Fire Damage and Safety: Protect Yourself and Your Family- Austin Tx

With the recent fires in California, many homeowners are dealing with the tragedy of smoke damage first-hand. When fire damages our property, it leaves behind a trail of smoke, soot, and ash that can permanently destroy our furniture and possessions. It’s devastating to our homes, our belongings, and sometimes even our lives. Today, The Steam Team wants to stress how important your safety is when faced with fire or fire damage. Where there’s fire, there’s smoke -- smoke can potentially be extremely dangerous.


Following a fire, many homeowners first instinct is to rush to the scene to assess the damage. The most important factor here, however, is time. Do not rush-- take things slowly, instead, call the professionals for help. Fire and smoke damage should always be handled by the professionals, and safety must remain the top priority!


Safety is Our Top Priority


When The Steam Team comes in to help clean up after fire damage, safety is our top priority. The safety of you, your family, and our technicians. That’s why we follow rigorous safety guidelines and ensure that every area is properly ventilated throughout the entire process.


Equipment and Execution


Wearing the proper masks to protect from smoke inhalation and ash, our technicians always use the most advanced and effective equipment. Following our custom and proven method, they’ll properly ventilate each area that was touched by the fire and bring in the equipment to begin removal.


Practice Proper Safety Moving Forward


In the days and weeks following the fire damage, it’s always recommended to take extra safety precautions to protect yourself and your family from any contaminants that may still be lingering in the air.


With professional-grade equipment and extensive knowledge, The Steam Team will restore your home to its previous condition! Give us a call today to learn more- and don’t forget that we’re available in emergency situations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.