Handling Leaky Appliances 101: Steam Team Style

There’s nothing more frustrating than coming home to a leaking appliance in the kitchen, laundry room, or bathroom. Making a call to a technician is typically the first step here, but how quickly that call is made is imperative. A small leak might seem temporarily harmless, however, it can turn into a much larger, much messier disaster. If you’re dealing with leaky appliances, don’t hesitate, here’s why:

Damage To Possessions 

Although this one might be obvious to you, but leaky appliances can grow much worse, perhaps turn into a small flood and damage your possessions like your furniture, even the flooring. To avoid all of this from occurring, call in the professionals (like The Steam Team) as soon as you detect a leak. We seriously can’t stress this enough. 

Worsening Leaks

Leaving a leak to grow worse overnight could leave you with a big mess. If you wake up in the morning and find that this is the case, don’t panic. Just call in The Steam Team! We’ll be right out to help control the leak and cleanup the leaky area. We won’t leave until it’s all settled and you’re one satisfied customer! 

The Growth and Spreading of Mold

The first and foremost thing you should be concerned about with a leaky appliance is the growth and spreading of mold. Yes, it’s true that mold only needs twenty four hours to begin growing, so tackle that issue as soon as you come across it. Call in the professionals. A professional-grade steam cleaner will eradicate mold and grime from the area. 

Well friends, there you have it! Leaky appliances are no joke, and nothing to be messed with. So just get in touch with The Steam Team as soon you find out you have a leak, and you’ll be good to go!