Getting Rid of Grease: Advice from the Experts

Are you having trouble removing those pesky grease stains on your carpeting, tiling, or countertops? Fret no longer! The Steam Team is here, and we can help you finally get rid of the stains that have been driving you bonkers! Follow these simple guidelines below for cleaning your carpet, tile, and countertops; we’ll handle the rest!

Grease Stains on Carpet

How do you remove grease stains from carpet? It’s quite simple, actually! You probably have a bottle of rubbing alcohol lying around in your medicine cabinet. Since rubbing alcohol is a solvent, it’ll help to dissolve the oil and separate it from the carpet fibers! Once the stain has lifted, rinse away the rubbing alcohol with water.

Grease Stains on Tile and/or Grout

What about tile and grout, when it comes to grease? It’s all too easy to spill while cooking an oily food. For grease stains on tile and grout, don your gloves and goggles, and pour one gallon of water into a bucket. Stir in ¾ C of liquid chlorine bleach. Let the mixture sit on the tile and grout for 30 minutes, wetting it as necessary. With a scrub brush, scrub the tile and grout in small sections. When finished, mop with plain water to rinse away the bleach!

Grease Stains on Countertops

Lastly, trust in the professionals to thoroughly clean grease off of your countertops. A professional-grade steam cleaner can remove grease stains from your countertops with ease. So give The Steam Team a call today! We’ll be out in no time to give you a hand!

The Steam Team has been serving the Austin community for over a decade now, and we’re not planning on stopping any time soon! Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today; we’ll come out to your home, inspect the area(s) that need cleaning, and we won’t leave until everything is spotless! You can rely on us to get the job done properly the first time.