Caring for Hardwood Floors: The Secret to A Longer Lifetime

Hardwood flooring looks beautiful in our homes, and lasts a long time, too! With the proper care, you can elongate the lifespan of your hardwood flooring! Here are three simple rules to caring for your hardwood the proper way! We hope you find them helpful!


Vacuum or Sweep Regularly


The first step to caring for your hardwood flooring is to vacuum and sweep. It’s important that you vacuum or sweep your floor on a routine basis. Doing so will surely catch all of the dust, dirt, and grime that builds up on your floor! So when chore day comes around, make sure you’re incorporating your hardwood flooring into the cleaning routine!


Place Area Rugs Around Your Home


Next, let’s talk about placing area rugs around your home. Area rugs help protect your flooring from regular wear and tear, caused by foot traffic. Simply put, they serve as a barrier between the soles of our feet and the hardwood flooring. They also add a touch of personality to the room!


Clean Spills and Spots Immediately


Finally, stain removal; let’s discuss what to do when an accident happens! As soon as an accident occurs (don’t we wish we could prevent them!), it’s important that you tend to it! Clean up spills and stains immediately. You can use a DIY concoction, or your favorite household cleaner, just as long as it’s safe for hardwood flooring! You wouldn’t want to cause even more damage by using the wrong cleaner.

If you need assistance caring for your hardwood flooring, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We have over a decade of experience with a wide variety of cleaning and restoration projects! Hardwood flooring shouldn’t be steam cleaned, but we have plenty of experience refinishing it and restoring it to its original condition! So pick up the phone today!