When Disaster Strikes: Austin Texas Restoration Professionals

When disaster strikes and causes either water or fire damage in your home, it’s always best to call in the professionals! Professional cleaning and restoration companies, like The Steam Team, can help you restore your home back to its original condition. We’ll get you back home and feeling secure in no time! Let’s discuss the dangers of water and fire damage, and how The Steam Team can help you!


Water Damage


Whether the water damage you’re experiencing is from a leaky appliance, or a natural disaster, we’re here for you! No matter the scale of damage, The Steam Team can help out. Here we’re basically looking for mold and mildew, and trying to prevent it from spreading. If you’ve recently had water damage in your home and you spot a mold problem, contact the professionals immediately!


Fire Damage


Fires are devastating and disastrous; they take some time to recover from, just like water damage. Not only do you have to worry about fire destroying your personal property, but there are many health concerns that come along with smoke damage. And of course, what does it take to put out a fire? Water. Lots of water. That can cause damage, too.


Call in the Professionals


It’s always best to call in the professionals in these scenarios. Not only do we have the correct tools and equipment, but we’re also equipped with the right amount of experience and expertise! We have no doubt that we can help restore your home to its original condition in no time.

After over a decade of experience, The Steam Team has the right knowledge and expertise for any cleaning or restoration job. So from cleaning the tile and grout in your bathroom before a dinner party, to replacing it after a flash flood, we’re here for you. Don’t hesitate! Just pick up the phone today and give us a call!

How The Steam Team Handles Water Damage Restoration

Flooding can happen in the blink of an eye- one minute water is overflowing and the next you’re surrounded by it. We know how difficult it can be to get every bit of water out of your house, deal with the insurance company, and then have to worry about putting your home back together again- that’s why The Steam Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your restoration needs.


Restoring a home from water damage is not an easy project, we don’t recommend that you try to take it on yourself (especially during such a stressful time). Bringing in the professionals will ensure that everything is taken care of properly and will leave you with ease knowing you’re at no risk for mold.


The Water Damage Restoration Process


After water floods your home, whether it be from a storm, busted pipe, or broken appliance- the first thing to do is to remove any and all water from the house (if possible). We know that the biggest hassle for homeowner’s is often dealing with their insurance companies throughout this process, so we actually take that off of your shoulders and work with them directly.


Then, we’ll focus on your belongings and other surfaces around the home. We’ll clean and sanitize the area to ensure the health and safety of you and your family. The fans come next to begin drying everything out, from the flooring to the furniture. We’ll ensure that there isn’t any structural damage and check around for any signs of mold spores and growth. When it comes to restoration and remediation, we’ve got the experts!


So next time you find yourself facing a tragedy like water damage, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team- even if it’s the middle of the night, our emergency crews are available!