The Benefits of Steam Cleaning Versus Other Methods

If you have carpet in your home, it’s likely that you’ve heard the news that more and more people are choosing steam cleaning as the prefered method for keeping their carpets in great condition. But why? Does steam cleaning really make such a drastic difference? Well, yes! And here are just a few reasons why;


Safer for the Home


When using a steam cleaner, the only forces at work are water and heat. This means that you’re able to avoid using cleaning agents that could have potentially harmful or toxic chemicals in them, while still killing 99.99% of bacteria. Essentially, you’re able to get the job done right without harming any children, pets, or causing any allergic reactions that you might get from other methods.


A Cheaper Alternative


A steam cleaner is not only safer for the home, but easier on the wallet as well. The repeated costs of having to restock on detergents or other cleaning products far outweigh the cost of the steam cleaner itself. And the only payments you’ll need to make for the steam cleaner are water and electricity.


Why Not Just Vacuum?


Unfortunately, many people rely on vacuuming alone to clean their carpets. What they don’t realize is that a vacuum cleaner can only collect a small fraction of the dirt, dust, and other allergens left behind in the carpet. Another issue with vacuum cleaners is that they won’t be able to get rid of dust mites, which may be living in your carpet and eating the residue left behind that a vacuum cleaner just can’t reach. The only method for a complete clean is high pressure steam!


Professional Steam Cleaning

While such methods can be carried out by the homeowner, most people find that a trained professional with more powerful equipment can achieve even greater results. If you’re looking for top-notch professional carpet cleaning, be sure to contact The Steam Team.