The Dangers of Leaky Appliances

When an appliance begins to leak, even just a small amount, it can be a huge deal. A small drip can turn into a major leak, and a major leak can evolve into a flood. As soon as you detect a leak in your home, contact the professionals! It’s never too early to tackle a leaky appliance, and the last thing you want on your hands is a flood inside your kitchen! The Steam Team has several years of experience handling leakly appliances! Don’t hesitate to give us a call.

The Dangers of Leaky Appliances

The foremost danger you’ll be faced with when it comes to leaky appliances is mold. This may not come as a surprise to you if you know anything about how mold grows! It thrives in damp, dark environments… like wet cabinets from a leaky dishwasher, or wet floorboards from a leaky refrigerator! Once mold begins to grow and spread, it can pose many threats to your health. Avoid all of this by calling in the professionals right away!

Calling in the Professionals

Because mold can be such a dangerous factor in this scenario of leaky appliances, you want to contact the pro’s as soon as you detect a leak, or any issue. Doing so will save you a ton of hassle in the long run. Obviously the longer you let a leak fester, the more you risk mold growing. A professional steam cleaning company, like The Steam Team can help you out in times like these.

How The Steam Team Can Help

When your appliances go kaput, we’re the people you want to call! The Steam Team can help with appliance leak clean up and water extraction, structural drying, and water damage restoration for the following: your water heater, washing machine, AC Unit drain, refrigerator and ice maker, and sink and dishwasher!

Again- never hesitate to give us a call! We’d love to help you out!