The Dangers of Dirty Air In The Workplace

Cleaning company in Austin

Cleaning company in Austin

Any good business owner should want things to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in the workplace, while ensuring good conditions for the workers and earning maximum profit. Let’s talk about how dirty air in the workplace can be disastrous for all of these goals. And then we’ll discuss what you can do to fix the problem if your air systems are putting out dirty air in your business or the business you work in.

Examining The Dangers

If you own a business or work in one and you suspect that the air ducts may not have been cleaned in a long while, it’s important to understand exactly what that means. Air ducts that pump out dirty air can have very negative effects on employees, customers/clients or anyone else in the building. Dust and debris that re-enter the air may cause allergies or respiratory issues, or greatly worsen symptoms for people who already have respiratory issues. Mold growth in the air ducts can be even worse, causing even more severe symptoms of allergy and respiratory issues, creating a work environment that won’t be healthy for anyone. If you own a building or work in a building where you suspect that this is happening, hire professionals to clean the air ducts as soon as possible

Aside from the clear negative effects that it can have on people in the building, dirty air ducts can also have negative effects on the finances of the business owner, since the build up in dirt and debris can actually cause the HVAC system to work harder, raising energy costs. So if you want to keep the people in your business safe, and help save yourself on energy costs, it’s time to hire professionals.

Who Can Help?

Call in The Steam Team professional cleaning company to help clean your air duct systems! We’ll use only the best equipment and methods to get the job done right, and we’ll even use bactericides and fungicides at the end of the cleaning process to make sure your air is safe from any harmful bacteria or fungus growth. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

The Steam Team of Austin Helps with Clogged Dryer Vents

Cleaning Clogged Dryer Vents In Austin Texas

Cleaning Clogged Dryer Vents In Austin Texas

Many people underestimate the importance of keeping their vents clean, so we’re here to let you know that it’s just as important as air duct cleaning and carpet cleaning- all of these harbor dust and debris that you don’t need to inhale. And of course, not cleaning dryer vents can lead to worse consequences.


For over thirty five years now, The Steam Team has been helping keep families safe by making sure their dryer vents are clean and clear of dust, debris, and lint. Not cleaning out your dryer vents can lead to many issues, from a malfunctioning dryer, to a house fire. We don’t want either one of those occurrences to happen to you, and that’s why we’re standing by 24/7 to help!


Why is it Important to Keep Dryer Vents Clean?


Each year, thousands of dryer vent fires are reported, and we don’t want this to happen to you- not when prevention is as simple as calling The Steam Team! While fire prevention is definitely the top priority, you may also need a cleaning if you notice your clothes are taking over an hour to dry. Lint buildup can clog your dryer vents, and you’ll need assistance cleaning them out. So don’t put yourself at risk of a house fire, and don’t waste precious time waiting on your laundry to dry- give The Steam Team a call pronto!


How Can the Steam Team Help?

With over three decades of experience, our team of trained technicians are the most experienced in all of Central Texas, and have all of the right equipment for the job. We’re available 24/7 for any of your cleaning and restoration needs, especially dryer vent cleaning. Whether your home needs an inspection and cleaning, or your commercial business, we’re here to help, and we’ll be out to do so in a jiffy!