How is the Air Quality in Your Office?

It’s often not something you might think of as an employee, but the air quality in your office can directly affect your health and the health of those around you. Let’s think about it this way; when we spend the majority of our time in our offices, we’re breathing mostly that air. It only makes sense that we’re paying attention to it just as we do at home, right? How is it being filtered? Is it in its best shape?

Check Your HVAC System

To start, it’s important to check the shape of your HVAC system and clear out all of that dust and those allergens. We suggest having the professionals do it for you; it’ll save you so much trouble! For more information on your cleaning your HVAC system contact The Steam Team or visit our website! 

Clean the Carpet

Carpet hoards dirt, dust, and other allergens. When we walk on our carpet, we push these substances into the air, and yes, we breathe them in! It’s simple when you think about it, but you really have to make sure your carpet is being thoroughly cleaned on a weekly basis (frequency will depend on foot traffic). 

Dust Surfaces, Shelves, Blinds, Etc

We all know that dusting is the last thing to be done on cleaning day, if it gets done at all! We don’t blame you for neglecting it; it’s a tough chore, and well, it’s almost impossible not to breathe in some dust while you’re doing it. But still, it’s important to dust off shelves, desk tops, blinds, and other surfaces around your office. 

If you’re in need of some help cleaning up your office this season, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We’ll be out in a jiffy to help dust off those surfaces, steam clean that carpet, and maybe even your blinds too! You’ll be absolutely floored by our results. So don’t wait; give us a call today!