Steam Team Tips For Battling Water Damage And Mold

The most common cause of damage to homes across the world is water damage. Odds are, you’ve already experienced some form of water damage in your home, but are you prepared if it happens again? And would you be prepared for the mold growth that water damage often brings with it? If not, remember theses useful tips we’ve compiled for dealing with water damage and mold.

Preventing Water Damage

Sometimes water damage can occur within walls or within the floor, and can cause structural damage that you may not notice for quite a while. To make sure you catch it early, keep an eye on your water bill. If you’re hit one month with an unusually high water bill, you may have a leak somewhere in the home. Be sure to have your pipes and appliances inspected for leaks if you can’t find one yourself.

Always keep your roof gutters clean. As long as you clean your roof gutters every few months, you should be okay. But if you allow your roof gutters to build up with leaves or other debris, they could become clogged and water may leak through your roof and cause damage to your home.

Use a drain snake rather than chemical pipe cleaners. While chemical products may be effective at cleaning out a pipe, they may also damage it over time. A drain snake is a safer way to keep your pipes clear.

Preventing Mold Growth

Since water just needs darkness, moisture and time to grow, always make sure you dry up water in the home as soon as possible. If flooding has occurred in your home and your carpet and walls were soaked, you’ll need high-powered fans to dry it out and a steam cleaner to sanitize walls and other flooring as quickly as possible.

Help From The Steam Team

If you’ve recently experienced water damage in your home and don’t have the high-powered fans, steam cleaners and other equipment necessary for the job, or you otherwise can’t do the work yourself, give us a call and we’ll send our best technicians. For more information just visit The Steam Team website.