Are You Taking Good Care Of Your Drapery?

Cleaning in Austin, Texas Since 1983

Cleaning in Austin, Texas Since 1983

When keeping your home clean, it's important to know what kinds of cleaning products and methods you’ll need to make all the specific areas of your home shine. Many homeowners make mistakes by using the wrong cleaning methods on certain areas, or overlooking them altogether! One of the most commonly overlooked areas in the home is the drapery. Do you know the correct way to clean your drapes, or do you just throw them out when they start to deteriorate? The Steam Team is here to help you save money on replacements by sharing our knowledge on drapery care.

When To Clean Drapes

Many homeowners neglect to have the drapes cleaned at all until signs of dirt and deterioration show up. Depending on different factors in the home like smoking or the heating system, your drapes may not show signs of dirt for up to six years! But that doesn’t mean they don’t need cleaning. Often, the drapery will start to deteriorate before physical signs of dirt even show up, and then it’ll be too late to have them cleaned. In reality, your drapery should be professionally cleaned about every two years. Professional cleaning can triple the lifespan of your drapes and save you money on the replacement costs of your drapes.

Professional Cleaning

The reason we recommend professional cleaning is that most drapery fabric can’t be put through a regular washer and dryer, and different types of drapery fabric will require different treatment. But no matter what kind you have, The Steam Team can handle it! Our professional technicians will inspect your fabric and choose the right method for the job, restoring your drapes quickly and professionally, and saving you money! For more information on professional drapery cleaning and our many other cleaning services, please visit The Steam Team website.