The Do's and Don't of Marble Flooring Maintenance

Choosing the flooring throughout your house is no easy feat- we know your decision was not made lightly. That’s why it’s important to care for your floors over their lifetime to ensure you get the most out of them for the longest period of time.


One of the most popular materials right now is marble- and for good reason, too. Marble adds a gorgeous look to any room and is relatively easy to clean, maintain, and even restore (if need be). However, just because it’s flat and hard like hardwood floors or tile- you don’t want to treat it the same way. Here are our best tips and tricks of the trade to keep your marble floors looking bright, shiny, and brand new!


Regular Maintenance

When it comes to marble flooring, the regular maintenance you do heavily relies on the tools you choose. Finding a broom that’s not too tough is important when you sweep and a duster that’s going to really capture everything it meets.


Preventing and Removing Stains

Preventing stains is relatively similar across any flooring, furniture, or fabric of any kind- you want to try and catch the spill as soon as it happens, wiping everything up immediately. This will keep any liquid from seeping into the flooring and staining.


In order to remove stains, there are several products on the market that are made specifically for marble flooring. If you’re unsure of which product to choose- give us, The Steam Team, a call. We’re happy to help.


Call The Steam Team

With decades of experience and tons of knowledge and expertise, The Steam Team is your leading choice of professionals for marble cleaning and polishing. We know exactly what we’re doing, and what’s more important- we’re here to serve you!


Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile looks beautiful in our homes, and comes in a wide array of colors and textures! But the downside of tile (there’s always a downside, isn’t there?) is that it can be difficult to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, and thus absorbs stains quite easily, causing staining, discoloration, and a lot of frustration! So let’s discuss ways in which we can care for and clean our tile and grout!


Seal Your Grout


Sealing your grout is a great way to keep it protected. It fills the seams between tile, and helps it absorb less materials like dirt, dust, sand, and general grime.


Mop Frequently


Mopping is necessary for keeping tile clean. As much as we want to procrastinate it, or simply not do it- there’s no getting around it, friends! So grab your preferred mop and cleaner and get to cleaning! When deciding on which type of cleaner to use, always start with the most mild detergents first. Then work your way up if you find that your selected cleaner isn’t performing how you expected. The frequency at which you mop will depend on how much foot traffic your floor receives. Once a week might be a good medium! Voted best tile and grout cleaning company in Austin. 


Tips for Scrubbing Grout


You can scrub your grout to clean off the gunk and grime. But the #1 rule for scrubbing grout is to not use abrasive materials. This is obviously so that you won’t damage your tile or grout; scratching is easily caused by abrasive scrubbing materials.

Remember, if your grout is just too much to handle, The Steam Team is standing by, ready to help! We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for tile and grout, as well as other types of flooring and surfaces. So when it doubt about tile and grout, rely on The Steam Team!