How To Deal With Spills On carpet: Advice From The Experts

There are many people who have the mistaken idea that carpet, or other things like area rugs, aren’t worth buying because they’re too difficult to properly manage and keep clean. In fact, if you know how to care for carpet, it's rather easy.. Luckily for you, TST knows all about carpet cleaning and conditioning, and we’ve compiled this short guide to help you take great care of your carpet and rugs. We also offer tile cleaning.

Cleaning Spills and Conditioning Carpet

When you do happen to spill something on carpet, the most important thing is just to clean it up fairly quickly. When cleaning carpets or rugs, use a soft, dry cloth and allow the area to air dry. If you aren’t able to find a cloth quick enough for whatever the reason may be, simply spread the spill towards the edge of the furniture and brush it off. Though this may sound like you’re just spreading the stain around, you’ll actually eliminate the outline of the watermark, which is the most obvious sign of a stain.

If your furniture is a piece of wool, then it was once part of a living animal. Since that animal is no longer able to condition the leather with its natural body oils, the burden of cleaning the rug falls on you, and you’ll have to do it regularly to keep the rug in good condition. It should be about every 6 to 12 months. For specifics, contact the manufacturer of your specific piece of carpet.

Professional Help

We understand that you’re probably a very busy person, and not everyone has the time on their hands to clean and condition a rug or carpet on their own. That’s why we offer professional carpet cleaning and conditioning services! For more information, please visit TST website.

Upholstery Cleaning: DIY Or Hire Professionals?

Furniture Cleaning Bonita Springs

Call 239-450-1936 -Your leather upholster is something used by you, your family and guests frequently, so of course you want it to be properly cleaned. You might think you can just buy a quick cleaning product off the shelf of your local grocery story, and wipe down your leather upholstery no problem. But it isn’t always that simple. The right leather cleaning method depends on what kind of leather you have, and if you don’t know what kind of leather you’re working with you won’t even know where to start. To save you the time and the effort, it can help to hire professionals to clean your leather upholstery for you.

Professional Technicians

Here at TST Cleaning & Restoration, our technicians are highly knowledgeable about leather upholstery and the proper cleaning methods needed. When you call them in for the job, they’ll start by recommending only the most appropriate cleaning method for your specific type of upholstery. Then, to be absolutely sure that we’re providing the best service we can to meet your needs, our technicians will test the cleaning method on a small area of the upholstery for you to see and make sure you approve. If the upholstery is easy to clean, our prices will be lower to match. If you have a more expensive type of leather, it may require a slightly higher cost to clean

Professional Leather Cleaning

Leather cleaning is no problem for our professionals. They’ll carefully and properly clean the leather, removing all dirt and grime, and replenish the natural oils that help keep the leather in good condition. That shine you might be missing in your leather will come back again, as if it was brand new.

Extra Protection For Leather

To help keep your leather clean for longer, our technicians can apply a special protective sealant on your upholstery. This is a recommended part of our total cleaning program and will save you money in the long run. Over time, spills, pets and children will wear down your upholstery and soon you’ll have to have it cleaned again or even replaced, but not if we apply a fabric protectant. The protectant will easily resist anything that might dull your upholstery over time. For more information on upholstery cleaning and our other services, visit TST Cleaning & Restoration website.

A Few Great Tips For Maintaining Tile & Marble Floors

Tile Cleaning

Most people who have marble floors absolutely love them- they’re an elegant and natural beautiful flooring option. However, marble is quite a delicate material that can easily scratch or stain, and to polish it the right way you’ll need to use great care and the proper materials. Here’s some advice from the experts:

Avoid These Mistakes

Keeping marble clean isn’t as easy as some other flooring options, so before we get into our suggestions, you need to know what NOT to do with your marble to ensure that it won’t become damaged.

Spills can certainly do damage to your marble floors, but mopping them up with a soaked mop can do even more damage. Be sure to only use a slightly damp mop for spills on a marble surface.

Marble is especially sensitive to acidic cleaners. For this reason, you should only clean marble with cleaners specifically designed for marble floors. Other store-bought products or DIY methods like vinegar, lemon, or ammonia could cause irreversible damage to your floors.

Never leave or drag heavy furniture or sharp objects on a marble floor, as they can easily cause damage.

Proper Marble Polishing

To prepare for polishing your marble, a polishing compound specifically designed for your kind of marble (cultured or uncultured), a low-speed polisher and a marble sealant is used. Once the surface is perfectly clean, the compound is applied in small sections. It can be a tedious job since it needs to be done with expert care throughout- you don’t want to leave any room for damage to the marble!

The Steam Team

If you want your marble floors to look the best they possibly can, you’re in luck. At The Steam Team, we have our very own complete line of products for tile cleaning that’s guaranteed to get the job done right.