remove wine and food stains from the holiday festivities. So, to help you out, today we have our latest tips and tricks for spot treating stains, and we sure hope they’re helpful! Go ahead, you know you want to keep reading… The Steam Team of Austin


Blot, Don’t Rub


When it comes to removing stains, it’s always best to blot the stain clean, rather than scrub! Scrubbing the stain can cause it to spread and that’s definitely not what you want! Blot the stain clean with a white towel (so that you can see the substance) and change it as necessary. Then treat the stain with your choice of cleaner, whether commercial or homemade.


Use Around-the-House Products


You don’t always necessarily have to use commercial cleaning products when treating stains! You can use several different products that you have hiding underneath your sink, like vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, and even Dawn dishwasher soap!


Call in the Professionals


Sometimes, it’s best that the professionals step in! Sometimes things are just beyond repair, at least on your end (we kid, we kid)! But a professional steam cleaning company, like The Steam Team, can come to your home and give you a hand with those stains and anything else you might need (we can clean flooring, surfaces, draperies, upholstery… the list goes on and on!). You’ll simply be amazed at the results!


Trust The Steam Team with all of your cleaning needs and you won’t regret it! Just give us a call today. We can come out, inspect your home, and restore it to its original condition- that means that those pesky stains will disappear under our care- and you won’t have to lift a finger! View our services here or give us a call whenever you’re in need!