The Best Way to Care for Your Area Rug

Here at The Steam Team rug cleaning, we’re all about giving your carpeting the proper care and treatment! Even when it comes to area and oriental rugs. Today we’re going to talk about the best way to care for your area rugs and help them last even longer! Here are three things you can do to care for your area rugs!


Vacuum Often


Vacuuming isn’t something we take lightly when it comes to caring for area rugs! It has to be done, friends. Vacuum at least twice weekly, depending on the amount of foot traffic your rugs receive, in order to keep them in tip top shape! Once you get into the swing of things, it actually becomes quite easy!


Spot Treat Stains


When it comes to removing stains from your area rugs, treat them just like you would your carpet! Lean on your trusty carpet cleaner, or even consider calling in a professional carpet cleaning company. Companies like The Steam Team have plenty of experience with area rugs, and would love to help you out!


Call in the Pro’s


When the going gets tough and you can’t make it to your area rugs, The Steam Team understands. Sometimes, you just need the help of a professional- someone who really knows what they’re doing and have been at it for years! It’s not that we doubt your abilities; it’s that we know The Steam Team can handle anything when it comes to your area rugs.


If you live in the Austin area, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team! We’ve been serving the community of Austin for over a decade now, and we’re not stopping any time soon! We have plenty of experience under our belts with a wide variety of cleaning and restoration projects. So whatever you need, just give us a call!


Moving? 3 Tips to Clean Our Your Old Home and Get Ready for the New!

Moving into a new home can be an overwhelming experience for everyone involved! There are so many things you have to do, like cleaning out the entire kitchen, everything in those old closets, and you even have to worry about the attic! But don’t worry; we’re here to simplify the process for you. Here are three areas you should focus on when cleaning out your old home, and getting ready for the new!


Cleaning Out Appliances


Stainless steel appliances tend to have steaks on their surface. But steam can easily remove these streaks- without the use of chemicals. There will be no residue left behind on the stainless steel!


Cleaning Out the Bathroom


The bathroom is a great place to start when cleaning out your old home; it won’t be visited as frequently as, for example, the living room. The main areas of importance in the bathroom are going to be the shower- especially if it’s tiled, the sink area, and the flooring. A professional-grade steam cleaner can easily extract grime from the tile and grout in your shower, as well as on the floor!


Carpeting and Flooring


The carpeting and flooring of your old home deserve your ultimate tender loving care. A steam cleaner, using nothing but hot water and high water pressure, can extract dirt, dust, debris, and other nasty, unwanted substances from deep within your carpet fibers. You can also use a steam cleaner on marble and natural stone flooring, or tile.


The Steam Team has well over a decade of experience cleaning and restoring homes to their original, pristine condition. When you set out to clean out your old home, consider contacting The Steam Team; we’re available 24/7, and can take care of anything, from a dirty bathroom floor, to hardwood floor that needs refinishing. Don’t hesitate; give us a call today!