Don't Forget About Cleaning Those Window Treatments

When it comes to cleaning the house, window treatments don’t typically need regular maintenance every day. Over time, however, that becomes a different story. Since our draperies, blinds, and other window treatments are often the most neglected areas in our home when it comes to cleaning, they tend to build up dirt, dust, and other grime quickly. In some instances, this could be contributing to continued dust around the home or even those allergies that have been tickling your nose lately! So, what’s the best way to clean any type of window treatment?

A regular vacuum attachment is a good option for an every-now-and-then clean, but ultimately steam cleaning is one of the best options for cleaning drapes, curtains, and any other type of window treatment.

How It Works

Not only is steam cleaning effective, but it’s an extremely efficient cleaning method. We’re not talking about removing all of your window treatments and hand-washing them (if they’re fabric), nope! Everything can stay just where it is, there’s not much you’ll have to do besides let our technicians handle the job.

We’ll use a low moisture, hot water extraction method, or a dry cleaning method to safely remove dust, dander, dirt and other particles from your draperies. Since steam cleaning uses such low moisture, your window treatments will be dry in no time!

Expert Tips for Ongoing Care

While they’re not the most obvious piece of furniture or decoration around your home that needs to be cleaned, we can’t let you forget about your window treatments and their need for some regular TLC. To best maintain any curtains or drapes and keep them around as long as possible, rotate them every so often just like you might a rug or an armchair. This keeps the harsh sunlight from damaging their fabric so they’ll wear evenly.

If you need any more help with the window treatments around your home, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team. We’re here to clean those fabrics and bring them back to life!