3 Tips to Protect Your Furniture

When purchasing new furniture, there are many thoughts swarming through the mind. Typically, they’re surrounding excitement and esthetic- planning on where you’re going to put the stunning new pieces- but there’s always the nagging thought of how they’ll never look just this pristine again, right? We’re here to eliminate that thought altogether! Take some tips from the professionals and your furniture will last the longest it can. 

Keep Fido Off the Furniture

Do you have pets? The first step is to keep pets off of the furniture. Mud stains are all too common when Fido is allowed to jump up on the sofa! Do your best to train your pets not to jump up on the furniture. A good idea is to set their own bed near the furniture so they can still relax with you, without creating such a mess! 

Keep Food Away from the Furniture

The next thing you can do is keep food and drinks away from the furniture. It’s tempting to bring food and drinks into the living room, but we urge you to resist that temptation! It only leads to more furniture stains that are difficult to remove. So do yourself a favor and keep everything in the kitchen! 

Call in The Steam Team

The final thing you can do is to call in the professionals. Give The Steam Team a call; we’ll be out and ready to help you out before you know it! With our professional-grade equipment and years of experience and expertise, we’ll have your furniture looking fantastic in no time flat! We use nothing but hot water and highly pressurized steam to remove new and old stains from your furniture. 

Give The Steam Team a call today for help with your furniture. You know you won’t have any regrets! We truly cannot wait to give you a hand.