5 Reasons to Clean Your Area Rugs By The Steam Team Austin

home cleaning

home cleaning

Steam cleaning, in the long run, is the most simple, cost-effective, and helpful option for cleaning your home. Once we explain how and why this is, you’ll definitely understand! That’s why we’ve laid out five reasons as to why you should steam clean your home today! Go on, keep reading…


A New Level of Clean


Remember all of those times you cleaned the kitchen, only to have it feel dirty? Sometimes a mop and broom just aren’t enough. When it comes to steam cleaning, however, you’ll know your home is clean- that pressurized water and high heat make it difficult for anything to stand in its way!


Kills Dust Mites, Germs, & Bacteria


Using nothing but hot water and high water pressure, steam cleaning kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. It also destroys dust mites that are hidden in the carpet, and in all of those nooks and crannies you’ve been neglecting! It even works on upholstery and fabric furniture!


Eases Allergies by Eradicating Allergens


Steam cleaning helps to rid your home of allergens, so if you or someone in your household has allergies, they’ll be feeling grateful after a good old fashioned steam cleaning.


Cleans Without the Use of Chemicals


Hot water, and high pressure. That’s it, friends! Expect there to be absolutely no residue left behind, and no evidence of chemicals.


Saves Money on Cleaning Supplies


Since a steam cleaning machine does the job without the use of chemicals, you won’t need to buy (or mix) any cleaning solutions! This will save you tons of money in the long run if you just keep at it!


So you see, we (The Steam Team) truly believe that steam cleaning is the way to go when it comes to cleaning your home! For a deep cleaning that you can trust, call The Steam Team today- you won’t regret it.

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Furniture in Austin Texas

Austin Cleaning

Austin Cleaning

Upholstered furniture looks fantastic in our homes, and it’s fairly easy to clean and care for! That’s what makes it so popular- and so great. And that’s why we’re going to tell you five different ways to clean and care for your leather furniture so that you can get the most out of it! Voted the best cleaning company in Austin. 


Clean Up Spills As Fast As Possible


This is Rule #1 of cleaning: a spill or stain won’t do any damage, as long as you get to it quickly enough! For your leather furniture, wipe up spills immediately with a clean, dry, soft cloth. Use only a clean cloth to prevent staining your sofa! Austin, Texas cleaning experts!


Dust and Vacuum Frequently


Dusting and vacuuming on the regular will make cleaning day much easier, and help preserve your fabrics condition. You can use the upholstery attachment for those hard-to-reach areas, like corners and beneath cushions!


Use Only Soft Brushes While Cleaning


As we mentioned before, using a soft brush while cleaning will prevent tearsand further damage. Microfiber cloths work great!


Keep Your Furniture Out of Direct Sunlight


Most people don’t think of this one, but leaving your furniture out of direct sunlight will help keep the upholstery from drying out too quickly, cracking, and becoming discolored. If your sofa is near a window, try hanging light-canceling drapes!


Protect its Finish by Conditioning Regularly


Your furniture should have a tag which tells you how to properly condition the leather. Follow those instructions closely to avoid damage! If you’re unsure of how to condition your furniture, remember that The Steam Team is always here to help out!


The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, Texas, and we’re here for you through all of your leather needs! If you need help restoring that sofa to its original condition, give us a call! Your number one Austin cleaning company. Call 512-451-8326 now!