How to Help Your Tile Look its Best

Tile and grout are often neglected on chore day due to the effort that goes into cleaning them; we totally get it! That’s why we offer our services to anyone in need of tile and grout cleaning! The Steam Team is an experienced group of professionals who’ve been serving the Austin community for over a decade, so we know exactly how to treat your tile and grout. But until we arrive, here are a few tips for keeping your tile looking its best!

Sweeping and Mopping

When it comes to keeping tile clean, sweeping and mopping are essential to your cleaning routine. You simply can’t escape it! Use your trusty floor cleaner, as long as it’s approved for tile and grout, and get to mopping! Make sure you’re changing out the water as frequently as it becomes dirty to prevent smudges on your flooring.


Every now and then, you have to get out the old scrub brush and get to scrubbing on your tile floor! Just make sure you aren’t using anything that’s abrasive, so that you don’t scratch or damage your beautiful tile!

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is by far the best method of cleaning for tile and grout. Only a steam cleaner can reach deep within the pores of grout and extract dirt and debris, and by using nothing except hot water and high water pressure! We always recommend steam cleaning over other methods of cleaning.

If your tile and grout is in need of some TLC, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We’re available 24/7 to come help you out. You don’t even have to worry about scrubbing your tile; you can skip that step altogether and move onto steam cleaning! So don’t wait! Give The Steam Team a call today.