Marble Polishing 101: What You Should and Shouldn't Do

Marble is a naturally beautiful material that can be used for a variety of surfaces around any home or business. But it’s important to remember that marble can also be a very sensitive substance, and must be properly maintained in order to ensure that it lasts as long as you need it to. Follow these tips form The Steam Team to keep your marble in pristine condition.

What Not To Do

Marble is very sensitive to anything acidic. Using any generic household cleaners will likely etch or damage the marble or degrade the sealant, so make sure never to use these cleaners on marble. Using common DIY items like vinegar, ammonia, lemon or orange cleaners will also be too acidic and cause damage to your marble. For daily cleaning, it’s better to just use a sponge with hot water.

Proper Marble Care

As stated before, proper day-to-day marble cleaning should be done with a sponge with hot water, and dried with a soft cloth. It’s also important with marble to clean up spills immediately so that they don’t cause any lasting damage to the surface. With a marble countertop, use cutting boards, coasters and trivets as often as you can to avoid letting the marble come into contact with anything damaging. Similarly, for marble floors use door mats, runners and rugs as often as you can to protect the material. For marble polishing, only use polish specifically designed for marble surfaces.

The Steam Team Marble Polishing

You should know by now that marble can only be cared for with certain products. Luckily, The Steam Team has a complete line of products specifically for marble polishing. Our professional technicians will use the right products and methods to properly polish any marble surface in your home, and they can even apply a new sealant if needed. For more information on how we can help you in your home or business, visit The Steam Team website. We also offer 24 hour water damage clean up services.